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                    Tuesday 31 March 2020
            How would overwhelmed hospitals decide who to treat first?

            By  CANDICE  CHOI,  LORI                                                                                            cial status or other personal
            HINNANT and NICOLE WIN-                                                                                             factors.  Berlinger  noted
            FIELD Associated Press                                                                                              that underlying social ineq-
            NEW YORK (AP) — A nurse                                                                                             uities  can  still  persist  --  for
            with  asthma,  a  grandfa-                                                                                          example,  poorer  people
            ther  with  cancer  and  a                                                                                          tend to be sicker -- but that
            homeless  man  with  no                                                                                             those are deeper injustices
            known family are wracked                                                                                            that can’t be remedied in
            with  coronavirus-induced                                                                                           the throes of a pandemic.
            fevers.  They  are  struggling                                                                                      Another  grim  calculation
            to breathe, and a ventila-                                                                                          that  experts  say  hospitals
            tor  could  save  their  lives.                                                                                     could make is how long a
            But  who  gets  one  when                                                                                           patient might need a hos-
            there aren't enough to go                                                                                           pital bed or ventilator and
            around?                                                                                                             how  many  more  lives  the
            Health  care  workers  are                                                                                          machine  might  otherwise
            dreading  the  prospect  of                                                                                         save. That would help fore-
            such dire scenarios as U.S.                                                                                         stall an even more wrench-
            hospitals brace for a loom-                                                                                         ing decision many doctors
                                                                                                                                in the U.S. likely have never
                                                                                                                                faced -- whether to take a
                                                                                                                                patient  off  a  machine  to
                                         File photo shows medical supplies and a stretcher displayed before a news conference at the   free it up for others.
                                         Jacob Javits Center in New York. Health care workers are dreading the prospect of deciding   The  norms  don’t  apply  in
                                         which patients would get a ventilator that could save their lives. (AP Photo/John Minchillo, Fle)  the current crisis and taking
                                                                                                               Associated Press  precious  resources  away
                                         ing  surge  in  patients  who  many of which already are  ited  ventilators  in  major  from  one  patient  to  save
                                         need  breathing  machines  being  used  by  other  pa-    emergencies, but note that  others in a pandemic “is not
                                         and  other  resources  that  tients.                      making  old  age  an  auto-  an  act  of  killing  and  does
                                         could  soon  be  in  critically  In  New  York,  the  U.S.  epi-  matic disqualifier would be  not  require  the  patient’s
                                         short supply.                center  of  the  outbreak,  discriminatory.  The  plans  consent,”  said  a  paper
                                         That has meant dusting off  one  city  hospital  has  al-  go  on  to  add,  however,  addressing  the  COVID-19
                                         playbooks  they’ve  never  ready  logged  13  corona-     that given the “strong soci-  emergency  published  last
                                         before  had  to  implement  virus deaths in a single day  etal  preference  for  saving  week  in  the  New  England
                                         on  how  to  fairly  ration  lim-  and officials are setting up  children,”  age  could  be  Journal of Medicine.
                                         ited  resources  during  an  hundreds  of  hospital  beds  considered  in  a  tie-break-  The  authors  noted  that
                                         emergency.                   in  a  sprawling  convention  er  when  a  child’s  life  is  at  patients  and  their  families
                                         “I pray for their good judg-  center  as  cases  climbed  stake.                       should not be shielded from
                                         ment  and  their  capacity  past 30,000 in the city.      Recommendations       pub-   the realities and should be
                                         as they make very difficult  In  preparation,  health  offi-  lished this week by German  warned in advance of the
                                         choices,”  said  Erik  Curren,  cials across the country are  medical associations in re-  possibility  their  loved  one
                                         whose  77-year-old  father  reviewing  guidelines  from  sponse  to  COVID-19  also  could  be  taken  off  a  ma-
                                         died  this  month  from  re-  sources   including   state  say age alone shouldn’t be  chine.
                                         spiratory  complications  re-  governments and  medical  a  deciding  factor.  Among  Hospitals  should  also  pre-
                                         lated to the virus after be-  groups  on  how  to  ration  the  situations  where  they  pare  alternatives  for  those
                                         coming infected at an as-    limited  resources  in  emer-  said  intensive  care  should  who  don’t  make  it  to  the
                                         sisted living home in Florida.  gencies.                  not  be  provided  if  avail-  top of the list for limited re-
                                         Harrowing  scenarios  al-    The general principle span-  ability  is  in  short  supply:  if  sources,  such  as  stocking
                                         ready  are  unfolding  in  ning those plans: Bring the  the  patient  would  need  up on morphine, said Philip
                                         country after country hard-  most  benefit  to  the  great-  permanent  intensive  care  Rosoff  of  Duke  University’s
                                         hit  by  the  COVID-19  pan-  est number of people and  to survive.                    Trent Center for bioethics.
                                         demic,  including  Spain,  prioritize those with the best  The  crushing  emotional  It’s not yet known how dire
                                         where  one  nursing  home  chance  of  recovery.  But  burden of carrying out po-      the crisis in the U.S. will get.
                                         official  said  sick  residents  exactly  how  that’s  deter-  tentially life-and-death de-  Last week, Dr. Deborah Birx,
                                         are  dying  after  being  un-  mined is fraught.          cisions is why the guidelines  the  White  House  coordi-
                                         able  to  get  into  overflow-  Automatically   excluding  typically  designate  sepa-  nator  for  the  coronavirus
                                         ing hospitals.               certain  groups  from  re-   rate triage teams to make  response,  sought  to  calm
                                         Like much of the rest of the  ceiving ventilators, such as  the call, rather than leaving  fears, noting there’s no evi-
                                         world, ventilators that help  those with severe lung dis-  it to the doctors and nurses  dence  yet  that  a  hospital
                                         people breathe are in par-   ease, invokes ethical issues,  providing bedside care.    bed or ventilator won’t be
                                         ticular  demand  across  the  said  Dr.  Douglas  White  at  “This  is  a  really  terrifying  available  for  Americans
                                         U.S.,  given  the  respiratory  the University of Pittsburgh.  decision -- you don’t want  when they need it. Even in
                                         problems common among  Many          hospitals   seeking  any  doctor  or  nurse  to  be  New  York,  she  said,  beds
                                         people severely ill with CO-  guidance  on  COVID-19  alone  with  this  decision,”  are  still  available  in  inten-
                                         VID-19. As many as 900,000  in  recent  weeks  have  ad-  said Nancy Berlinger of the  sive care units and a signifi-
                                         coronavirus  patients  in  the  opted a policy he devised  Hastings  Center,  a  bioeth-  cant number of ventilators
                                         U.S.  could  need  the  ma-  without such exclusions, he  ics research institute.      aren’t being used.
                                         chines during the outbreak,  said.  Guidelines  previously  Having  separate  teams  But     what’s   happening
                                         according  to  the  Society  developed  by  New  York  make  decisions  also  is  in-  overseas  has  health  care
                                         for Critical Care Medicine.  state’s  health  department  tended  to  ensure  patients  workers  around  the  world
                                         Yet the group estimates the  exclude  some  seriously  ill  get  a  fair  shot  at  care  re-  preparing  for  worst-case
                                         country  has  only  200,000,  people  from  receiving  lim-  gardless  of  their  race,  so-  scenarios.q
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