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locAl           Tuesday 31 March 2020

            Protocol home isolation of a patient with COVID-19

            ORANJESTAD — Isolation: This is used in a per-
            son  with  disease  symptoms  where  isolation  is

            1.  Isolation can be used to prevent the spread
                of a proven infectious disease.
            2.  Isolation can be applied pending diagnosis
                of a specific infectious disease

            If  isolation  is  indicated  for  a  person,  this  can
            take place at home, provided that the condi-
            tions described below are met. We refer to the
            person in this document as the “patient”.
            The  general  practitioner,  together  with  staff
            from  the  Infectious  Diseases  Service  and  a
            medical adviser from the Department of Pub-
            lic Health jointly determine whether the patient
            can  stay  at  home  depending  on  the  clinical
            picture. Personnel from the Infectious Diseases
            Service and a medical adviser from the Depart-
            ment  of  Public  Health  determine  whether  the
            patient's home situation lends itself to isolation.
            The  prerequisite  for  home  isolation  is  that  the
            patient  must  be  able  to  take  care  of  himself  a  medical  adviser  from  the  Public  Health  De-  housemates  allows  for  home  isolation.  It  may
            (this concerns the ADL functions) and that con-  partment  also  take  into  account  the  medical  sometimes  be  advisable  for  housemates  (eg
            tact between the patient and housemates (as  situation  of  the  patient  and  the  housemates.  children) to stay elsewhere during the isolation
            much as possible) can be avoided. Personnel  The  doctor  also  examines  to  what  extent  the  period. If home isolation is not possible, the pa-
            from  the  Infectious  Diseases  Department  and  knowledge  and  behavior  of  the  patient  and  tient should be moved to a different location.q

            Protocol for quarantine of individuals in the context of COVID-19 Aruba

            by Department of Public Health                                          Note: When home quarantine is chosen, the person should occupy a
            ORANJESTAD  —  This  protocol  is  slightly  modified  version  of  the  WHO  well-ventilated single room, or if a single room is not available, maintain a
            guideline on quarantine measures for individuals in the context of CO-  distance of at least 1 meter from other household members, minimize the
            VID-19.                                                                 use of shared spaces and cutlery, and ensure that shared spaces (such
                                                                                    as the kitchen and bathroom) are well ventilated.
            When to use quarantine
            For contacts* of patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 be quar-   The health care provider should:
            antined for 14 days from the last time they were exposed to the patient  •  Provide all those in quarantine with the information sheet developed
            or all persons travelling to Aruba from abroad.  *A contact is a person     by the Department of Public Health.
            who is involved in any of the following from 2 days before and up to 14  •  Emphasize the importance of social distance (that is, distance of at
            days after the onset of symptoms in the patient:                            least 1 meter) between all persons who are quarantined.
            •  Having face-to-face contact with a COVID-19 patient within 1 meter  •  Emphasize the importance of hand and respiratory hygiene by all
                and for >15 minutes;                                                    persons who are quarantined (also included in the information sheet)
            •  Providing direct care for patients with COVID-19 disease without us-  •  Provide an explanation of how long they will need to stay in quar-
                ing proper personal protective equipment;                               antine and what will  happen if they get sick  (also  included in the
            •  Staying in the same close environment as a COVID-19 patient (in-         information sheet). o If they get sick, they will need to wear the medi-
                cluding sharing a workplace, classroom or household or being at the     cal mask provided by the department of Public Health and contact
                same gathering) for any amount of time;                                 2800101. This is also included in the information folder given.  Provide
            •  Travelling in close proximity with (that is, within 1 m separation from) a   instructions on cleaning procedures (also included in the information
                COVID-19 patient in any kind of conveyance.                             sheet).

            Conditions for safe and effective quarantine                            Early recognition and control
            •  Those who are in quarantine must be placed in adequately venti-      •  Any person in quarantine who develops febrile illness or respiratory
                lated, spacious single rooms with hand hygiene and toilet facilities.   symptoms at any point during the quarantine period should be treat-
                If single rooms are not available, beds should be placed at least 1     ed and managed as a suspected case of COVID-19.
                meter apart. NOTE: Adequate air ventilation is essential.           •  People in quarantine are provided a medical mask in case (s) he de-
            •  Communication in a language that those who are quarantined can           velops symptoms while in quarantine. A medical mask is not required
                understand.                                                             for persons with no symptoms. There is no evidence that wearing a
            •  Provision of food and, if applicable, appropriate medical treatment      mask of any type protects people who are not sick.
                for existing conditions must be guaranteed. If the person in quaran-
                tine  does  not  have  family  and/or  acquaintances  to  take  care  of  Follow-up procedure for monitoring the health of quarantined person
                food item and/or medication delivery, this will be taken care of by  •  Daily follow up of persons who are quarantined should be conducted
                the Department of Social Affairs and the volunteers of CEDE Aruba.      for the duration of the quarantine period and should include screen-
                Protocol for quarantine COVID-19 v.1, 29th march 2 of 2                 ing for body temperature and symptoms.
            •  Psychosocial support must be available if requested.                 •  Groups of persons at higher risk of infection and severe disease may
            •  Older  persons  and  those  with  comorbid  conditions  require  special   require additional surveillance owing to chronic conditions or they
                attention because of their increased risk for severe COVID-19.          may require specific medical treatments.
            •  Persons sharing a household with someone in quarantine may leave  •  Criteria  for  testing  those  in  quarantine  can  be  found  in  the  relat-
                the house as long they adhere to the requirements of social distanc-    ed document ‘Criteria voor testen van personen in quarantaine 3
                ing.                                                                    talen’.q
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