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                    Tuesday 31 March 2020
            Dutch museum says van Gogh painting stolen in overnight raid

            By MIKE CORDER                                                                                                      Police  said  in  a  statement
            Associated Press                                                                                                    that  the  thief  or  thieves
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands                                                                                            smashed  a  glass  door  to
            (AP) — A painting by Dutch                                                                                          get into the museum. That
            master  Vincent  van  Gogh                                                                                          set  off  an  alarm  that  sent
            was  stolen  in  an  overnight                                                                                      officers  rushing  to  the  mu-
            smash-and-grab  raid  on  a                                                                                         seum but by the time they
            museum that was closed to                                                                                           got there the painting and
            prevent  the  spread  of  the                                                                                       whoever stole it were gone.
            coronavirus, police and the                                                                                         A team including forensics
            museum said Monday.                                                                                                 and  art  theft  experts  was
            The  Singer  Laren  museum                                                                                          studying  video  footage
            east  of  Amsterdam  said                                                                                           and questioning neighbors.
            that  “The  Parsonage  Gar-                                                                                         Van Os said the museum's
            den  at  Nuenen  in  Spring                                                                                         security  worked  “accord-
            1884”  by  the  Dutch  mas-                                                                                         ing  to  protocol,”  but  he
            ter  was  taken  in  the  early                                                                                     added: “Obviously we can
            hours  of  Monday.  By  early                                                                                       learn from this.”
            afternoon,  all  that  could                                                                                        Before the closure, the mu-
            be  seen  from  the  outside                                                                                        seum was hosting an exhi-
            of the museum was a large                                                                                           bition  titled  “Mirror  of  the
            white  panel  covering  a                                                                                           Soul"  with  works  by  artists
            door  in  the  building's  glass   Exterior view of the Singer Museum in Laren, Netherlands, Monday March 30, 2020. Police are   ranging from Jan Toorop to
            facade.                      investigating a break-in at a Dutch art museum that is currently closed because of restrictions   Piet Mondrian, in coopera-
            Museum  General  Director    aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus, the museum and police said Monday. (AP Photo/  tion with Amsterdam’s Rijks-
            Evert van Os said the insti-  Peter Dejong)                                                                         museum.
            tution  that  houses  the  col-                                                                    Associated Press  The  Singer  Laren's  collec-
            lection of American couple  theft.                        us all because art exists to  It dates to a time when the  tion  has  a  focus  on  mod-
            William and Anna Singer is  “I’m  shocked  and  unbe-     be seen and shared by us,  artist  had  moved  back  to  ernism such as neo-impres-
            “angry,  shocked,  sad”  at  lievably  annoyed  that  this  the community, to enjoy to  his  family  in  a  rural  area  sionism,  pointillism,  expres-
            the theft.                   has happened,” said Sing-    draw  inspiration  from  and  of  the  Netherlands  and  sionism and cubism.
            The  value  of  the  work,  er  Laren  museum  director  to  draw  comfort  from,  es-  painted  the  life  he  saw  It is not the first high profile
            which  was  on  loan  from  Jan Rudolph de Lorm.          pecially  in  these  difficult  there, including his famous  theft  from  the  museum.  In
            the  Groninger  Museum  in  “This  beautiful  and  mov-   times.”                      work “The Potato Eaters,” in  2007,  thieves  stole  seven
            the  northern  Dutch  city  of  ing painting by one of our  The   25-by-57-centimeter  mostly somber tones.         works from its sculpture gar-
            Groningen, was not imme-     greatest  artists  stolen  -  re-  (10-by-22-inch)  oil  on  pa-  Later,  he  moved  to  south-  den,  including  a  bronze
            diately known. Van Gogh's  moved  from  the  commu-       per  painting  shows  a  per-  ern  France,  where  he  de-  cast  of  “The  Thinker”  by
            paintings, when they rarely  nity,"  he  added.  “It  is  very  son  standing  in  a  garden  veloped  a  far  more  color-  Auguste Rodin. The famous
            come up for sale, fetch mil-  bad for the Groninger Mu-   surrounded by trees with a  ful, vibrant style of painting  sculpture  was  recovered
            lions at auction.            seum, it is very bad for the  church  tower  in  the  back-  as  his  health  declined  be-  a few days later, missing a
            Police are investigating the  Singer,  but  it  is  terrible  for  ground.             fore his death in 1890.      leg.q

            Time to ‘revenge shop’: China’s virus hotspot reopens

            By NG HAN GUAN and           streets, Customers were still                                                          city  of  Nanjing,  Kat  was
            JOE McDONALD                 scarce,  though,  as  those                                                            among  those  trapped  in
            Associated Press             who  did  venture  out  were                                                           Wuhan  when  the  central
            WUHAN, China (AP) — The  greeted  by  shop  employ-                                                                 Chinese     manufacturing
            city at the center of China's  ees  who  wore  masks  and                                                           hub was shut down as the
            virus outbreak was reopen-   carried signs that told them                                                           virus spread.
            ing  for  business  Monday  to “keep a safe distance.”                                                              While  governments  world-
            after authorities lifted more  Among  them  was  this                                                               wide were tightening travel
            of the controls that locked  teacher,  who  was  visiting                                                           and other controls, the rul-
            downs  tens  of  millions  of  her  family  when  most  ac-                                                         ing  Communist  Party  has
            people  for  two  months.  “I  cess  to  the  city  of  11  mil-                                                    rolled  back  curbs  on  Wu-
            want  to  revenge  shop,”  lion  was  suspended  Jan.                                                               han  and  other  areas  as  it
            one  excited  customer  de-  23 to stem the coronavirus                                                             tries  to  revive  the  world's
            clared as she traversed one  spread.                                                                                second-largest   economy
            of Wuhan's major shopping  “I’m  so  excited,  I  want  to                                                          after declaring victory over
                                                                      A store employee waits outside for customers at a re-opened   the outbreak.
                                                                      retail  street  in  Wuhan  in  central  China's  Hubei  province  on
                                                                      Monday, March 30, 2020. Shopkeepers in the city at the center   The  city  in  Hubei  province
                                                                      of China's virus outbreak were reopening Monday but customers   is  the  last  major  popula-
                                                                      were scarce after authorities lifted more of the anti-virus controls   tion center still under travel
                                                                      that kept tens of millions of people at home for two months. (AP   controls. Residents were al-
                                                                      Photo/Olivia Zhang)                                       lowed to go to other parts
                                                                                                               Associated Press  of  Hubei  but  could  not
                                                                      cry,” said the woman, who  “After two months trapped  leave the province. Restric-
                                                                      gave only her English name  at  home,  I  want  to  jump,”  tions  on  other  Hubei  resi-
                                                                      Kat as she eyed the wares  she  added,  jumping  up  dents were lifted March 23.
                                                                      in the Chuhe Hanjie pedes-   and down excitedly.          The  final  curbs  on  Wuhan
                                                                      trian mall.                  A  teacher  in  the  eastern  end April 8.q
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