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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 31 March 2020
            Coronavirus hits rich and poor unequally in Latin America

            By  MICHAEL  WEISSENSTEIN,                                                                                          tire  world.  We're  talking
            EVENS SANON and                                                                                                     about class disparities that
            FRANKLIN BRICEÑO                                                                                                    are  unlike  anywhere  else
            Associated Press                                                                                                    on  the  planet,"  said  Geoff
            PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)                                                                                          Ramsey,  a  researcher  at
            —  From  Mexico  City  to                                                                                           the  Washington  Office  on
            Port-au-Prince,  Haiti,  and                                                                                        Latin America.
            Santiago,  Chile,  the  coro-                                                                                       Some Latin American gov-
            navirus is taking root in the                                                                                       ernments  were  striving  to
            world’s  most  unequal  re-                                                                                         help  workers  whose  infor-
            gion,  where  many  of  Latin                                                                                       mal  jobs  provide  them  no
            America's first cases arrived                                                                                       access to the social safety
            with  members  of  the  elite                                                                                       net,  including  unemploy-
            returning  from  vacations                                                                                          ment  payments  or  sever-
            or work trips to Europe and                                                                                         ance packages.
            the United States.                                                                                                  Peru  has  announced  a
            Many  of  the  wealthy  are                                                                                         payment  of  $108  for  the
            already  recovering,  but                                                                                           2.7 million homes classified
            experts  warn  that  the  vi-                                                                                       as poverty stricken. But the
            rus  could  kill  scores  of  the                                                                                   hillside shanty where de la
            poorest  people,  who  must                                                                                         Cruz  and  his  unemployed
            work  every  day  to  feed                                                                                          neighbors  are  waiting  out
            their families, live in unsani-                                                                                     the quarantine aren’t poor
            tary  conditions  and  lack   Homeless gather for a free cup of coffee and bread, distributed by Eli Ferreira, wearing hat, who   enough to qualify.
                                         started serving free breakfast to the hungry daily since the outbreak of the new coronavirus, in
            proper medical care. Some    downtown Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Monday, March 30, 2020. Ferreira, who used to serve food twice   "My  son  hasn't  worked
            countries  are  making  pay-  a week before the outbreak, said he knows he is breaking the rules of social distancing but that   for  a  week,  there's  barely
            ments  to  informal  workers   "what counts now is the human side." (AP Photo/Leo Correa)                           enough  to  buy  a  bit  of
            — maids, street sellers and                                                                       Assiociated Press  food,'' Zoila said.
            others who have been told  on  the  street,  quarantine  edly in quarantine and dis-   ly  different  depending  on  In  Argentina,  the  center-
            to  stay  home  to  reduce  like Dauphin's would mean  covers they are defying the  class.                          left government approved
            the spread of the virus, but  near-starvation.            order.                       Nadia Muñoz watched her  a  $151  payment  in  April
            the effort is patchwork and  ‘’People are not going stay  "You  hear  honking  and  8-year-old  son,  Luka,  fol-   for  informal  workers,  who
            doesn't  apply  to  everyone  home. How are they going  street noises, which tells me  low  online  lessons  from  his  make  up  35%  of  the  na-
            who needs help.              to  eat?”  Bouzi  said.  “Haiti  they’re fooling us and disre-  private Catholic school on  tion’s  economy.  Argentina
            “I  stay  home,  I  will  lose  all  isn’t structured for that.’’  specting  the  quarantine,”  a  recent  afternoon.  The  plans  to  make  more  pay-
            my  goods.  I  have  no  way  The  Haitian  government  Mañalich said.                 makeup artist and her fam-   ments soon.
            to save them,” said Marie-   has  cut  banking  and  gov-  Mexican  authorities  say  at  ily live in an upper-middle-  Brazil’s  right-wing  govern-
            Ange  Bouzi,  who  sells  to-  ernment   office   hours,  least  17  of  the  country’s  class neighborhood, where  ment  has  no  such  plans.
            matoes and onions on the  closed schools and broad-       wealthiest people returned  Lima’s  15-day  quarantine  On  Twitter  last  week,  left-
            street  of  Haiti's  capital.  “I  cast radio messages asking  after being infected during  hasn’t been too disruptive.  leaning  politicians  called
            am  not  going  to  spend  people to stay home.           a ski trip to Vail, Colorado.  “We  have  a  supermarket  for  maids  to  receive  their
            money  fighting  corona.  But  thousands  in  Port-au-    The first person to die in Rio  nearby,  light,  water,  inter-  salaries  while  self-isolating,
            God  is  going  to  protect  Prince  still  crowded  this  state  was  Cleonice  Gon-  net,  a  phone  and  cable  adding the hashtag #Paid-
            me.”                         week  into  street  markets,  çalves,  a  63-year-old  who  TV,”  Muñoz  said  as  she  re-  QuarantineNow.
            Haiti,  the  Western  Hemi-  buses    and   repurposed  worked  as  a  maid  for  a  corded a makeup lesson to  The  lack  of  help  worries
            sphere’s  poorest  country,  pickup  trucks  known  as  woman  in  Leblon,  one  of  post on Instagram.             Patricia  Martins,  who  lives
            reported  its  first  two  cases  tap-taps.               the  wealthiest  neighbor-   In a shack on a nearby hill,  in  Brazil’s  largest  favela,
            of  the  virus  on  March  20.  In  Chile,  which  has  seen  hoods  in  Brazil.  The  wom-  Alejandro de la Cruz, 86, his  or  slum,  Rocinha  in  Rio
            One was imported by one  cases  grow  to  more  than  an  of  the  household  was  wife María Zoila, and his son  de  Janeiro,  which  houses
            of its most successful artists,  2500  since  March  3,  many  infected  during  a  trip  to  Ramiro,  who  sold  clothes  about  70,000  people  in
            an R&B singer who had just  coronavirus       diagnoses  Italy but Gonçalves’ family  on the street until the quar-  brick homes packed tightly
            returned  from  France,  ac-  have  been  in  upper-mid-  members  said  she  wasn’t  antine  started  this  month,  together  on  steep  slopes
            cording  to  the  director  of  dle-class neighborhoods, in  informed  her  boss  was  in  were  cooking  with  char-  overlooking  the  Atlantic
            health in Port-au-Prince.    people  just  back  from  Eu-  isolation  awaiting  test  re-  coal. They have no running  Ocean. Clean water is spo-
            Singer  Roody  Roodboy,  rope, particularly Italy.        sults,  according  to  Camila  water,  electricity,  internet  radic, sewage often runs in
            who's  real  name  is  Roody  Health  Minister  Jaime  Ma-  Ramos de Miranda, health  or phone service.             the streets and winding al-
            Pétuel  Dauphin,  quaran-    ñalich has complained that  secretary  for  the  town  of  They  live  among  security  leys  and  soaring  staircases
            tined  himself  when  he  got  wealthy residents of the Las  Miguel Pereira. Gonçalves,  guards,  cooks,  drivers,  tai-  make it difficult for medical
            back  to  avoid  infecting  Condes and Vitacura sec-      who had hypertension and  lors,  shoemakers,  car  me-    professionals  to  retrieve  a
            others  and  sent  his  entou-  tions of Santiago, the capi-  diabetes, fell ill and died on  chanics  and  construction  sick person in an emergen-
            rage  to  be  tested,  man-  tal,  are  routinely  violating  March 17 in Miguel Pereira  workers  who  are  unem-  cy.
            ager  Narcisse  Fievre  said.  required  quarantines  after  two hours north of the capi-  ployed  during  the  lock-  “The person who’s a clean-
            He  said  the  singer  had  re-  they  tested  positive  or  en-  tal.                 down.                        er,  the  person  who  counts
            ceived  death  threats  from  countered  someone  who  “I  know  we  need  to  work,  While there are more poor  on  that  money  to  survive,
            people  who  accuse  him  did.                            need  our  daily  bread,  but  people  in  other  regions  of  to  sustain  their  family  —
            of  bringing  the  disease  to  Las Condes Mayor Joaquín  nothing  is  more  important  the  world,  Latin  America  they’re  going  to  bring  in
            Haiti,  although  there  is  no  Lavín  says  more  than  half  than  the  value  of  a  life,”  remains the region in which  money  from  where?”  she
            evidence  Dauphin  had  in-  the cases in the city are in  Miguel  Pereira  Mayor  An-  the  greatest  proportion  of  said of anti-virus measures.
            fected anyone else.          Las Condes and Vitacura.     dré Português said in a vid-  wealth  is  held  by  a  small  “If  everything  stops,  it  will
            For  hundreds  of  thousands  The  health  minister  says  eo posted on Facebook.      number of citizens.          end  people’s  lives!  There
            of Haitians who earn a few  he  has  personally  called  In  Lima,  Peru,  the  fallout  “Latin  America  is  the  most  will be nothing people can
            dollars a day selling goods  wealthy  residents  suppos-  from the pandemic is stark-  unequal  region  in  the  en-  do to survive!”q
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