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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 5 auguSt 2017

            Police: Professor suspected in murder sent video apologizing

                                                                      with Lathem on the day of  counter  at  the  library  and  to be on the lookout for the
                                                                      the slaying.                 were at a loss to explain the  two men, who are consid-
                                                                      Earlier on Friday, police dis-  donation. “I’ve never seen  ered  armed  and  danger-
                                                                      closed  that  on  the  day  of  where  suspects  in  a  homi-  ous.  Authorities  also  have
                                                                      the  slaying  —  but  before  cide would make a dona-     been  alerted  in  England,
                                                                      the  body  was  discovered  tion  in  the  victim’s  name,”  where  Warren  was  a  resi-
                                                                      —  Lathem  and  Warren  said Lt. Edward Gritzner.         dent at Somerville College,
                                                                      drove  about  80  miles  (128  Chicago  police  have  said  a part of the Oxford Univer-
                                                                      kilometers)  northwest  to  they  believe  they  know  sity Network.
                                                                      Lake  Geneva,  Wisconsin,  where the men have gone  Police  have  released  very
                                                                      where  one  of  them  made  or  are  heading,  but  they  few  details  about  the  in-
                                                                      a  $1,000  cash  donation to  have not disclosed details.  vestigation. They have said
                                                                      the  public  library  there  in  To prevent them from leav-  that Lathem had a person-
                                                                      Cornell-Duranleau’s  name.  ing  the  United  States,  au-  al relationship with Cornell-
                                                                      Lake  Geneva  police  said  thorities  have  flagged  the  Duranleau, who moved to
                                                                      the man making the dona-     passports  of  Lathem  and  Chicago  from  the  Grand
                                                                      tion did not give his name.  Warren.  Law  enforcement  Rapids, Michigan, area af-
                                                                      Police  said  there  is  no  sur-  agencies across the United  ter  receiving  his  cosmetol-
                                                                      veillance  video  of  the  en-  States  have  been  notified  ogy license.q

            This undated photo released by the Chicago Police Department
            shows Wyndham Lathem, an associate professor of microbiology
            and immunology at Northwestern University. An arrest warrant
            was issued Monday, July 31, 2017, for Lathem and another man
            in connection to the stabbing death of a Chicago man on July
                                    (Chicago Police Department via AP)
            By DON BABWIN                tigation,  has  interviewed
            Associated Press             several of the people who
            CHICAGO (AP) — A North-      received  the  video  from
            western University professor  Lathem,  an  associate  mi-
            suspected  in  the  stabbing  crobiology   professor   at
            death  of  a  Chicago  man  Northwestern.     Guglielmi
            sent a video to friends and  declined  to  discuss  details
            relatives apologizing for his  of  the  video  or  release  it
            involvement in a crime that  because  he  said  it  could
            he called the “biggest mis-  be used in future interroga-
            take of my life,” raising con-  tion efforts.
            cern  among  investigators  The video is the latest twist
            that he might kill himself.  in  the  bizarre  slaying  of
            “We are trying to keep this  Trenton  James  Cornell-Du-
            from becoming more trag-     ranleau,  26,  whose  body
            ic  than  it  already  is,”  Chi-  was found stabbed several
            cago  Police  Department  times  inside  Lathem’s  Chi-
            spokesman  Anthony  Gug-     cago apartment on July 27.
            lielmi said Friday. He asked  First-degree  murder  war-
            that  anyone  who  either  is  rants have been issued for
            with  Wyndham  Lathem  or  Lathem,  42,    and  Andrew
            knows his location contact  Warren,  a  56-year-old  Uni-
            law  enforcement  immedi-    versity of Oxford employee
            ately.Guglielmi  said  that  in  England,  who  was  seen
            the  U.S.  Marshals  Service,  on surveillance video leav-
            which has joined the inves-  ing  the  high-rise  building
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