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                                                                                                       sports Diasabra 23 aPriL 2022

                           Cantlay and Schauffele open with 59 to lead Zurich Classic

            (AP)  —  Patrick  Cantlay                                 hole,” Moore said. “That was
            and  Xander  Schauffele  Masters  champion  Scottie  kind of a win within its own
            are  a  good  team  even  Scheffler  and  Ryan  Palmer  right.”
            when  they’re  playing  for  were five shots behind at 64.
            cash and not just a flag.                                 Lipsky  avoided  the  hospital,
                                         The  second  round  moves  though  he  was  involved  in
            Cantlay holed a 25-foot eagle  to  foursomes,  and  while  al-  a  car  accident  earlier  in  the
            putt  early  and  chipped  in  ternate  is  the  more  difficult  week. Turns out there was a
            from  40  feet  for  birdie  late,  of  the  format,  Cantlay  and  car in front of him that had
            while Schauffele contributed  Schauffele have put together  broken  down,  and  as  Lip-
            six  birdies  of  his  own,  and  a  4-0  mark  in  their  partner-  sky went to change lanes he
            their  three  straight  birdies  ships  at  the  2019  Presidents  said  the  driver  behind  him
            to close gave them a 13-un-  Cup at Royal Melbourne and  slammed  on  the  brakes  and
            der 59 in fourballs Thursday  he 2021 Ryder Cup at Whis-  hit him.
            to lead the Zurich Classic of  tling Straits.
            New Orleans.                                              “I’m  all  right.  I  think  the
                                         “It’s  just  the  first  quar-  other two drivers were fine,”  that would not include Gar-  the  cups  —  were  extremely
            It  set  a  tournament  record  ter.  We’re  only  one  ahead,”  Lipsky  said.  “Yeah,  I  was  a  rigus,  whose  world  ranking  effective on the greens.
            since  the  Zurich  Classic  Cantlay said. “But we are go-  little bit of a hectic beginning  is at No. 1,043 — have said
            switched  to  team  play  in  ing  into  a  format  on  Friday  to the week.”          they are not interested in the  Only  three  of  their  11  sub-
            2017, and the Presidents Cup  that we really like — I think                            Greg  Norman-run  league  par holes were from putts in-
            and Ryder Cup partners were  Xander  and  I  really  like  al-  The  surprise  was  Garri-  offering a $20 million purse  side 10 feet.
            willing  to  claim  a  piece  of  ternate  shot.  It’s  one  of  our  gus  and  Gainey,  both  spon-  and $4 million to the winner.
            golf’s magic number.         strengths  for  the  week,  and  sor  exemptions,  joining  the                        “We played really well, made
                                         we’re really looking forward  group at 61. Garrigus was in  Garrigus  told  Golf  Channel  a lot of putts today on a day
            “I  haven’t  done  it  before.  to it.”                   the news earlier in the week  that he was focused only on  that  was  a  little  tricky  with
            I  don’t  think  Pat  has,  ei-                           when  Golfweek  reported  the Zurich Classic, and plen-   the  wind  and  didn’t  birdie
            ther. I’ll count in my book,”  Moore  was  lucky  to  have  and Golf Channel confirmed  ty of focus appeared to be in  a  lot  of  the  same  holes,”
            Schauffele said.             much strength at all         with  Garrigus  that  he  is  ap-  place. Gainey contributed six  Cantlay said. “When you do
                                                                      plying for a conflicting event  birdies,  while  Garrigus  had  that in this format, that’s re-
            They  had  a  one-shot  lead  He  was  in  the  emergency  release  to  play  in  the  first  five.                 ally the key.”
            over  the  team  of  Matthew  room  Wednesday  morn-      Saudi-funded LIV Golf com-
            NeSmith and Taylor Moore.  ing  from  food  poisoning,  petition.                      That was the trick on a windy  Equally  impressive  was  the
            The  group  at  61  included  got  some  fluids  and  nausea                           day  at  the  TPC  Louisiana,  father-son duo of Jay and Bill
            Robert Garrigus and Tommy  medicine  and  finally  was  The PGA Tour has until May  both  players  contributing.  Haas. The 68-year-old father
            Gainey,  and  Aaron  Rai  and  able to keep some food down  10 to decide whether to grant  Cantlay  and  Schauffele  —  had four of their seven bird-
            David Lipsky, two teams that  Thursday morning.           him a release to play in Lon-  who have gone on vacations  ies,  three  of  them  from  the
            have had their share of activ-                            don  a  week  before  the  U.S.  together  when  they  weren’t  15-foot range, in their 65.
            ity off the course.          “Just  tried  to  finish  every  Open.  The  top  players  —  representing their country in

                                 Video shows Mike Tyson punching airline passenger

            (AP)  —  Authorities  on  The video shows Tyson lean-     had  an  incident  on  a  flight  Both  were  released  pend-  the incident because it is an
            Thursday were investigat-    ing over the back of his seat  with an aggressive passenger  ing further investigation, the  active investigation.”
            ing  an  incident  in  which  repeatedly  striking  the  un-  who  began  harassing  him  statement said.
            former        heavyweight  identified  man  in  the  head,  and  threw  a  water  bottle  at                        JetBlue  didn’t  immediately
            champ Mike Tyson was re-     drawing  blood.  The  footage  him while he was in his seat,”  Another  passenger  on  the  respond to  an email seeking
            corded on video punching  was  first  shared  by  TMZ,  representatives for Tyson said  flight, Sarah Burchfield, said  additional details.
            a fellow first-class passen-  which  said  it  was  recorded  in an email to The Associated  she saw the man who Tyson
            ger aboard a plane at San  on a Jet Blue plane bound for  Press.                       punched at an airport bar ear-  Since Tyson, 55, retired from
            Francisco    International  Florida.                                                   lier appearing loud and quar-  boxing, he has worked as an
            Airport.                                                  Prior to the physical alterca-  relsome.                  actor, podcaster and cannabis
                                         “Unfortunately,  Mr.  Tyson  tion, the man is seen on the                              entrepreneur. He was in San
                                                                      video  standing  over  Tyson’s  “When I boarded the flight, I  Francisco for the annual 420
                                                                      seat,  waving  his  arms  and  thought, ‘Oh, no, that drunk  cannabis  festival  in  Golden
                                                                      talking animatedly while the  guy is on our flight,’” Burch-  Gate Park, where he was pro-
                                                                      former boxer sits quietly.   field told SFGate.           moting  his  cannabis  brand
                                                                                                                                Tyson 2.0, SFGate reported.
                                                                      San  Francisco  police  re-  Burchfield  said  when  she
                                                                      sponded  Wednesday  around  boarded  she  passed  Tyson’s  Tyson  became  the  young-
                                                                      10  p.m.  to  a  “physical  alter-  seat in the first class section  est  heavyweight  champion
                                                                      cation” on a plane at the air-  of the plane.             in history in 1987 at age 20.
                                                                      port’s domestic terminal, of-                             During his career he had 50
                                                                      ficials said.                “The belligerent guy was sit-  wins, 44 of them by knock-
                                                                                                   ting  right  behind  him  and  I  out.
                                                                      “Officers  arrived  and  de-  saw  they  were  interacting,”
                                                                      tained two subjects that were  she  said.  A  short  time  later,  In  the  1990s  Tyson  served
                                                                      believed  to  be  involved  in  she  heard  the  confrontation  three years in prison after be-
                                                                      the  incident.  One  subject  in first class, she said.   ing convicted of rape. He has
                                                                      was  treated  at  the  scene  for                         maintained his innocence in
                                                                      non-life-threatening injuries.  San Francisco police said the  that case.
                                                                      That subject provided mini-  video  has  been  shared  with
                                                                      mal  details  of  the  incident  the San Mateo County Sher-  Tyson  was  briefly  barred
                                                                      and refused to cooperate fur-  iff’s Office, which has juris-  from boxing after infamous-
                                                                      ther  with  the  police  investi-  diction over the airport.  ly biting off part of Evander
                                                                      gation,” police said in a state-                          Holyfield’s ear during a fight
                                                                      ment Thursday.               Sheriff’s officials said “we are  in 1997.
                                                                                                   not releasing information on
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