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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 17 augustus 2022

                          China sets sanctions on Taiwan figures to punish US, island

            (AP)  —  China  imposed                                                                                             unclear what effect the sanc-
            visa bans and other sanc-                                                                                           tions  would  have.  China
            tions Tuesday on Taiwan-                                                                                            has  refused  all  contact  with
            ese  political  figures  as  it                                                                                     Taiwan’s  government  since
            raises pressure on the self-                                                                                        shortly after the 2016 election
            governing  island  and  the                                                                                         of Tsai, who was overwhelm-
            U.S. in response to succes-                                                                                         ingly reelected in 2020.
            sive congressional visits.
                                                                                                                                Taiwan’s  Foreign  Ministry
            The sanctions come a day af-                                                                                        tweeted  its  appreciation  for
            ter  China  announced  more                                                                                         the  most  recent  congressio-
            military exercises in the seas                                                                                      nal visit, adding that “Author-
            and  skies  surrounding  Tai-                                                                                       itarian  #China  can’t  dictate
            wan because of what it called                                                                                       how  democratic  #Taiwan
            “collusion  and  provocation                                                                                        makes friends, wins support,
            between  the  U.S.  and  Tai-                                                                                       stays resilient & shines like a
            wan.” There’s been no word                                                                                          beacon of freedom.”
            on the timing and scale of the
            Chinese exercises.                                                                                                  Tsai’s   pro-independence
                                                                                                                                Democratic  Progressive  Par-
            They  were  announced  the                                                                                          ty  also  controls  the  legisla-
            same day a U.S. congressio-                                                                                         ture, and the vast majority of
            nal delegation met with Tai-                                                                                        Taiwanese  favor  maintaining
            wanese  President  Tsai  Ing-                                                                                       the status quo of de facto in-
            wen, and after a similar visit                                                                                      dependence amid strong eco-
            by U.S. House Speaker Nan-   missiles  over  the  island  and  sanctions include Taiwan’s de  The measures were designed  nomic and social connections
            cy  Pelosi,  the  highest-level  incursions by navy ships and  facto ambassador to the U.S.,  to  “resolutely  punish”  those  between the sides.
            member of the U.S. govern-   warplanes across the midline  Bi-khim  Hsiao,  and  legisla-  considered  “diehard  ele-
            ment  to  visit  Taiwan  in  25  of the Taiwan Strait that has  tors  Ker  Chien-ming,  Koo  ments”  supporting  Taiwan’s  China  accuses  the  U.S.  of
            years.  The  Chinese  govern-  long  been  a  buffer  between  Li-hsiung,  Tsai  Chi-chang,  independence,  China’s  of-  encouraging  the  island’s  in-
            ment objects to Taiwan hav-  the sides.                   Chen  Jiau-hua  and  Wang  ficial  Xinhua  News  Agency  dependence through the sale
            ing  any  official  contact  with                         Ting-yu,  along  with  activist  said.                    of weapons and engagement
            foreign governments because  In  Washington,  U.S.  State  Lin Fei-fan.                                             between U.S. politicians and
            it  considers  Taiwan  its  own  Department   spokesperson                             Premier  Su  Tseng-chang,  the  island’s  government.
            territory, and its recent saber  Ned Price told reporters that  They  will  be  barred  from  leader  of  the  legislature  You  Washington  says  it  does  not
            rattling  has  emphasized  its  China  had  overreacted  with  traveling to mainland China,  Si-kun  and  Foreign  Minis-  support  independence,  has
            threat  to  take  the  island  by  its  “provocative  and  totally  Hong Kong and Macao, and  ter  Joseph  Wu  were  already  no  formal  diplomatic  ties
            military force.              unnecessary  response  to  the  from having any financial or  on China’s sanctions list and  with the island and maintains
                                         congressional delegation that  personal  connections  with  will  face  more  restrictions,  that  the  two  sides  should
            Pelosi’s visit was followed by  visited  Taiwan  earlier  this  people  and  entities  on  the  Xinhua said.        settle their dispute peacefully
            nearly two weeks of threaten-  month.”                    mainland,  according  to  the                             — but it is legally bound to
            ing Chinese military exercis-                             ruling  Communist  Party’s  China exercises no legal au-  ensure the island can defend
            es that included the firing of  The targets of China’s latest  Taiwan Work Office.     thority  over  Taiwan  and  it’s  itself against any attack.

                         Europe drought: German industry at risk as Rhine level falls

            (AP) — Germany’s main industry  lack of drivers.                        government to help closely monitor  waves and droughts, more likely.
            lobby group warned Tuesday that                                         water levels and react early to poten-
            factories  may  have  to  throttle  “It’s  only  a  question  of  time  before  tial transportation problems on Ger-  Germany’s weather service has fore-
            production or halt it completely  facilities  in  the  chemical  and  steel  many’s waterways.              cast heavy rain toward the end of the
            because  plunging  water  levels  industry have to be switched off, pe-                                     week that could provide some relief
            on the Rhine River are making it  troleum  and  construction  materials  Experts  say  climate  change  is  mak-  to river shipping companies.
            harder to transport cargo.          won’t  reach  their  destination,  and  ing extreme weather, including heat-
                                                high-capacity and heavy-goods trans-
            The Rhine’s level at Emmerich, near  ports can’t be carried out anymore,”
            the Dutch border, dropped by a fur-  he  said,  adding  that  this  could  lead
            ther four centimeters (1.6 inches) in  to supply bottlenecks and short-time
            24  hours,  hitting  zero  on  the  depth  work might result.
                                                Loesch  warned  that  energy  supplies
            Authorities say the shipping lane it-  could also be further strained as ships
            self  still  has  a  depth  of  almost  200  carrying coal and gasoline along the
            centimeters (six feet, six inches), but  Rhine are affected.
            the record low measurement Tuesday
            morning highlights the extreme lack  Drivers in southern Germany already
            of water caused by months of drought  have  to  pay  considerably  more  for
            affecting much of Europe.           fuel than those further north, accord-
                                                ing to Germany’s biggest motor club.
            “The  ongoing  drought  and  the  low  The ADAC said diesel was being sold
            water levels threaten the supply secu-  for under 1.82 euros ($1.84) per liter
            rity of industry,” said Holger Loesch,  in Hamburg, while in the southwest-
            deputy head of the BDI business lob-  ern  state  of  Baden-Wuerttemberg  it
            by group.                           cost on average 1.97 euros.

            Loesch said shifting cargo from riv-  The BDI said droughts such as that
            er to train or transport was difficult  seen  this  year  could  become  more
            because of limited rail capacity and a  frequent in the future, and urged the
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