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                                     Hockey Hall of Famer Guy Lafleur dies at age 70

                                                                      move both the upper lobe of  Gary Bettman said in a state-  druple bypass surgery in Sep-
                                                                      his lung and lymph nodes.    ment. “As distinctively stylish  tember 2019 after it was dis-
                                                                                                   as he was remarkably talent-  covered four of his coronary
                                                                      Lafleur,  however,  received  ed, Lafleur cut a dashing and  arteries  were  fully  blocked,
                                                                      bad  news  in  October  2020  unmistakable  figure  when-  and a fifth was clogged close
                                                                      that  the  cancer  was  back,  ever he blazed down the ice  to 90 percent, during a rou-
                                                                      forcing  him  to  resume  his  of  the  Montreal  Forum,  his  tine  medical  exam  to  have
                                                                      treatment.                   long  blond  locks  flowing  in  his  helicopter  pilot’s  license
                                                                                                   his wake as he prepared to ri-  renewed.
                                                                      “I  get  the  immunotherapy  fle another puck past a help-
                                                                      the  first  three  weeks,  and  less goaltender — or set up a  Once the cancer was discov-
                                                                      then the fourth week I have  linemate for a goal.”        ered, he had one-third of his
                                                                      the big chemo,” Lafleur said                              right  lung  removed  by  doc-
                                                                      in an interview with The Ca-  Named  one  of  the  NHL’s  tors two months later.
                                                                      nadian Press in November.    100  greatest  players  of  all-
                                                                                                   time in 2017, Lafleur finished  A  chain  smoker  up  until
                                                                      “It’s  the  chemotherapy  that  with 560 goals and 793 assists  those  health  scares,  Lafleur
            (AP)  —  Hockey  Hall  of  tive pride. He was one of the  really hurts you badly.”     in 1,126 games in his 17 sea-  had  been  partnering  with
            Famer  Guy  Lafleur,  who  greatest  players  in  our  orga-                           sons.                        Merck  Canada  as  part  of  its
            helped  the  Montreal  Ca-   nization  while  becoming  an  Lafleur’s  family  released  a                          “Be The MVP” campaign to
            nadiens  win  five  Stanley  extraordinary ambassador for  statement earlier this month  He holds the Canadiens’ all-  raise  awareness  about  early
            Cup titles in the 1970s, has  our sport.”                 thanking  fans  for  their  em-  time  record  for  assists  and  lung cancer detection.
            died at age 70.                                           pathy and “the outpouring of  points. He scored at least 50
                                         Prime     Minister   Justin  love”  shown  the  Canadiens’  times  in  six  straight  cam-  “There’s not too many peo-
            The No. 1 pick in the 1971  Trudeau,  a  noted  Canadiens  great,  adding  he  was  being  paigns from 1974-75 to 1979-  ple that have a chance to grab
            NHL draft, Lafleur registered  fan, said Lafleur was “unlike  monitored closely by doctors  80.                     it  from  the  beginning,”  Laf-
            518 goals and 728 assists in 14  anyone else on the ice.”  and  had  occasional  hospital                           leur  said  in  his  November
            seasons with Montreal. With                               checkups, but was at home.   Lafleur  won  the  Art  Ross  interview  with  CP.  “Most
            the flashy forward leading the  “His  speed,  skill,  and  scor-                       Trophy  as  the  NHL’s  lead-  people  when  they  find  out,
            way, the Canadiens won it all  ing  were  hard  to  believe,”  Lafleur, who retired from the  ing scorer three straight years  it’s Stage 4.
            in 1973, and then four more  Trudeau  posted  on  Twitter.  NHL in 1985 after Montreal  from 1976 to 1978, the Hart
            times from 1976 to 1979.     “A  record-setter  and  a  five-  denied his request for a trade,  Trophy  as  league  MVP  in  “It’s  not  too  late,  because
                                         time Stanley Cup champion,  was inducted into the Hock-   1977 and 1978, and the Conn  there’s  miracles  out  there,
            Canadiens  President  Geoff  he  inspired  countless  Que-  ey Hall of Fame in 1988. But  Smythe  Trophy  as  playoff  and  there’s  people  that  are
            Molson said the organization  becers, Canadians, and hock-  he  made  a  comeback  later  MVP in 1977.              surviving.”
            was devastated.              ey fans around the world.    that year with the New York
                                                                      Rangers and then played two  “As  a  boy  in  Montreal,  Guy  Lafleur, who had his No. 10
            “Guy  Lafleur  had  an  excep-  Nicknamed  “The  Flower,”  more seasons with the Que-  was  larger  than  life  to  me,”  sweater  retired  by  the  Ca-
            tional  career  and  always  re-  LaFleur  was  diagnosed  with  bec Nordiques before hang-  fellow Hall of Fame forward  nadiens in 1985, hadn’t been
            mained  simple,  accessible,  lung  cancer  in  2019  when  ing up his skates for good in  Mario  Lemieux  said  in  a  out in public much in recent
            and  close  to  the  Habs  and  tumors  were  discovered  by  1991.                    statement. “I idolized him as  years following his cancer di-
            hockey fans in Quebec, Can-  doctors  performing  emer-                                a player, I respected him as a  agnosis  and  the  COVID-19
            ada  and  around  the  world,”  gency quadruple bypass heart  “You didn’t need to see Guy  person, and always cherished  pandemic, but did get a thun-
            Molson  said  in  a  statement.  surgery.                 Lafleur’s  name  and  number  him  as  a  friend.  He  will  be  derous  ovation  at  the  Bell
            “Throughout  his  career,  he                             on  his  sweater  when  ‘The  missed.”                    Centre  during  Montreal’s
            allowed  us  to  experience  Two  months  later,  he  went  Flower’ had the puck on his                             improbable  run  to  last  sea-
            great  moments  of  collec-  under  the  knife  again  to  re-  stick,”  NHL  Commissioner  Lafleur  underwent  his  qua-  son’s Cup final.

                            Grizzlies claw back from 26 down, beat Wolves in Game 3

            (AP)  —  Ja  Morant  and  The Grizzlies tied their fran-  Grizzlies,  who  seized  back                             to regroup,” said Towns, who
            the  Memphis  Grizzlies  chise  record  for  the  biggest  home-court  advantage  from  Russell went 0 for 3 and was  had five blocks.
            arrived in Minnesota, de-    comeback  victory,  down  by  a  stunned  Wolves  team  that  scoreless in the fourth. Karl-
            termined to seize control  26 early in the second quar-   won Game 1 on the road 130-  Anthony Towns, Minnesota’s  After taking a 47-21 lead early
            of the series from a young,  ter. They were also down by  117 and took an ugly 124-96  other  max-contract  player,  in the second quarter with a
            confident  Timberwolves  25 late in the third.            loss in Game 2.              had  another  clunker  on  of-  deafening roar in the 32-year-
            team that looks and acts a                                                             fense  with  eight  points,  five  old  downtown  arena  as  the
            lot like them.               Brandon  Clarke  scored  16  “No  one  said  it  as  going  to  fouls and only four shots.  soundtrack, the Wolves were
                                         of  his  20  points  in  the  sec-  be  easy.  We  don’t  want  it                     outscored 15-0 over the final
            The Grizzlies are growing up  ond half for Memphis, which  to be easy. We want it to be  “It’s  really  tough.  We’ve  got  5:45 of the second quarter.
            a lot faster.                closed the game on a stagger-  extremely hard, and it was,”
                                         ing 50-16 run over the final  said  Patrick  Beverley,  who
            Desmond  Bane  made  seven  15:10.                        had 14 points for the Wolves.
            3-pointers and had 26 points
            and  Memphis  overcame  a  “That’s why we’re really the  The  Wolves  were  outscored
            26-point  deficit  to  beat  the  deepest team in the league,”  23-12  in  the  second  quarter
            Minnesota     Timberwolves  said Ja Morant, who had the  and 37-12 in the fourth, piti-
            104-95  on  Thursday  night  franchise’s  first  postseason  fully  putting  to  waste  some
            for  a  2-1  lead  in  the  first-  triple-double with 16 points,  superb basketball in the first
            round playoff series.        10 rebounds and 10 assists —  and third periods.
                                         and  told  his  team  afterward
            “We found a way to get some  he needed to play better.    “When  we  get  too  high,  it
            stops.  Our  offense  started                             comes back and it haunts us,”
            clicking  a  little  bit  more,”  Tyus  Jones  hit  two  dagger  said  D’Angelo  Russell,  who
            Bane  said,  “and  the  rest  is  3-pointers  against  his  for-  had  22  points  and  eight  as-
            history.”                    mer team down the stretch to  sists as the key driver of Min-
                                         finish with 11 points for the  nesorta’s third-quarter surge.
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