Page 8 - aruba-today-20170805
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                 Saturday 5 auguSt 2017
                Fire put out at 87-story residential skyscraper in Dubai

            By AYA BATRAWY                                                                                                      months  ago,  snagging  an
            Associated Press                                                                                                    apartment  on  the  54th
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-                                                                                         floor of the luxury tower. He
            ates (AP) - Police in Dubai                                                                                         said he was coming home
            reopened      the   streets                                                                                         after midnight when build-
            around one of the world’s                                                                                           ing security guards told him
            tallest  residential  skyscrap-                                                                                     to remain in the street be-
            ers after firefighters put out                                                                                      cause a fire had erupted.
            a blaze that erupted early                                                                                          He  said  his  roommate
            Friday in the high-rise, forc-                                                                                      grabbed  their  passports
            ing  residents  to  evacuate                                                                                        and that it took him more
            in  the  middle  of  the  night                                                                                     than  two  hours  to  come
            and sending chunks of de-                                                                                           down  the  stairway  be-
            bris plummeting below.                                                                                              cause  of  the  rush  of  peo-
            No major injuries had been                                                                                          ple trying to get out at the
            reported  in  the  tower,  lo-                                                                                      same  time.  At  least  one
            cated in an upscale water-                                                                                          woman  passed  out  in  the
            front  district  heavily  popu-                                                                                     stairway, Aletomeh said.
            lated  by  expatriates  from                                                                                        Nearly  the  entire  length
            around  the  world.  A  few                                                                                         of  the  building  on  one
            people  were  treated  for                                                                                          side  became  engulfed  in
            smoke  inhalation,  accord-                                                                                         flames  at  one  point  dur-
            ing  to  Dubai’s  Gulf  News   Fire damage is shown on the Torch Tower at Marina district in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Friday,   ing  the  blaze  as  residents
            website.                     Aug. 4, 2017. Firefighters have put out a blaze that broke out early Friday in one of the world’s   looked  on  from  below,
            Several  residents  said  the   tallest residential towers in Dubai, engulfing part of the skyscraper and sending chunks of debris   many in tears. The firefight-
            fire  broke  out  just  after  1   plummeting below, the city authorities said.                                     ers  battled  the  blaze  for
            a.m.  at  the  87-story  Torch                                                            (AP Photo/Kamran Jebreili)  more  than  two  hours.  Of-
            Tower  —  a  more  than                                                                                             ficials  say  84  floors  of  the
            1,100-foot-tall  (335  me-                                                                                          building   are   residential
            ters)  residential  building  in   cade of the building were  in Dubai have been linked  reza  Aletomeh,  a  resident   and three are for services.
            Dubai’s Marina district.     also burnt, they said.       to  highly  flammable  build-  of the tower. “I had cash in   Dubai’s  Civil  Defense  an-
            The  tower  has  676  apart-  The same building had also  ing cladding — as was the  there,  furniture,  paintings.   nounced  at  about  3:30
            ments — 38 of which were     caught fire just two-and-a-  devastating  June  tower  ... Many things that are very   a.m.  that  firefighters  had
            burnt  and  destroyed  by    half years earlier.          fire in London that killed at  valuable to me.”           brought  the  blaze  under
            the  fire,  according  to  the   The cause of the fire on was  least 80 people.        Aletomeh,  a  sales  man-    control  and  said  cooling
            official Dubai media office.   not immediately known but  “You  never  think  it’s  going  ager,  said  he  moved  to   operations  were  under-
            Sixty-four  floors  of  the  fa-  in  the  past,  such  infernos  to happen to you,” said Ali-  the  Torch  Tower  just  three   way. q

                                                                                                   Italian wine harvest begins 10

                                                                                                   days early with heat, drought

                                                                                                   By COLLEEN BARRY             production  is  expected  to
                                                                                                   BRIAN HENDRIE                be 10 percent to 15 percent
                                                                                                   Associated Press             lower than last year due to
                                                                                                   COCCAGLIO,  Italy  (AP)  weather  conditions,  which
                                                                                                   —  The  Italian  wine  grape  included  in  some  areas
                                                                                                   harvest is having its earliest  an  early  bloom  followed
                                                                                                   start  in  a  decade  due  to  by  late  frost,  while  violent
                                                                                                   the effects of the summer’s  hailstorms struck elsewhere.
                                                                                                   heatwave and drought.        At  the  same  time,  the
                                                                                                   Producers     of    bubbly  quality  is  expected  to  be
                                                                                                   spumante        in     the  excellent  in  places  like
                                                                                                   Franciacorta    area    of  Franciacorta,  where  there
                                                                                                   Lombardy,      some     80  were  periodic  rains  in
                                                                                                   kilometers  (50  miles)  east  June and July followed by
                                                                                                   of  Milan  in  northern  Italy,  intense heat, which creates
                                                                                                   officially launched the 2017  more  concentrated  sugar
                                                                                                   harvest  on  Friday,  10  days  levels  optimal  for  wine
                                                                                                   earlier than last year.      production.
                                                                                                   “Every  year,  we  need  Last  year,  Italy  produced
                                                                                                   to  pay  close  attention  5.16  billion  liters  of  wine.
                                                                                                   to  the  vine.  There  is  no  Coldiretti  said  this  year’s
                                                                                                   longer  certainty  on  when  production would depend
                                                                                                   to  harvest,”  said  Claudio  on   weather   conditions
                                                                                                   Faccoli,   a    winemaker  in  the  coming  months.
                                                                                                   whose    label   produces  The  harvest  begins  with
                                                                                                   55,000 bottles a year. “We  pinot   and    chardonnay
                                                                                                   need  to  keep  an  eye  on  and  continues  into  early
                                                                                                   the climatic situation.”     October  with  grapes  that
                                                                                                   The  Coldiretti  agricultural  yield more spicy red wines,
                                                                                                   lobby  said  Italian  wine  like Valpolicella.q
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