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A28    u.s. news
                     Diasabra 23 aPriL 2022

                           Marjorie Taylor Greene hostile in testimony over eligibility

                                                                      While Greene wasn’t on the  that reference as a call to vio-  calm, he said.
                                                                      steps of the Capitol, she nev-  lence, Greene said that wasn’t
                                                                      ertheless played an important  her  intention  and  that  she  “Rep. Greene was a victim of
                                                                      role  in  stoking  Republican  was talking about her plans to  this attack,” Bopp said, add-
                                                                      fury ahead of the attack, Fein  object  to  the  certification  of  ing that she believed her life
                                                                      said.                        electoral votes.             could be in danger.

                                                                      Unlike  the  Civil  War  and  “I was talking about the cour-  Dozens of Greene supporters
                                                                      other  insurrections  that  in-  age to object,” she said.  attended the hearing, includ-
                                                                      volved military uniforms and                              ing  U.S.  Rep.  Matt  Gaetz,
                                                                      tactics,  he  said,  “The  lead-  Celli appeared to grow frus-  a  Florida  Republican  and
                                                                      ers of this insurrection were  trated  at  times  when  she  staunch Greene ally.
                                                                      among  us,  on  Facebook,  on  didn’t  directly  answer  his
                                                                      Twitter,  on  corners  of  social  questions  and  said  he  was  In  a  statement  Thursday,
                                                                      media that would make your  speculating.                  Trump  incorrectly  blamed
                                                                      stomach hurt.”                                            Raffensperger  and  Georgia
            (AP) — U.S. Rep. Marjorie  tified that she has never en-                               “Ms. Greene, I’m just asking  Gov.  Brian  Kemp,  both  Re-
            Taylor Greene was hostile  dorsed violence.               Andrew  Celli,  a  lawyer  for  questions,” he said.      publicans,  for  allowing  the
            during  testimony  Friday  Greene is set to appear on the  the  voters,  cross-examined                             challenge  against  Greene,
            in a hearing on her eligi-   Republican  ballot  for  Geor-  Greene  about  posts  on  her  “I’m just answering,” she re-  saying she is “going through
            bility to run for reelection,  gia’s  May  24  primary  and  social media accounts. When  sponded.                  hell in their attempt to unseat
            saying she did not remem-    has been endorsed by former  asked  about  the  fact  that                             her.”
            ber  liking  and  making  President  Donald  Trump.  her  Facebook  account  had,  James  Bopp,  a  lawyer  for
            various social media posts  The administrative law judge  in  2019,  “liked”  a  post  call-  Greene,  said  his  client  “did  In  fact,  the  challenge  to
            surrounding the attack on  overseeing  the  hearing  is  ing  for  Democratic  House  not  engage  in  the  attack  on  Greene’s eligibility to run for
            the  U.S.  Capitol  last  year  not  the  ultimate  decider  of  Speaker  Nancy  Pelosi  to  be  the  Capitol,”  and  the  chal-  reelection  was  filed  by  five
            and accusing an opposing  Greene’s  candidacy  since  he  shot in the head, Greene said  lengers are making a very se-  voters  who  live  in  her  dis-
            lawyer of speculating and  must present his findings to  she had no memory of doing  rious charge with significant  trict,  and  the  procedure  for
            twisting her words.          Republican Secretary of State  that  and  said  someone  else  ramifications.          such  a  challenge  is  outlined
                                         Brad  Raffensperger,  who  could have been responsible.                                in Georgia law.
            Voters  in  the  Georgia  con-  then must determine wheth-                             “They want to deny the right
            gresswoman’s  district  have  er Greene is qualified.     Whenever  Celli  suggested  to  vote  to  the  thousands  of  The law says any voter who’s
            said Greene helped facilitate                             that  she’d  endorsed  the  use  people living in the 14th Dis-  eligible to vote for a candidate
            the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection  Greene  has  repeatedly  de-  of  violence  to  interrupt  the  trict of Georgia by removing  can challenge that candidate’s
            that disrupted certification of  nied aiding or engaging in an  certification  of  the  electoral  Greene  from  the  ballot,”  he  qualifications by filing a writ-
            President Joe Biden’s victory,  insurrection  and  has  filed  a  votes,  Greene  asserted  she  said.              ten complaint. The secretary
            making her ineligible for re-  lawsuit  alleging  that  the  law  doesn’t support violence and                      of state then has to request a
            election under a rarely cited  the voters are using to chal-  was  encouraging  peaceful  Greene  met  with  Trump  hearing before an administra-
            section  of  the  14th  Amend-  lenge  her  eligibility  is  itself  protest.          about  making  objections  to  tive law judge.
            ment dealing with “insurrec-  unconstitutional.                                        certain  states’  electoral  votes
            tion or rebellion.”                                       Celli played a clip of an inter-  because  of  concerns  about  Raffensperger  and  Kemp
                                         But  Ron  Fein,  a  lawyer  for  view Greene did Jan. 5, 2021,  voter  fraud,  Bopp  said.  At  both attracted Trump’s wrath
            But Greene — who, the day  the voters who filed the chal-  in which she said this is “our  the time of the riot, she was  shortly after the 2020 election
            before the Capitol riot, pro-  lenge,  said  Greene  took  an  1776  moment.”  When  Celli  in a dark hallway at the Capi-  when  they  refused  to  take
            claimed  on  TV  that  this  is  oath  and  then  broke  it  by  asked  if  she  was  aware  that  tol  urging  people  via  social  steps  to  overturn  Trump’s
            “our  1776  moment”  —  tes-  engaging  in  an  insurrection.  some Trump supporters used  media to be safe and remain  narrow loss in the state.

                           NYC reservoir releases raise worries about stormier future

            (AP) — As western regions con-      river.”                             north of Manhattan and is the second
            tend    with   drier   conditions,                                      largest of city’s 19 reservoirs. It was  The  current  controversy  revolves
            New  York  City  is  under  fire  for  The  tensions  between  upstate  resi-  created  more  than  a  century  ago  by  around interim rules that allow large
            sometimes  releasing  hundreds  dents and the city of 8.8 million peo-  damming the Esopus Creek, displac-  water  releases  —  up  to  600  million
            of millions of gallons of water a  ple  to  the  south  touch  on  how  the  ing low-lying communities and seed-  gallons  a  day  —  from  the  Ashokan
            day  from  a  key  reservoir  in  the  largest unfiltered water supply in the  ing  long-lasting  local  resentments  through  a  channel  that  links  to  the
            Catskill Mountains.                 country  will  operate  in  an  expected  over  issues  like  watershed  land-use  lower Esopus.
                                                stormier future. Opponents pushing  restrictions.
            The occasional releases, often around  for changes to the water releases got
            storms,  have  been  used  to  manage  a boost recently when state regulators
            water levels in the Ashokan Reservoir  told the city to take a deeper look at
            and to keep the water clear. But resi-  their effects.
            dents  downstream  say  the  periodic
            surges  cause  ecological  harm  along  City  officials  say  they’re  trying  to
            the  lower  Esopus  Creek.  They  say  strike  the  difficult  balance  of  re-
            the  high  flows  churn  up  the  water  sponding  to  downstream  concerns
            so much it turns the scenic Hudson  while delivering quality water.
            River tributary into the color of choc-
            olate milk.                         “If there was an easy solution to all
                                                this that could satisfy everyone’s con-
            “These people can afford to offer New  cerns, including ours, we’d be happy
            York City cheap, clean, beautiful wa-  to do it,” said Paul Rush, deputy com-
            ter by destroying ours,” said Michael  missioner  for  the  city’s  Department
            Vallarella, who lives on the creek in  of  Environmental  Protection.  “But
            Saugerties. Standing on his back deck  this is a really difficult problem.”
            recently, he swiped through pictures
            on  his  phone  of  the  water  looking  The Ashokan Reservoir sits by rolling
            like “Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory  mountains 80 miles (130 kilometers)
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