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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 23 aPriL 2022

                          Love thy enemy: Critics key for Macron in France’s election

            (AP)  —  As  France  elects  era.”                        blame him for Le Pen’s rise,
            a  president,  Paris-based                                saying  that  in  trying  to  un-
            artist  Vincent  Aïtzegagh  “It’s  horrible,  enough  to  dercut support in France for
            is going to ground, escap-   make  one  cry.  I  have  spent  the  extreme  right,  Macron
            ing to a bucolic village to  sleepless  nights  in  tears  not  swerved  too  far  right-ward
            avoid what for him — and  knowing  what  to  do,”  says  himself.
            millions  of  other  left-   Clek  Desentredeux,  a  dis-
            wing French voters — is a  abled  and  queer  artist  and  Macron’s saving grace, how-
            painful,  even  impossible,  live-streamer  who  voted  for  ever, is also Le Pen. After years
            electoral  choice.  For  the  hard-left  leader  Jean-Luc  of  drum-banging  about  im-
            first  time  in  his  life,  the  Melenchon in round one.  migration  and  Islam’s  influ-
            65-year-old has decided to                                ence in the country with the
            not vote at all in the deci-  With 7.7 million votes, Me-  largest Muslim population in
            sive ballot this Sunday.     lenchon finished just 420,000  Western Europe, the 53-year-
                                         votes  shy  of  the  runoff,  in  old is reviled by many on the
            “I am fleeing,” he says. “Be-  third place behind Le Pen. Le  left as a racist xenophobe, too
            cause it stinks.”            Pen  and  Macron  have  since  dangerous for France’s stated
                                         expended much time and en-   principles of “Liberty, Equal-  “I’m  going  to  vote  because  round  one,  round  two  for
            Disgruntled    voters   like  ergy  trawling  for  support  in  ity,  Fraternity”  to  ever  vote  some  women  died  for  my  him is the dilemma of a ballot
            Aïtzegagh whose favored can-  Melenchon’s  now  orphaned  for.  In  conceding  defeat  in  right to do so,” she said. “But  for Macron, a blank ballot or
            didates were knocked out in  and  disappointed  reservoir  round  one,  Melenchon  said  I’m going to cast a blank bal-  not voting. He said he won’t
            the  election’s  first  round  on  of voters. It is an uphill battle  his  backers  “must  not  give  lot  because  I  don’t  want  to  vote Le Pen.
            April 10 are the wild cards in  for them both.            a  single  vote  to  Madame  Le  choose  between  either  of
            the  winner-takes-all  runoff.                            Pen” — repeating the exhor-  them.”                       The  choice  is  so  difficult
            How  they  vote  —  or  don’t  Generally  speaking,  many  tation four times.                                       and  divisive  that  friendships
            vote  —  on  Sunday  will  in  leftist  voters  resent  Ma-                            Others  will,  almost  literally,  and families are being tested.
            large part determine whether  cron  for  having  dynamited  But he stopped short of ask-  hold their noses and vote for  Aïtzegagh voted for the green
            incumbent  Emmanuel  Ma-     France’s  political  landscape  ing his electors to shift their  Macron to keep out Le Pen.  party candidate in round one;
            cron  gets  a  second  five-year  with  his  get-things-done  votes  to  Macron,  instead  Some will back Le Pen, in a  his  daughter  chose  Melen-
            term  or  cedes  the  presiden-  middle-way  method  of  gov-  leaving them to wrestle alone  poke  at  the  president.  Mul-  chon. She then told her dad
            tial Elysee Palace to far-right  ernance,  siphoning  ideas,  with  what  Melenchon  de-  tiple  polls  indicate  that  Ma-  that  she  might  vote  Le  Pen
            nationalist Marine Le Pen, a  supporters,    government  scribed  as  a  choice  between  cron,  who  won  round  one,  in  the  runoff  because  she
            seemingly  unlikely  but  not  ministers  and  political  oxy-  “two evils.”           is now building a significant  cannot  stomach  Macron.
            impossible  outcome  that  gen  away  from  mainstream                                 runoff  lead,  larger  than  the  Aïtzegagh said he responded
            would be seismic for France  parties  on  both  the  left  and  Some  will  deliberately  spoil  polling margin of error. Me-  by warning: “If you vote Le
            and Europe as they deal with  right.                      their  ballots,  even  putting  lenchon  voters  from  round  Pen, I will repudiate you.”
            the fallout of Russia’s war in                            toilet  paper  in  the  voting  one  appear  to  be  shifting  in
            Ukraine.                     His pragmatism is too vanilla  envelope  instead  of  a  can-  greater numbers behind him  In  2002,  when  Le  Pen’s  fa-
                                         and  opportunistic  for  many  didate’s  name  to  show  how  than Le Pen. But the outcome  ther,  Jean-Marie,  stunned
            With  the  stakes  high,  never  leftist  voters  hungry  for  a  dimly they view the options.  remains  uncertain  because  France  by  advancing  to  the
            has the decision been so dif-  sharper and more ideological  Some won’t vote. Some will  many have yet to choose.   runoff, Aïtzegagh was among
            ficult  for  leftist  voters  who  political  divide.  More  spe-  cast ballots with no name.                       the 82% of voters who came
            view  both  Macron  and  Le  cifically,  many  describe  the                           “I’ll  decide  at  the  last  mo-  together behind conservative
            Pen as anathema — a choice  44-year-old former banker as  They  include  22-year-old  ment,”  said  retired  power  Jacques  Chirac,  in  a  power-
            that  some  describe  as  “be-  friend to the rich and oppres-  Emma Faroy in Paris.   worker Pierre Gineste. Hav-  ful  rejection  of  the  extreme
            tween  the  plague  and  chol-  sor  of  the  poor.  Some  also                        ing  voted  Melenchon  in  right.

                           Kremlin pursues more cases against critics of Ukraine war

            (AP)  -  Russian  authorities  have  Russian  media  reported  that  simi-  speaking out against Russia’s war in
            opened  a  criminal  case  against  lar  charges  were  being  drawn  up  Ukraine.                          In March and early April, the activist
            prominent  opposition  activist  against outspoken tech executive Ilya                                      made a series of public addresses in
            Vladimir  Kara-Murza  Jr.  for  al-  Krasilshchik, the former publisher of  Russia  adopted  a  law  criminalizing  which he denounced Russia’s actions
            legedly spreading “false informa-   Russia’s  top  independent  news  site,  spreading false information about its  in Ukraine. In an April 11 interview
            tion” about the country’s  armed  Meduza. The moves against the two  military shortly after its troops rolled  with  American  television  network
            forces, his lawyer said Friday.     Kremlin critics  are  part  of a widen-  into Ukraine in late February. The of-  CNN,  he  described  the  Kremlin  as
                                                ing  crackdown  against  individuals  fense is punishable by up to 15 years  “a regime of murderers.”
                                                                                    in prison. Human rights advocates so
                                                                                    far  have  counted  32  cases  targeting  Kara-Murza  was  detained  hours  af-
                                                                                    critics of the invasion.            ter  the  interview  and  jailed  for  15
                                                                                                                        days  for  disobeying  a  police  officer.
                                                                                    Kara-Murza is a journalist and a for-  Prokhorov  said  his  client  had  been
                                                                                    mer associate of late Russian opposi-  due to appear in court for an appeal
                                                                                    tion leader Boris Nemtsov, who was  hearing Friday but instead was taken
                                                                                    assassinated  in  2015,  and  oligarch-  in for questioning at the Russian In-
                                                                                    turned-dissident  Mikhail  Khodor-  vestigative Committee headquarters.
                                                                                    kovsky,  who  was  jailed  for  years  in
                                                                                    Russia. Kara-Murza himself was hos-  Prokhorov  said  Kara-Murza  has
                                                                                    pitalized  with  poisoning  symptoms  maintained his innocence.
                                                                                    twice, in 2015 and 2017.
                                                                                                                        The  spokespeople  for  a  Moscow
                                                                                    Lawyer  Vadim  Prokhorov  told  re-  court  said  investigators  have  peti-
                                                                                    porters that the false information case  tioned  to  place  Kara-Murza  in  pre-
                                                                                    against Kara-Murza cited a March 15  trial detention for an initial period of
                                                                                    speech to the Arizona House of Rep-  two months. A hearing on the peti-
                                                                                    resentatives as the basis for the latest  tion was scheduled for Friday after-
                                                                                    charges.                            noon, Prokhorov said on Facebook.
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