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A28    u.s. news
              Diaranson 17 augustus 2022

                      Cheney braces for loss as Trump tested in Wyoming and Alaska

            (AP)  —  Wyoming  Rep.                                                                                              GOP  primaries  this  year.
            Liz  Cheney,  a  leader  in                                                                                         The rest have lost or declined
            the Republican resistance                                                                                           to  seek  reelection.  Cheney
            to former President Don-                                                                                            would be just the third to re-
            ald  Trump,  is  fighting  to                                                                                       turn to Congress if she defies
            save  her  seat  in  the  U.S.                                                                                      expectations on Tuesday.
            House on Tuesday as vot-
            ers weigh in on the direc-                                                                                          And  Murkowski  is  the  only
            tion  of  the  GOP  in  two                                                                                         pro-impeachment     senator
            deep-red states.                                                                                                    running  for  reelection  this
            Cheney’s team is bracing for
            a loss against a Trump-backed                                                                                       She is facing 18 opponents —
            challenger  in  the  state  in                                                                                      the most prominent of which
            which he won by the largest                                                                                         is Republican Kelly Tshibaka,
            of  margins  during  the  2020                                                                                      who  has  been  endorsed  by
            campaign.                                                                                                           Trump — in her push to pre-
                                                                                                                                serve a seat she has held for
            Win or lose, the 56-year-old                                                                                        nearly  20  years.  In  contrast
            daughter of a vice president is                                                                                     to  vulnerable  Republican
            vowing to remain in national                                                                                        candidates who cozied up to
            politics  as  she  contemplates                                                                                     Trump  in  other  states  this
            a  2024  presidential  bid.  But                                                                                    summer, Murkowski contin-
            in  the  short  term,  Cheney                                                                                       ues to promote her bipartisan
            is  facing  a  dire  threat  from                                                                                   credentials.
            Republican  opponent  Har-   vocal  Cheney  ally.  “It’ll  be  just eight days after the FBI  in  his  second  impeachment
            riet  Hageman,  a  Cheyenne  a  crying  shame  really  if  she  executed a search warrant at  trial.                “When you get the ideas from
            ranching  industry  attorney  does lose. It shows just how  Trump’s  Florida  estate,  re-                          both  sides  coming  together,
            who  has  harnessed  the  full  much  of  a  stranglehold  that  covering 11 sets of classified  The top four primary Senate  little  bit  of  compromise  in
            fury of the Trump movement  Donald  Trump  has  on  the  records.  Some  were  marked  candidates in Alaska, regard-  the middle, this is what lasts
            in  her  bid  to  expel  Cheney  Republican Party.”       “sensitive   compartmented  less of party, will advance to  beyond  administrations,  be-
            from the House.                                           information,”  a  special  cate-  the  November  general  elec-  yond changes in leadership,”
                                         Tuesday’s  contests  in  Wyo-  gory meant to protect the na-  tion,  where  voters  will  rank  the  Republican  senator  said
            “We like Trump. She tried to  ming and Alaska offer one of  tion’s most important secrets.  them in order of preference.  in  a  video  posted  on  social
            impeach  Trump,”  Cheyenne  the final tests for Trump and  The Republican Party initial-                            media  over  the  weekend.
            voter  Chester  Barkell  said  his  brand  of  hard-line  poli-  ly  rallied  behind  the  former  In  all,  seven  Republican  “This is what allows for sta-
            of Cheney. “I don’t trust Liz  tics  ahead  of  the  November  president, although the reac-  senators  and  10  Republican  bility  and  certainty.  And  it
            Cheney.”                     general  election.  So  far,  the  tion turned somewhat mixed  House  members  joined  ev-  comes  through  bipartisan-
                                         former  president  has  largely  as more details emerged.  ery  Democrat  in  supporting  ship.”
            Cheney’s  allies  were  strug-  dominated the fight to shape                           Trump’s  impeachment  in
            gling not to lose hope in the  the GOP in his image, having  In Alaska, a recent change to  the  days  after  his  support-  On  the  other  side  of  the
            hours before polls closed.   helped install loyalists in key  state election law gives a peri-  ers stormed the U.S. Capitol  GOP’s tent, Sarah Palin, the
                                         general  election  matchups  odic Trump critic, U.S. Sen.  as  Congress  tried  to  certify  former  Alaska  governor  and
            “I’m  still  hopeful  that  the  from  Arizona  to  Georgia  to  Lisa  Murkowski,  an  oppor-  President Joe Biden’s victory.  vice-presidential   nominee,
            polling numbers are wrong,”  Pennsylvania.                tunity  to  survive  the  former                          hopes  to  spark  a  political
            said Landon Brown, a Wyo-                                 president’s  wrath,  even  af-  Just  two  of  those  10  House  comeback on Tuesday.
            ming state representative and  This  week’s  contests  come  ter she voted to convict him  members  have  won  their

                          US West hit with water cuts but rebuffs call for deeper ones

            (AP)  —  For  the  second  critical decisions about where  to  respond  to  a  federal  ulti-  Touton has said the addition-  scarce.
            year in a row, Arizona and  to  reduce  consumption  and  matum to figure out how to  al 15% reduction is necessary
            Nevada  will  face  cuts  in  whether to prioritize growing  cut their water use by at least  to ensure that water deliver-  After more than two decades
            the amount of water they  cities  or  agricultural  areas.  15%,  they  could  face  even  ies  and  hydroelectric  power  of drought, Arizona, Nevada
            can  draw  from  the  Colo-  Mexico will also face cuts.  deeper cuts that the govern-  are  not  disrupted.  She  was  and  Mexico  were  hit  with
            rado River as the West en-                                ment has said are needed to  noncommittal  on  Tuesday  mandatory  cuts  for  the  first
            dures  more  drought,  fed-  But  those  reductions  rep-  prevent reservoirs  from fall-  about whether she planned to  time last year. Some of the re-
            eral  officials  announced  resent  just  a  fraction  of  the  ing  so  low  they  cannot  be  impose  those  cuts  unilater-  gion’s farmers have been paid
            Tuesday.                     potential  pain  to  come  for  pumped.                   ally if the states cannot reach  to  leave  their  fields  fallow,
                                         the 40 million Americans in                               agreement.                   while residents of its growing
            The  cuts  planned  for  next  seven  states  that  rely  on  the  “The  states  collectively  have                 cities have been subjected to
            year will force states to make  river. Because the states failed  not  identified  and  adopted  She  emphasized  partnership  conservation  measures  such
                                                                      specific  actions  of  sufficient  between federal officials and  as restrictions on grass lawns.
                                                                      magnitude that would stabi-  their counterparts in the sev-
                                                                      lize  the  system,”  Bureau  of  en states and Mexico, but re-  But  those  efforts  thus  far
                                                                      Reclamation  Commissioner  peatedly declined to say how  haven’t  been  enough.  The
                                                                      Camille Touton said.         much  time  the  states  will  water level at Lake Mead, the
                                                                                                   have to reach the deal she re-  nation’s  largest  man-made
                                                                      Together,  the  missed  dead-  quested in June.           reservoir,  has  plummeted so
                                                                      line  and  cuts  place  officials                         low  that  it’s  currently  less
                                                                      responsible  for  providing  For  years,  cities  and  farms  than a quarter full and inch-
                                                                      water  to  growing  cities  and  have  diverted  more  water  ing  dangerously  close  to  a
                                                                      farms  under  renewed  pres-  from  the  river  than  flows  point where not enough wa-
                                                                      sure to plan for a hotter, drier  through it, depleting its res-  ter  would  flow  to  produce
                                                                      future and a growing popula-  ervoirs and raising questions  hydropowever at the Hoover
                                                                      tion.                        about  how  it  will  be  divid-  Dam on the Nevada-Arizona
                                                                                                   ed  as  water  becomes  more  border.
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