Page 26 - HOH
P. 26
Tuesday 31 March 2020
Man, 72, dies of injuries 3 months after Hanukkah stabbings
MONSEY, N.Y. (AP) — A attack, Neumann’s fam-
man who was among the ily said in a statement that
five people stabbed during the knife penetrated his
a Hanukkah celebration skull and went directly into
north of New York City has his brain, which could have
died three months after the caused permanent brain
attack, according to an damage and or left him
Orthodox Jewish organiza- partially paralyzed. He also
tion and community liaison suffered other cuts to the
with a local police depart- head and neck, and his
ment. arm was shattered.
Josef Neumann, 72, died Federal prosecutors said
Sunday night, the Ortho- the man charged in the at-
dox Jewish Public Affairs tack, Grafton Thomas, had
Council said in a tweet. handwritten journals con-
The funeral for Neumann, a taining anti-Semitic com-
father of seven and great- ments and a swastika and
grandfather, is being held had researched Adolf Hit-
Monday. No additional de- ler's hatred of Jews online.
tails were provided. Thomas' lawyer and rela-
On Dec. 28, an attacker tives said he has struggled
with a machete rushed into for years with mental illness;
a rabbi's home in an Ortho- In this Jan. 2, 2020, file photo, surrounded primarily by family, Nicky Kohen, the daughter of Josef they said he was raised in a
dox Jewish community in Neumann who was critically injured in an attack on a Hanukkah celebration, speaks to reporters in tolerant home and hadn't
Monsey, New York, an am- front of her home in New City, N.Y. An Orthodox Jewish organization said Neumann died Sunday, previously shown any ani-
bush Gov. Andrew Cuomo March 29, 2020, from his injuries three months after the attacks. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File) mosity toward Jewish peo-
called an act of domestic Associated Press ple.
terrorism fueled by intoler- onstrating that we are not partment that serves Mon- The Journal News on Sun- Thomas was indicted on
ance and a “cancer” of immune to the hate-fueled sey and executive director day night. “We were hop- federal hate crime charges
growing hatred in America. violence that we shame- of Oizrim Jewish Council, ing and praying he would as well as state charges, in-
Cuomo said in a state- fully see elsewhere in the shared the news of Neu- then pull through. This is so cluding attempted murder.
ment on Monday that he country,” the governor mann's passing on his Twit- very sad he was killed cel- He has pleaded not guilty.
was “deeply saddened” to said. ter account as well. ebrating Hanukkah with The Hanukkah attack
learn about the death. Rabbi Yisroel Kahan, who "We were hoping when he friends just because he was came amid a string of vio-
“This repugnant attack is the community liaison started to open his eyes," a Jew.” lence that has alarmed
shook us to our core, dem- for the Ramapo Police De- Rabbi Yisroel Kahan told In the days following the Jews in the region.q
Rent strike idea gaining steam during coronavirus crisis
ST. LOUIS (AP) — With mil- in several cities, includ- “For me personally, with strict limits on gathering siz- Let’s #CancelRent for 90
lions of people suddenly ing bus stops in St. Louis, everyone losing their jobs es have forced shops, res- days to keep people in
out of work and rent due where 27-year-old Kyle and unable to pay, it’s re- taurants and bars to shut their homes during the
at the first of the month, Kofron still has his job at ally the only thing we can down indefinitely. Many #coronavirus crisis,” Gia-
some tenants are vowing an ice cream factory, but do,” Kofron said of the service industry workers naris said on Twitter.
to go on a rent strike until thrust into unemployment Strike advocates aren’t
the coronavirus pandemic are living paycheck-to- waiting for legislative ap-
subsides. paycheck in the best of proval. Activist organiza-
New York, Boston, Los An- times. Now, many say they tions in many places are
geles, San Francisco and don’t have the money to leading the push for a
St. Louis are among many pay rent. strike. A group called Rent
cities that have temporar- Some politicians have ex- Strike 2020 is organizing on
ily banned evictions, but pressed support, if not di- the national level.
advocates for the strike rectly for a strike, then for “Our demands to every
are demanding that rent a temporary rent morato- Governor, in every state,
payments be waived, not rium, including Democrat- are extremely simple:
delayed, for those in need ic presidential candidate freeze rent, mortgage,
during the crisis. The rent Bernie Sanders. and utility bill collection for
strike idea has taken root In this Saturday, March 28, 2020 photo, Kyle Kofron poses for In New York, the state 2 months, or face a rent
in parts of North America a photo outside his home in St. Louis. Kofron still has his job at hit hardest so far by the strike,” Rent Strike 2020’s
and as far away as Lon- an ice cream factory, but his three roommates are suddenly pandemic, Democratic website states.
don. unemployed due the the coronavirus pandemic. Kofron is state Sen. Mike Gianaris Advocates in St. Louis are
advocating for a rent strike during the outbreak saying it may
White sheets are being be their only option. (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson) of Queens introduced a encouraging those who
hung in apartment win- Associated Press bill that would forgive rent can afford rent to join
dows to show solidarity and mortgage payments the movement in solidar-
with the movement that his three roommates have strike. “It’s just like we the for 90 days for people and ity with those who can’t.
is gaining steam on Twit- suddenly found them- people have to do some- small businesses struggling Without a large number of
ter, Instagram and other selves unemployed. Their thing. We just can’t stand because of the coronavi- participants, landlords will
social media sites. Fliers property manager so far idly by while the system rus. It has 21 co-sponsors. simply evict strikers, said
urging people to partici- hasn’t agreed to a pay- takes us for a ride.” “Tenants can’t pay rent if Chris Winston, of For the
pate are being posted ment plan, Kofron said. Stay-at-home orders and they can’t earn a living. People STL.q