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A26    U.S. NEWS
                     Saturday 30 May 2020
            Ruling means Missouri’s last abortion clinic stays open

            By JIM SALTER and                                                                                                   as  a  tool  to  end  abortions
            SUMMER BALLENTINE                                                                                                   in  Missouri,  a  conservative
            Associated Press                                                                                                    state with a decidedly anti-
            O'FALLON, Mo. (AP) — Mis-                                                                                           abortion  governor  in  Re-
            souri's  only  abortion  clinic                                                                                     publican Mike Parson.
            will  be  able  to  keep  oper-                                                                                     Planned Parenthood's chal-
            ating after a state govern-                                                                                         lenge led to an administra-
            ment  administrator  decid-                                                                                         tive hearing in October.
            ed  Friday  that  the  health                                                                                       The  wrangling  over  the  li-
            department  was  wrong                                                                                              cense  began  after  an  in-
            not to renew the license of                                                                                         vestigator  in  March  2019
            the  Planned  Parenthood                                                                                            found  that  a  woman  had
            facility  in  St.  Louis.  Missouri                                                                                 undergone  an  abortion
            Administrative     Hearing                                                                                          that  took  five  attempts  to
            Commissioner  Sreenivasa                                                                                            complete.  William  Koebel,
            Rao Dandamudi's decision                                                                                            director  of  the  section  of
            means Missouri will not be-                                                                                         the  health  department  re-
            come the first state without                                                                                        sponsible for abortion clinic
            a functioning abortion clin-                                                                                        licensing,  testified  that  the
            ic since 1974, the year after                                                                                       clinic  failed  to  provide  a
            the  Supreme  Court's  Roe                                                                                          "complication report."
            v.  Wade  decision.  "In  over                                                                                      That  led  the  health  de-
            4,000  abortions  provided                                                                                          partment  to  launch  an
            since 2018, the Department   In this Tuesday, June 4, 2019 file photo, a Planned Parenthood clinic is seen in St. Louis.    investigation  of  other  in-
            has  only  identified  two                                                                         Associated Press  stances   where   women
            causes to deny its license,"  ask a court to overturn the  Services of Planned Parent-  driguez said.               underwent  multiple  pro-
            Dandamudi wrote, adding  decision.  A  spokesman  for  hood of the St. Louis Region,  The state refused to renew  cedures  to  complete  an
            that  Planned  Parenthood  the  attorney  general's  of-  said  in  a  statement  that  the license for Planned Par-  abortion,  Koebel  said.    As
            has   "substantially   com-  fice,  which  is  defending  the ruling "is vindication for  enthood's St. Louis clinic in  part  of  that  investigation,
            plied" with state law.       the  health  department's  Planned  Parenthood  and  June  2019,  after  an  inves-    the  state  obtained  the
            "Therefore, Planned Parent-  decision  in  court,  said  the  our patients who rely on us."  tigation  turned  up  four  in-  medical  records  of  wom-
            hood is entitled to renewal  office  was  "reviewing  the  But she said Missouri's abor-  stances  of  what  the  state  en  who  had  abortions  at
            of  its  abortion  facility  li-  ruling and deciding on next  tion laws continue to make  called  "failed  abortions."  the  clinic.  They  found  four
            cense," Dandamudi wrote.     steps."  An  email  message  it difficult for women seek-  Planned  Parenthood  of-    who required multiple pro-
            A   Planned    Parenthood  seeking     comment     from  ing abortions.                ficials  contend  the  state  cedures,  including  one  in
            spokeswoman said the de-     the  Missouri  Department  "An  abortion  license,  while  "cherry-picked"  a  hand-   which the physician appar-
            cision will mean the St. Louis  of  Health  and  Senior  Ser-  critical to our ability to pro-  ful  of  difficult  cases  out  of  ently missed that a woman
            clinic's  license  is  renewed  vices was not immediately  vide care, still cannot undo  thousands   of   otherwise  was  pregnant  with  twins.
            through May 2021.            returned.    Yamelsie  Rodri-  the  harm  that  medically  successful  abortions.  They  The  woman  underwent
            It wasn't immediately clear  guez,  president  and  CEO  unnecessary policies in our  have accused the state of  two procedures five weeks
            whether  the  state  would  of  Reproductive  Health  state inflict on patients," Ro-  using the licensing process  apart.q

               FDA finds contamination in several brands of diabetes drug

                                                                                     ter and prescription medications.  of  an  abundance  of  caution."
                                                                                     Metformin tablets are a staple of  The company said it stopped sell-
                                                                                     diabetes  care,  reducing  excess  ing the drug in the U.S. in February
                                                                                     sugar  in  the  blood.  People  with  2019 and that little remains on the
                                                                                     Type  2  diabetes  use  metformin  market.  The  FDA  announcement
                                                                                     alone or with other drugs to help  did not name the four other drug-
                                                                                     control  their  blood  sugar  levels.  makers who have been request-
                                                                                     More than 34 million people in the  ed to recall their products.
                                                                                     U.S. have this disease.            The  agency  noted  that  no  con-
                                                                                     Patients  should  continue  taking  tamination  problems  have  been
                                                                                     metformin drugs until their doctor  found in immediate-release met-
                                                                                     can prescribe a replacement, the  formin. The FDA is responsible for
                                                                                     FDA  said  in  a  statement,  noting  ensuring  that  medicines  for  the
                                                                                     the risks of discontinuing. Regula-  U.S.  market  are  made  in  safe,
               This  image  made  available  by  the  U.S.  Food  and  Drug  Administration  on   tors are still assessing whether the  sanitary  conditions  that  meet
               Thursday, May 28, 2020 shows a label for the drug metformin.
                                                                    Associated Press   recalls  will  lead  to  shortages  of  federal  quality  standards.  But
                                                                                     metformin, but noted that a num-   government  inspectors  have  re-
               By MATTHEW PERRONE                 tion  said  late  Thursday  that  sev-  ber  of  other  companies  make  peatedly  criticized  the  agency
               AP Health Writer                   eral  batches  of  the  drug  met-  generic versions of the drugs that  for falling short in reviewing over-
               WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. health  formin  tested  positive  for  unsafe  don't  appear  to  be  affected  by  seas manufacturing plants as the
               regulators  are  telling  five  drug-  levels of a chemical called N-Ni-  the  issue.  Drugmaker  Apotex  pharmaceutical supply chain has
               makers  to  recall  their  versions  of  trosodimethylamine.  The  agency  Corp.  recalled  its  extended-re-  increasingly spread to Asia.
               a  widely  used  diabetes  medica-  has stepped up testing after the  lease metformin distributed in the  In  March,  the  FDA  suspended
               tion  after  laboratory  tests  found  chemical was found in dozens of  U.S. earlier this week after the FDA  nearly all U.S. and foreign inspec-
               elevated levels of a contaminant  shipments of heartburn drugs last  found  contamination  in  one  lot.  tions due to safety concerns and
               linked to cancer.                  year, triggering recalls of Zantac  Apotex said in a statement it re-  travel  restrictions  caused  by  the
               The  Food  and  Drug  Administra-  and other popular over-the-coun-   called all supplies of the drug "out  coronavirus outbreak.q
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