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A30    world news
                     Diasabra 23 aPriL 2022

                          Leaders of 2 Koreas exchange letters of hope amid tensions

                                                                      in his letter to Kim acknowl-  tive  strike  capabilities  and  North  Korea  also  severed
                                                                      edged setbacks in inter-Kore-  anti-missile systems to deter  all cooperation with Moon’s
                                                                      an relations but insisted that  North Korean attacks.     government while expressing
                                                                      their  aspirational  vows  for                            anger  over  the  continuation
                                                                      peace  during  their  summits  Tensions on the Korean Pen-  of  U.S.-South  Korea  mili-
                                                                      in 2018 and an accompanying  insula have risen since a series  tary  exercises,  which  were
                                                                      military  agreement  aimed  at  of  North  Korean  weapons  curtailed  in  recent  years  to
                                                                      defusing  border  area  clashes  tests  this  year,  including  its  promote diplomacy with the
                                                                      remain relevant as a founda-  first flight-test of an intercon-  North,  and  Seoul’s  inability
                                                                      tion for future cooperation.  tinental ballistic missile since  to  wrest  concessions  from
                                                                                                   2017  in  March,  reviving  the  Washington on its behalf.
                                                                      Moon  also  expressed  hope  nuclear brinkmanship aimed
                                                                      for  a  resumption  of  nuclear  at forcing the U.S. to accept  Analysts  say  North  Korea  is
                                                                      talks  between  Washington  it as a nuclear power and to  likely to escalate its weapons
                                                                      and Pyongyang and for Kim  remove crippling sanctions.    demonstrations  in  coming
                                                                      to  pursue  cooperation  with                             weeks  or  months  to  force  a
                                                                      Seoul’s next government led  South  Korea’s  military  has  reaction from the Biden ad-
                                                                      by  conservative  President-  also detected signs that North  ministration, which has been
            (AP) — The leaders of the                                 elect Yoon Suk Yeol, Moon’s  Korea  is  rebuilding  tunnels  focused  on  Russia’s  war  on
            rival  Koreas  exchanged  KCNA said Moon told Kim  spokesperson  Park  Kyung-          at  a  nuclear  testing  ground  Ukraine  and  a  rivalry  with
            letters expressing hope for  he  would  continue  to  cam-  mee said.                  it partially dismantled weeks  China.
            improved  bilateral  rela-   paign  for  Korean  reunifica-                            before  Kim’s  first  meeting
            tions,  which  plummeted  tion even after he leaves of-   While sending a letter to the  with  then-President  Donald  Biden’s  special  envoy  for
            in  the  past  three  years  fice  next  month,  basing  his  North’s leader is a courtesy as  Trump  in  June  2018,  a  pos-  North  Korea,  Sung  Kim,
            amid  a  freeze  in  nuclear  efforts  on  their  joint  decla-  the South’s leaves office, ana-  sible indicator that the coun-  traveled  to  Seoul  this  week
            negotiations  and  North  rations for peace issued after  lyst  Cheong  Seong-Chang  try  is  preparing  to  resume  for  meetings  with  senior
            Korea’s       accelerating  their  summit  meetings  in  at the South’s private Sejong  nuclear explosive tests.    South  Korean  officials  and
            weapons development.         2018.                        Institute said, the North pub-                            said they agreed on the need
                                                                      licized the personal exchange  Staking  his  single  presiden-  for  a  strong  response  to
            North  Korea’s  state  media  Kim and Moon shared views  with an aim to create division  tial  term  on  inter-Korean  counter  North  Korea’s  “de-
            said  leader  Kim  Jong  Un  that  “inter-Korean  relations  in  South  Korea  ahead  of  a  rapprochement,  Moon  met  stabilizing behavior.”
            on  Wednesday  received  a  would  improve  and  develop  government change.           Kim three times in 2018 and
            personal  letter  from  outgo-  as desired and anticipated by                          lobbied  hard  to  help  set  up  After maintaining a concilia-
            ing  South  Korean  President  the  (Korean)  nation  if  the  “Considering indications that  Kim’s meetings with Trump.  tory  tone  for  years,  Moon’s
            Moon  Jae-in  and  replied  (North and the South) make  North  Korea  is  preparing  But the diplomacy never re-    government  objected  more
            on  Thursday  with  his  own  tireless  efforts  with  hope,”  for  its  seventh  nuclear  test,  covered  from  the  collapse  strongly  to  North  Korea’s
            letter  appreciating  Moon’s  KCNA said.                  it’s  questionable  whether  it  of  the  second  Kim-Trump  weapons tests this year, criti-
            peace efforts during his term.                            was  appropriate  for  Presi-  meeting in 2019 in Vietnam,  cizing Kim’s government for
            Pyongyang’s  official  Korean  Moon’s office confirmed the  dent  Moon  to  send  a  letter  where the Americans reject-  ending  its  self-imposed  sus-
            Central  News  Agency  said  exchange  of  letters  shortly  to Chairman Kim to express  ed  North  Korea’s  demands  pension of long-range missile
            Friday  their  exchange  of  after  KCNA’s  report,  but  his warm greetings,” Cheong  for  major  sanctions  relief  in  testing and urging a return to
            letters  showed  their  “deep  spent  hours  before  releas-  said.                    exchange for dismantling an  diplomacy.
            trust.”                      ing  its  version  of  what  was                          aging  nuclear  facility,  which
                                         said,  which  indicated  that  Yoon,  who  takes  office  on  would  have  amounted  to  a  Seoul has also accused North
            Experts  say  North  Korea’s  the  North  didn’t  coordinate  May  10,  has  harshly  de-  partial surrender of its nucle-  Korea  of  destroying  South
            announcement of the letters,  with  Seoul  before  announc-  scribed  Moon’s  foreign  pol-  ar capabilities.       Korean-owned facilities at the
            which came as Kim possibly  ing  the  exchange.  KCNA’s  icy  for  being  “subservient”                             North’s Diamond Mountain
            prepares  for  a  nuclear  test  report  wasn’t  published  on  toward North Korea and said  Kim has since vowed to bol-  resort  where  they  ran  tours
            and  other  major  provoca-  the  North’s  official  Rodong  he wouldn’t pursue “talks for  ster  his  nuclear  deterrent  to  together  until  2008.  Kim  in
            tions,  is  aimed  at  dividing  Sinmun  newspaper,  read  by  talks’  sake.”  He  has  vowed  counter  “gangster-like”  U.S.  2019  called  the  South  Ko-
            public opinion in South Ko-  its domestic audience, show-  to  strengthen  South  Korea’s  pressure  and  sped  up  his  rean facilities there “shabby”
            rea and discouraging Seoul’s  ing that the message was in-  defense  in  conjunction  with  weapons  development  de-  and ordered them destroyed,
            new government from taking  tended for the South.         its  alliance  with  the  United  spite  limited  resources  and  though the work was delayed
            a hard line toward Pyongyang                              States,  which  he  says  would  pandemic-related difficulties.  by the coronavirus pandemic.
            after its inauguration in May.  According  to  Seoul,  Moon  include  enhancing  preemp-

                        French accuse Russian mercenaries of staging burials in Mali

            (AP) — The French mili-      Malian  bodies  with  sand  4  of the bodies have been post-  control  of  the  Gossi  base  to  patched  to  Gossi  to  investi-
            tary  has  released  videos  kilometers  (2.5  miles)  east  ed  on  accounts  that  support  Malian  soldiers  on  Tuesday,  gate,  adding  “it  is  still  early
            appearing  to  show  Rus-    of the Gossi military base in  Russia or fake accounts cre-  in what the French said was  for us to react on this case.”
            sian  mercenaries  burying  the  country’s  north,  accord-  ated  by  Wagner,  the  officer  a  safe,  orderly  and  transpar-
            bodies near an army base  ing to a French military offi-  said.  The  tweets  blame  the  ent  manner.  Later  that  day  The French military said the
            in  northern  Mali,  which  cer who spoke on condition  French  for  the  killings  and  a “French sensor observed a  move to discredit the French
            it  says  is  part  of  a  smear  of anonymity because he was  the burials, according to the  dozen  Caucasian  individu-  forces  operating  in  north-
            campaign     against   the  not authorized to speak to the  French officer.            als, most likely belonging to  ern Mali is part of a coordi-
            French  who  handed  the  press on the matter.                                         the  Wagner  Group,”  and  a  nated  campaign  of  multiple
            base to Malian forces ear-                                One  tweet  from  an  account  detachment from the Malian  information attacks on them
            lier this week.              In the video one of the sol-  called  Dia  Diarra,  alleged-  army arrive at the Gossi site  that  has  been  going  on  for
                                         diers  appears  to  be  filming  ly  created  by  Wagner,  said:  and  unload  equipment,  said  months.
            Aerial  surveillance  images  the scene. The Caucasian sol-  “This is what the French left  the French military in a con-
            taken by the French military  diers in the video are believed  behind when they left base at  fidential report that was seen
            on  Thursday  morning  and  to be members of the Wagner  #Gossi.  These  are  excerpts  by AP.
            provided  to  The  Associated  Group, a Russian mercenary  from  a  video  that  was  taken
            Press show what appear to be  force, the officer said.    after  they  left!  We  cannot  Mali’s army spokesman Col.
            10 Caucasian soldiers cover-                              keep silent about this!”     Souleymane  Dembele  said
            ing  approximately  a  dozen  Several  tweets  with  pictures  The French army transferred  that  a  team  has  been  dis-
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