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                 Saturday 5 auguSt 2017
             Trump says states can count on federal cash in emergencies

            By  KEN  THOMAS,  Associ-    Management        Agency,  Atlanta  that  forced  the  sponse  during  emergen-        to  four  “major”  hurricanes
            ated Press                   where  he  and  members  closure of a portion of Inter-   cies.  Video  maps  line  the  with  sustained  winds  of  at
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  of  his  Cabinet  received  a  state 85.                   walls to help officials moni-  least 111 mph.
            Gearing up for the heart of  briefing  on  the  summer’s  The president spoke a few  tor  storms,  weather  condi-  Forecasters  expect  warm-
            hurricane season, President  hurricane  season,  which  hours before embarking on  tions and more.                  er-than-average     waters
            Donald  Trump  said  Friday  began  June  1.  “We  are  his  own  summer  vacation  Federal  officials  predicted  across  the  tropical  Atlan-
            that states can count on his  very strong with respect to  at  his  golf  club  in  Bedmin-  in  May  that  the  U.S.  could  tic  Ocean  and  Caribbean
            administration  to  dispense  FEMA.  FEMA  is  something  ster, New Jersey.            face  11  to  17  named  Sea this summer.
            U.S.  emergency  funds  effi-  I’ve  been  very  much  in-  During  his  stop  at  FEMA  storms,  including  five  to  Tropical   Storm   Emily
            ciently.                     volved in already.”          headquarters,  Trump  got  nine hurricanes.               drenched  parts  of  Florida
            “We  do  it  quickly.  We  do  Trump cited the administra-  a  tour  of  the  command  The National Oceanic and  earlier  this  week  with  rain,
            it  effectively,”  Trump  said  tion’s response to a bridge  center, the hub where the  Atmospheric    Administra-  but  no  hurricanes  have
            at  the  Federal  Emergency  collapse  near  downtown  agency  coordinates  its  re-   tion forecast predicted two  formed so far.q
                    Flynn files new financial form reporting ties to data firm

            STEPHEN BRAUN                                                                                                       describe details of the filing
            Associated Press                                                                                                    made to the White House.
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            The  details  of  Flynn’s  role
            dent  Donald  Trump’s  for-                                                                                         with  SCL  weren’t  fully  laid
            mer national security advis-                                                                                        out, the person said, noting
            er, Michael Flynn, disclosed                                                                                        that  Flynn  terminated  his
            a brief advisory role with a                                                                                        involvement  shortly  after
            firm related to a controver-                                                                                        Trump won the presidency.
            sial data analysis company                                                                                          Cambridge  Analytica  is
            that aided the Trump cam-                                                                                           backed  by  the  family  of
            paign,  according  to  a  fil-                                                                                      Robert  Mercer,  a  hedge
            ing Flynn submitted to the                                                                                          fund  manager  who  also
            White House.                                                                                                        supported  the  campaign
            The  disclosure  of  Flynn’s                                                                                        and  other  conservative
            link  to  Cambridge  Analyt-                                                                                        candidates  and  causes.
            ica came in an amended                                                                                              Trump administration chief
            public  financial  filing  in                                                                                       strategist  Steve  Bannon
            which the retired U.S. Army                                                                                         was  a  vice  president  of
            lieutenant  general  also                                                                                           Cambridge  Analytica  be-
            discloses  income  that  in-                                                                                        fore  he  joined  the  Trump
            cludes payments from the                                                                                            campaign.
            Trump transition team. The                                                                                          Media  reports  in  Britain
            filing  was  made  public  by                                                                                       and  some  statements  by
            the White House on Friday    In this Feb. 1, 2017 photo, then-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn speaks at the White House,   leaders  involved  in  the
            in response to an Associat-  in Washington. Flynn disclosed a brief advisory role with a firm related to a controversial data   pro-Brexit  campaign  had
            ed Press reporter’s request.  analysis company that aided the Trump campaign, according to a filing Flynn submitted to the   linked  Cambridge  Ana-
                                         White House.
            The  amended  disclosure                                                                  (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)  lytica  to  the successful  ef-
            lists  Flynn  as  an  adviser                                                                                       fort  in  2016  to  pull  Britain
            to  SCL  Group,  a  Virginia-                                                                                       out of the European Union.
            based  company  related      Trump’s campaign.            Flynn  agreed  to  do  con-  as  part  of  the  agreement   But the company said in a
            to  Cambridge  Analytica,    A  person  close  to  Flynn  sulting  for  the  firm,  but  he  with SCL Group. The person   statement Friday that it did
            the data mining and anal-    told the AP that just before  never performed any work  spoke  to  AP  on  condition   not  work  on  the  referen-
            ysis  firm  that  worked  with   the end of the campaign,  or accepted any payment  of  anonymity  Thursday  to     dum campaign. q

                  US officially tells UN it wants out of Paris climate deal

            By SETH BORENSTEIN           cision in June to leave the  fect on Nov. 4, 2016.        change  deals.  The  next  Barack Obama. But Trump
            AP Science Writer            accord.                      Then  the  process  takes  a  meeting is in Bonn, Germa-  can’t  unilaterally  change
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  “The  State  Department  is  year.                           ny, in November.             the text of the Paris deal.
            Trump administration on Fri-  telling  that  U.N.  what  the  The   State   Department  Trump  is  “open  to  re-en-  Under Obama,
            day  officially  told  the  Unit-  president  already  told  the  cited  the  same  timeline,  gaging  in  the  Paris  Agree-   the U.S. agreed to reduce
            ed Nations that the U.S. in-  world on June 1 and it has  saying it can officially start  ment  if  the  United  States  polluting  emissions  more
            tends to pull out of the 2015  no legal effect,” said Nigel  withdrawing as soon as No-  can identify terms that are  than  a  quarter  from  2005
            Paris climate pact.          Purvis,                      vember 2019.                 more  favorable  to  it,  its  levels by the year 2025.
            But the State Department’s  who  directed  U.S.  climate  That means the earliest the  business, its workers, its peo-  There is no climate court.
            announcement       doesn’t  diplomacy  during  the  Bill  U.S.  can  be  out  of  the  cli-  ple and its taxpayers,” the  All  that’s  required  in  the
            formally  start  the  process  Clinton  and  George  W.  mate agreement is Nov. 4,  department said.                agreement is a plan and re-
            of  the  U.S.  getting  out  of  Bush administrations.    2020  —  the  day  after  the  Under   the   agreement,  porting on progress toward
            the  voluntary  agreement.  Purvis  said  countries  can’t  next presidential election.  countries set their own na-  reaching self-set goals.
            That’s still to come.        withdraw from new interna-   In  a  statement,  the  State  tional  plans  for  cutting  cli-  No  matter  what  the  U.S.
            Still,  the  department  de-  tional  agreements,  includ-  Department  said  the  U.S.  mate emissions.            does,  the  Paris  agreement
            scribed  its  communication  ing  the  Paris  climate  one,  will continue to participate  That  means  Trump  can  remains  in  effect  because
            as  a  “strong  message”  to  until  three  years  after  they  in  international  meetings  come up with different tar-  enough other countries rat-
            the  world,  following  Presi-  go  into  effect.  The  Paris  and  negotiations  on  cur-  gets  for  the  United  States  ified it.q
            dent  Donald  Trump’s  de-   agreement  went  into  ef-   rent  and  future  climate  than those set by President
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