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A32    sports
              Diaranson 17 augustus 2022

                         Pirates' Castro suspended 1 game for phone flap, he appeals

                                                                      The penalty, which included                               in the wake of the Houston
                                                                      an undisclosed fine, had been  Castro  apologized  after  the  Astros' cheating scandal. The
                                                                      set  to  take  effect  Tuesday  game, saying it was an hon-  Astros used live TV feeds to
                                                                      night when the Pirates host-  est  mistake.  He  said  he  put  steal opposing teams' signs on
                                                                      ed  Boston.  The  23-year-old  his  oven  mitt-like  sliding  the way to winning the 2017
                                                                      Castro  appealed  the  penalty  glove in his pocket and forgot  World  Series  championship
                                                                      and can play until the process  about the phone, which now  and  part  of  the  subsequent
                                                                      is complete.                 had some cushion.            season.
                                                                                                   "I  just  remember  getting  Astros  general  manager  Jeff
                                                                      Castro's phone flew from his  dressed,  putting  my  pants  Luhnow  and  then-manager
                                                                      pocket when he made a head-  on, getting something to eat,  A.J.  Hinch  were  suspended
                                                                      first  dive  into  third  base  at  using  the  restroom,"  Castro  for the 2020 season. The As-
                                                                      Arizona on Aug. 9.           said  through  a  translator  af-  tros  also  were  fined  $5  mil-
                                                                                                   ter the Pirates lost 6-4 to Ari-  lion and forfeited their first-
                                                                      The  play  drew  plenty  of  at-  zona. "Never did it ever cross  and  second-round  picks  in
                                                                      tention  at  the  ballpark  and  my mind that I still had my  2020 and 2021.
            (AP) — Pittsburgh Pirates  Baseball  on  Tuesday  for  beyond  in  the  sports  world.  cellphone on me."
            infielder  Rodolfo  Castro  having  a  cellphone  in  Many  cringed  while  others                                  Castro  is  hitting  .239  in  27
            was  suspended  for  one  his  back  pocket  during  a  laughed it off as the video clip  MLB  has  cracked  down  on  games  in  his  second  major
            game  by  Major  League  game last week.                  was seen by millions.        technology  use  by  players  league season.

                            NBA schedule won't have games on Election Day this year

            (AP)  –  The  NBA  will  be  All 435 U.S. House seats will  The  NBA  and  its  players
            off on Election Day.         be  up  for  grabs  on  Nov.  8,  were openly involved in sev-
            The  league's  schedule  for  along with more than 30 U.S.  eral  election-related  pushes
            the  coming  season  will  Senate  seats  and  gubernato-  in 2020, largely as part of the
            have  all  30  teams  playing  rial races.                response  after  the  deaths  of
            on Nov. 7, the night before                               George  Floyd  and  Breonna
            the  midterm  elections.  "It's unusual. We don't usual-  Taylor reignited the quest to
            The NBA is hoping teams  ly change the schedule for an  eliminate  racial  inequality
            use that night as an oppor-  external event," James Cado-  and police brutality.
            tunity  to  encourage  fans  gan,  the  executive  director
            to  get  out  and  vote,  plus  of  the  NBA's  social  justice  Many players, including LeB-
            amplify the need for civic  coalition,  told  NBC,  which  ron James, were involved in
            engagement.                  first  reported  the  league's  voting registration drives and
                                         Election  Day  schedule  plan.  other  get-out-the-vote  ini-
            But on Nov. 8, which is Elec-  "But voting and Election Day  tiatives.  Some  teams  turned
            tion Day, no NBA teams have  are obviously unique and in-  their arenas into registration
            games  scheduled.  Teams  are  credibly important to our de-  or voting centers.       son should be over by Elec-  ture of political participation,
            being  encouraged  to  share  mocracy."                   The NBA's full schedule for  tion  Day;  the  latest  possible  which extends not only to its
            election information — such                               the  season  will  be  released  date  for  the  World  Series,  athletes but to fans as well,"
            as  registration  deadlines  —  The move is a rarity for the  Wednesday.               barring  postponements,  is  said Andrea Hailey, the CEO
            with  their  fan  bases  in  the  league, which typically plays                        Saturday,  Nov.  5.  The  NFL  of,  which  has  part-
            weeks leading up to Nov. 8.  no  games  on  Thanksgiving  There  are  some  sporting  hardly  ever  plays  on  Tues-  nered  with  the  NBPA  on
                                         and Christmas Eve and tries  events in the U.S. scheduled  days  —  there  have  been  various  initiatives  in  recent
            "The  scheduling  decision  to avoid scheduling games on  for Nov. 8. The NHL has 11  seven  games  on  that  day  of  years. "Players, coaches, event
            came out of the NBA family's  the day of the NCAA men's  games  on  Election  Day  this  the  week  since  1948,  six  of  staff  and  fans  all  deserve  to
            focus on promoting nonpar-   basketball    championship  year,  with  eight  of  those  in  them for coronavirus-related  have  the  time  and  space  to
            tisan  civic  engagement  and  game — often the first Mon-  the U.S. And there are three  rescheduling  reasons  in  the  make their voices heard at the
            encouraging  fans  to  make  a  day of April. It also has a few  FBS-level  college  football  last two years — and has no  ballot box. The league is set-
            plan to vote during midterm  days off built around the All-  games being played on Nov.  games scheduled this year on  ting  an  important  precedent
            elections,"  the  league  said  Star Game, which takes place  8, all in the state of Ohio.  Nov. 8.                 that I hope other businesses
            Tuesday.                     in February.                                                                           and leagues will follow."
                                                                      Major League Baseball's sea-  "The NBA is creating a cul-

                             Royals' Garrett appeals 3-game ban for drink toss at fan

            (AP)  —  Kansas  City  re-   suspension  and  an  undis-  day for tossing a drink at  Twitter  the  following  day,  kind to me, and I was letting
            lief  pitcher  Amir  Garrett  closed  fine  from  Major  a  fan  behind  the  Royals'  writing that his actions were  him  know  how  upset  I  was
            received  a  three-game  League Baseball on Mon-          dugout  during  a  game  at  "uncalled  for."  Garrett  also  that, in the moment, I reacted
                                                                      Chicago two weeks ago.       tweeted that players "are held  like  that.  It's  an  opportunity
                                                                                                   to a higher standard and the  for me to grow from."
                                                                      Garrett appealed the punish-  chirping from fans" is part of
                                                                      ment,  allowing  him  to  con-  the game.                 The  left-hander  has  a  4.60
                                                                      tinue to pitch until that pro-                            ERA  in  40  appearances  this
                                                                      cess is completed. He pitched  After  the  game  on  Monday,  season, his first with the Roy-
                                                                      a  perfect  seventh  inning  for  Garrett  said  he  was  "pret-  als. Last year with Cincinnati,
                                                                      the  Royals  in  a  4-2  loss  in  ty  upset  with  myself"  for  Garrett  was  given  a  seven-
                                                                      Minnesota on Monday night.   the  suspension.  He  said  he  game suspension for his role
                                                                                                   reached  out  to  the  fan  and  in  a  benches-clearing  fight
                                                                      The incident with the specta-  sent a jersey to him and his  between  the  Reds  and  the
                                                                      tor at Guaranteed Rate Field  son.                        Chicago  Cubs.  He  appealed
                                                                      occurred on Aug. 2 when the                               and  had  the  ban  cut  to  five
                                                                      Royals played the White Sox.  "No  hard  feelings  there,"  games.
                                                                      Garrett posted an apology on  Garrett  said.  "He  was  very
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