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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 17 augustus 2022

                              Biden signs massive climate and health care legislation

            (AP)  —  President  Joe  how long or messy the pro-                                                                 will be to Ohio, where he’ll
            Biden  signed  Democrats’  cess  —  can  still  deliver  for                                                        view  the  groundbreaking  of
            landmark  climate  change  voters in America as he road-                                                            a  semiconductor  plant  that
            and  health  care  bill  into  tested a line he will likely re-                                                     will  benefit  from  the  recent
            law  on  Tuesday,  deliver-  peat later this fall ahead of the                                                      law to bolster production of
            ing what he has called the  midterms:  “The  American                                                               such computer chips. He will
            “final piece” of his pared-  people  won,  and  the  special                                                        also  stop  in  Pennsylvania  to
            down domestic agenda, as  interests lost.”                                                                          promote his administration’s
            he aims to boost his party’s                                                                                        plan  for  safer  communities,
            standing  with  voters  less  “In  this  historic  moment,                                                          a visit that had been planned
            than three months before  Democrats  sided  with  the                                                               the same day he tested posi-
            the midterm elections.       American  people,  and  ev-                                                            tive  for  COVID-19  last
                                         ery single Republican in the                                                           month.
            The  legislation  includes  the  Congress sided with the spe-
            most  substantial  federal  in-  cial  interests  in  this  vote,”                                                  “In  the  coming  weeks,  the
            vestment  in  history  to  fight  Biden said, repeatedly seizing                                                    President will host a Cabinet
            climate change — some $375  on  the  contrast  between  his  Biden  signed  the  bill  into  of  Ukraine  and  overwhelm-  meeting  focused  on  imple-
            billion  over  the  decade  —  party  and  the  GOP.  “Every  law during a small ceremony  ingly   supported   NATO  menting the Inflation Reduc-
            and  would  cap  prescription  single one.”               in  the  State  Dining  Room  membership for Sweden and  tion  Act,  will  travel  across
            drug  costs  at  $2,000  out-of-                          of  the  White  House,  sand-  Finland.                   the country to highlight how
            pocket  annually  for  Medi-  The  House  on  Friday  ap-  wiched  between  his  return                             the bill will help the Ameri-
            care recipients. It also would  proved  the  measure  on  a  from a six-day beachside va-  With  Biden’s  approval  rat-  can people, and will host an
            help an estimated 13 million  party-line  220-207  vote.  It  cation in South Carolina and  ing  lagging,  Democrats  are  event to celebrate the enact-
            Americans pay for health care  passed the Senate days earlier  his departure for his home in  hoping that the string of suc-  ment of the bill at the White
            insurance by extending sub-  with  Vice  President  Kamala  Wilmington,  Delaware.  He  cesses  will  jump-start  their  House  on  September  6th,”
            sidies  provided  during  the  Harris breaking a 50-50 tie in  plans  to  hold  a  larger  “cel-  chances of maintaining con-  the  White  House  said  in  a
            coronavirus pandemic.        that chamber.                ebration”  for  the  legislation  trol  in  Washington  in  the  statement.
                                                                      on  Sept.  6  once  lawmakers  November  midterms.  The
            The  measure  is  paid  for  by  “In  normal  times,  getting  return to Washington.   79-year-old president aims to  Republicans  say  the  legisla-
            new taxes on large companies  these  bills  done  would  be                            restore his own standing with  tion’s  new  business  taxes
            and stepped-up IRS enforce-  a  huge  achievement,”  Sen-  The  signing  caps  a  spurt  of  voters  as  he  contemplates  a  will increase prices, worsen-
            ment  of  wealthy  individuals  ate  Majority  Leader  Chuck  legislative  productivity  for  reelection bid.       ing the nation’s bout with its
            and  entities,  with  additional  Schumer,  D-N.Y.,  said  dur-  Biden and Congress, who in                         highest  inflation  since  1981.
            funds  going  to  reduce  the  ing  the  White  House  cere-  three months have approved  The White House announced  Though Democrats have la-
            federal deficit.             mony. “But to do it now, with  legislation  on  veterans’  ben-  Monday that it was going to  beled the measure the Infla-
                                         only 50 Democratic votes in  efits,  the  semiconductor  in-  deploy  Biden  and  members  tion Reduction Act, nonpar-
            In a triumphant signing event  the Senate, over an intransi-  dustry  and  gun  checks  for  of  his  Cabinet  on  a  “Build-  tisan analysts say it will have a
            at  the  White  House,  Biden  gent Republican minority, is  young buyers. The president  ing  a  Better  America  Tour”  barely perceptible impact on
            pointed  to  the  law  as  proof  nothing short of amazing.”  and lawmakers have also re-  to  promote  the  recent  vic-  prices.
            that democracy — no matter                                sponded to Russia’s invasion  tories.  One  of  Biden’s  trips

                         Lag in slavery reparations from US Jesuits irks descendants

            (AP) - Last year, the U.S.  Conference  of  Canada  and  Reconciliation  back  on  the  lion within five years with a  the Rev. Arturo Sosa, Stewart
            branch  of  the  Jesuits  the  United  States,  and  the  shelf  for  another  200  years  broader  goal  of  reaching  $1  called on the Jesuits to act ur-
            pledged to raise $100 mil-   GU272 Descendants Associ-    as  voices  for  ‘reparation’  get  billion  from  an  array  of  do-  gently and fund the descen-
            lion  for  a  reconciliation  ation, which represents those  stronger  and  stronger  and  nors. The money would pay  dants’  trust  so  racial  recon-
            initiative  in  partnership  whose ancestors were sold.   louder and louder.”          for  educational  opportuni-  ciliation  grants,  scholarships
            with  descendants  of  peo-  If the partnership falls apart,                           ties  for  current  and  future  and care for the elderly could
            ple  once  enslaved  by  the  “the  Jesuits  leaders  of  today  Their  partnership  and  joint  descendants, and the founda-  move forward.
            Catholic  order.  On  Tues-  will  effectively  betray  De-  creation  of  the  Descendants  tion would oversee fundrais-
            day, a  leader of  those de-  scendants today just as the Je-  Truth   &   Reconciliation  ing and grant allocation.  Stewart  suggested  the  fund-
            scendants  expressed  deep  suits of the past betrayed our  Foundation  was  announced                              ing  delay  has  been  caused
            dissatisfaction  with  the  ancestors,”  Stewart  wrote.  in  March  2021.  The  Jesuits  In  his  letter  to  the  interna-  by  the  Jesuits’  reluctance  to
            order’s  lack  of  progress  “Jesuits  will  attempt  to  put  pledged  to  raise  $100  mil-  tional religious order’s leader,  move  about  $57  million  in
            since then.                                                                                                         proceeds  from  2009  planta-
                                                                                                                                tion land sales into the trust.
            Joseph Stewart, in a publicly                                                                                       In his letter to Sosa, he urged
            released letter to the head of                                                                                      the  sale  of  remaining  plan-
            the order, contends the Jesu-                                                                                       tation  lands  and  depositing
            its have failed to uphold their                                                                                     those proceeds by Christmas.
            side  of  the  partnership  with                                                                                    Stewart  also  laid  out  an  in-
            the urgency the circumstanc-                                                                                        cremental,  multiyear  fund-
            es demand. Stewart and other                                                                                        ing timeline that starts with a
            descendants are the progeny                                                                                         $100 million deposit by July
            of 272 enslaved men, women                                                                                          2023  and  finishes  with  a  $1
            and children sold in 1838 by                                                                                        billion addition by July 2029.
            the Jesuit owners of George-
            town University to Louisiana                                                                                        “Fundraising  alone  has  not
            plantation owners to pay off                                                                                        produced  sufficient  resourc-
            the school’s debts.                                                                                                 es to make the foundation ef-
                                                                                                                                fective and to begin deliver-
            The Jesuits “are in a state of                                                                                      ing on the promise,” Stewart
            disillusionment,”   Stewart                                                                                         told The Associated Press. “It
            wrote, warning of the possi-                                                                                        has not derailed the initiative,
            ble disintegration of the part-                                                                                     but  it’s  just  going  too  slow.
            nership  between  the  Jesuit                                                                                       We need to accelerate it.”
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