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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 5 auguSt 2017

              Irish PM: Unique solutions needed for Brexit border dilemma

            By JILL LAWLESS              be  “unique  solutions  if  we
            Associated Press             are  to  preserve  all  that
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Brexit  is  we’ve  gained”  since  the
            the challenge of a genera-   Northern  Ireland  peace
            tion, and “unique solutions”  process  was  cemented
            will be needed to prevent  two decades ago and bor-
            it  doing  major  damage,  der  barriers  were  disman-
            Ireland’s prime minister said  tled.
            Friday.                      The  38-year-old  politician,
            Leo  Varadkar  said  a  so-  who    became     Ireland’s
            called  “hard  Brexit,”  in  youngest-ever  leader  in
            which Britain leaves the EU  June, said he did not want
            single market and customs  to  see  a  return  to  a  hard
            union,  would  mean  “bar-   border.
            riers  to  commerce  and  He  said  the  onus  was  on
            trade”  between  EU  mem-    supporters  of  Brexit  “to
            ber  Ireland  and  Northern  come  up  with  proposals
            Ireland, which is part of the  for  such  a  border”  and
            U.K.                         persuade  people  it  was  a
            Britain  voted  last  year  to  good idea.
            quit the 28-nation bloc and  “They’ve  already  had  14
            is due to formally leave the  months to do so,” he said.
            EU in March 2019.            “If  they  cannot  —  and  I
            The  decision  has  huge  im-  believe they cannot — we   Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar waves as he arrives at the university in Belfast to make a speech
            plications  for  Ireland,  the  can then talk meaningfully   on his first visit to Northern Ireland, Friday Aug. 4, 2017. Varadkar said Friday that a so-called “hard
                                                                      Brexit,” with Britain leaving the EU single market, would mean “barriers to commerce and trade”
            only EU country to share a  about  solutions  that  might   between EU member Ireland and Northern Ireland, part of the U.K. saying Brexit is the challenge of
            land border with the U.K. At  work for all of us.         a generation, and “unique solutions” will be needed to prevent it doing major damage.
            present the border is all but  “At  a  time  when  Brexit                                                             (Liam McBurney/PA via AP)
            invisible,  with  goods  and  threatens to drive a wedge
            people moving freely back  between  north  and  south     Divorce talks between Brit-  resolving issues around the  before  the  two  sides  can
            and forth.                   we  need  to  build  more    ain  and  the  bloc  are  un-  Irish border, the size of Brit-  start  hammering  out  their
            Speaking in Belfast, Varad-  bridges  and  fewer  bor-    derway, but EU officials say  ain’s exit bill and the status  future  economic  relation-
            kar  said  there  will  have  to  ders,” Varadkar said.   progress must be made on  of  EU  nationals  in  the  U.K.  ship. q

             Center-left government of major German state loses majority

            By GEIR MOULSON              ahead  of  a  national  elec-  caucus Friday.             election, Martin Schulz, ac-  solve  itself  and  for  a  new
            Associated Press             tion  on  Sept.  24  in  which  Twesten,  whose  old  party  cused  Twesten  in  a  Face-  election to take place “as
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  The  center-  Merkel  is  seeking  a  fourth  hadn’t  nominated  her  to  book  post  of  “betrayal  of  soon as possible.”
            left governor of one of Ger-  term.                       represent  her  constituency  the voters” as well as of the  It’s not clear when an early
            many’s  biggest  states  said  Since  2013,  a  coalition  of  in the next state vote, said  center-left coalition.  regional election could be
            Friday  that  he  would  seek  governor  Stephan  Weil’s  she  plans  to  join  Merkel’s  Weil  made  clear  that  he  held.  In  theory  at  least,  it
            an  early  regional  election  Social  Democrats  and  the  Christian Democrats.       wouldn’t quit, saying it was  could take place the same
            after  a  lawmaker’s  defec-  Greens  has  run  the  state  If  the  party’s  caucus  ac-  up  to  voters  to  determine  day  as  the  national  elec-
            tion  to  Chancellor  Angela  in  northwestern  Germany  cepts her, that would give  who holds a majority.          tion.
            Merkel’s conservatives cost  that is home to automaker  two  center-right  parties  a  “I will gladly face the will of  National  polls  show  the
            his coalition government its  Volkswagen  among  other  one-seat  majority  and  the  the voters at any time, but  Social  Democrats  under
            majority.                    companies.                   chance to oust Weil.         I will not give way to an in-  Schulz   trailing   longtime
            The  unexpected  devel-      The coalition had a single-  A  state  election  was  al-  trigue,” he told reporters in  German  leader  Merkel’s
            opments  in  Lower  Saxony  seat  majority  in  the  state  ready due in January.      Hannover.                    conservatives by a double-
            were  a  symbolic  blow  to  legislature until Green law-  Merkel’s Social Democratic  Weil said it was essential for  digit margin.q
            Germany’s  struggling  left  maker Elke Twesten left her  challenger  in  the  national  the  state  legislature  to  dis-
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