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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 17 augustus 2022

                          NFL looks like old self entering 3rd season in COVID-19 era

            (AP)  —  Derrick  Henry  training  camps  across  the
            has  been  seen  jogging  on  NFL: Fans are back and close  "Having  these  moments  are
            the field with his daughter  enough  to  high-five  and  always  precious,  especially
            after  practice.  Green  Bay  shake hands with players, no  with your kids, but just being
            Packers  are  once  again  longer kept at a distance and  in football and training camp
            borrowing  kids'  bicycles  happy  to  resume  preseason  it  takes  up  a  lot  of  time,"
            for rides to practice. Fans  traditions.                  Henry  said.  "But  any  time
            are  rubbing  elbows  with                                you get  a moment like that,
            their  favorite  players  to  Players are happy to have fans  you always cherish those mo-
            get  those  coveted  auto-   fully  back,  grateful  for  the  ments and something that we
            graphs.                      energy boost during the mo-  can look back at and laugh at
                                         notonous  routine  and  long  and enjoy."
            Yes, the NFL is looking and  days of camp.
            acting like it's essentially back                         Vaccinations eased the proto-
            to normal going into its third  "It's  huge,"  Packers  running  cols  from  2020  when  team-
            season  dealing  with  COV-  back Aaron Jones said. "The  mates had to keep 6 feet apart
            ID-19.                       fans  are  everything.  They're  and  coaches  wore  masks  on
                                         what makes football go, and  the field whether in practice
            There are no more trailers or  I would say this is one of the  or games no matter if teams
            tents  for  testing,  and  masks  best traditions in football, the  were inside or outdoors. Ti-
            are rare. In fact, the protocols  bike rides. I've had my same  tans  center  Ben  Jones  said
            devised  and  tweaked  by  the  little bike rider since I came  that  meant  friends  sitting
            league  and  the  NFL  Players  in,  got  to  bring  my  son  to  apart for breakfast and lunch,
            Association in 2020 and 2021  practice  with  me  as  well,  so  making it tough to build team
            were suspended last March.   it's special to me."         chemistry and camaraderie.
            The  NFL  seems  to  be  fol-  The Packers were among the  "It made it a lot of challeng-
            lowing the lead of the CDC,  teams  that  allowed  fans  to  es for me who's a guy who's
            which  dropped  social  dis-  watch training camp practices  trying to get five guys on the
            tancing  and  quarantine  re-  in 2021 at a distance, though  same  page  to  do  it  spread
            quirements last week with an  no  interaction  with  players  out," Ben Jones recalled. "It's
            estimated 95% of Americans  was allowed.                  not what you want. As a guy
            16 and older acquiring some                               on the team, as a leader, you
            level of immunity from vac-  Cheers  are  very  welcome  want as many guys as close as
            cinations or infections.     after  the  relative  silence  the  possible  so  you  can  have  an
                                         past two years when the only  impact on them."
            The  league  still  wants  any-  sounds  were  pads  thudding,                         break of the 2020 season, and  ed  individuals  won't  be  able
            one with possible symptoms  coaches yelling and occasion-  The  social  distancing  signs  Vrabel  tested  positive  dur-  to  cross  the  border  between
            to speak up and wear a mask  ally  music  over  speakers  to  are gone. So too are the man-  ing the 2021 preseason at the  the U.S. and Canada, though
            after  contact  with  someone  simulate  fan  noise.  Families  datory tests, saving time each  start of another outbreak for  the NHL only has a couple of
            with  COVID-19.  A  positive  of players, coaches and team  morning spent waiting for a  the team.                  players and assistant coaches
            test  still  means  isolating  at  staffers couldn't attend either,  positive or negative result.                   in that category.
            home for at least five days.  preventing  them from steal-                             Other  professional  leagues  — The NBA hasn't revealed
                                         ing  a  few  minutes  at  work  No   NFL   regular-season  also are adjusting protocols;  its full policy for the upcom-
            "I  think  we  are  always  con-  with their kids or spouses.  games were canceled the past  —  Major  League  Baseball  ing  season.  Commissioner
            cerned  about  everybody's                                two  seasons  because  of  the  dropped  regular  COVID-19  Adam Silver said last month
            safety, ours and the health of  Henry's  daughter  Valentina,  pandemic, though many were  testing for all but symptom-  he's  expecting  continued
            our  families,"  Tennessee  Ti-  now  2,  is  the  perfect  age  to  moved  around  during  2020  atic  individuals  prior  to  the  movement toward normalcy,
            tans coach Mike Vrabel said,  enjoy racing her father to an  with  the  entire  preseason  start of the 2022 season.  "I have learned over the last
            adding  that  2  1/2  years  into  end zone after an early prac-  scrapped.  About  95%  of  the  — The NHL plans no test-  2 1/2 years not to make any
            the pandemic: "Hopefully we  tice  at  camp.  The  two-time  players  and  nearly  100%  of  ing  for  players,  coaches  and  predictions when it comes to
            are past that."              NFL  rushing  champ  said  team  personnel  were  vacci-  staff without symptoms with  COVID, but only to say we'll
                                         it's  the  kind  of  moment  his  nated, the league reported.  locker  rooms  open  to  me-  be prepared for anything that
            The  biggest  changes  have  daughter  can  look  at  when                             dia members. Much like the  comes our way."
            been  the  easiest  to  notice  at  older.                The Titans had the first out-  NBA and MLB, unvaccinat-

                          Crystal Palace player gets death threats after Núñez ejected

            (AP)  —  Crystal  Palace  threats  and  an  avalanche  was  ejected  for  head-        Some  of  the  screenshots  poned  until  a  new  leader  of
            defender  Joachim  Ander-    of abuse online after Liv-   butting him in a Premier  called for  the  Palace  player's  the ruling Conservative party
            sen says he received death  erpool's  Darwin  Núñez  League  game  on  Monday  death, and many were full of  is chosen.
                                                                      night.                       expletives.  Some  messages
                                                                                                   threatened not just Andersen  Núñez  was  making  his  first
                                                                      Andersen  took  to  Instagram  but his family as well.    competitive  start  for  Liver-
                                                                      to  share  what  he  said  was  a  A Premier League spokesper-  pool.  The  club's  big  offsea-
                                                                      sample  of  hundreds  of  abu-  son confirmed the governing  son  signing  lost  his  temper
                                                                      sive messages he has received  body had been in touch with  after  jostling  with  Andersen
                                                                      since the 1-1 draw at Anfield.  Palace to offer help, Britain's  off  the  ball  and  thrust  his
                                                                                                   Press Association said.      head into the face of the de-
                                                                      "Got maybe 300-400 of these                               fender. He was sent off in the
                                                                      messages  last  night,"  the  The  British  parliament  had  57th minute. Andersen got a
                                                                      Dane  posted  Tuesday  to  his  been set to discuss new legis-  yellow card in the same inci-
                                                                      Instagram story, which called  lation in July that would have  dent.
                                                                      on the league and Instagram  forced tech companies to take
                                                                      to take action.              stronger  measures  to  tackle  Núñez  is  facing  a  three-
                                                                      Media reports said Andersen  abuse and hate on their plat-  match  ban  for  violent  con-
                                                                      has also spoken to the police.  forms, but the bill was post-  duct.
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