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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 30 May 2020
            U.S. cuts WHO ties over virus, takes action against Hong Kong

            Continued from Front                                                                                                and scientific organizations
                                                                                                                                who depend on tuition fees
            The U.S. is the largest source                                                                                      paid  by  Chinese  students
            of financial support for the                                                                                        to offset other costs. In ad-
            WHO and its exit is expec-                                                                                          dition, those institutions fear
            ted to significantly weaken                                                                                         possible  reciprocal  action
            the  organization.  Trump                                                                                           from Beijing that could limit
            said the U.S. would be “re-                                                                                         their students’ and educa-
            directing”  the  money  to                                                                                          tors’ access to China.
            “other  worldwide  and  de-                                                                                         In a nod to those concerns,
            serving  urgent  global  pu-                                                                                        the  officials  said  any  res-
            blic health needs,” without                                                                                         trictions would be narrowly
            providing specifics. He said                                                                                        tailored  to  affect  only  stu-
            Chinese  officials  “ignored”                                                                                       dents  who  present  a  signi-
            their  reporting  obligations                                                                                       ficant  risk  of  engaging  in
            to  the  WHO  and  pressu-                                                                                          espionage  or  intellectual
            red it to mislead the world                                                                                         property theft. The officials
            when the virus was first dis-                                                                                       could  not  say  how  many
            covered. He noted that the                                                                                          people  could  ultimately
            U.S. contributes about $450                                                                                         be expelled, although they
            million  to  the  world  body   Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization, speaks during   said it would be only a frac-
                                         the 147th session of the WHO Executive Board session in Geneva, Switzerland, Friday, May 22,2020.
            while China provides about                                                                         Associated Press   tion of the Chinese students
            $40 million.                                                                                                        in the country.
            Tensions  over  Hong  Kong  nistration  was  considering  Although the student expul-  der a “one country, two sy-  “We’re very worried about
            have  been  increasing  for  expelling thousands of Chi-  sions aren’t directly related  stems” policy.             how  broadly  this  will  be
            more than a year as China  nese graduate students en-     to Hong Kong and China’s  Pompeo’s        determination  applied,  and  we’re  con-
            has cracked down on pro-     rolled at U.S. universities.   move  to  assert  full  control  opened  the  door  to  possi-  cerned  it  could  send  a
            testers and sought to exert  Trump is also weighing tar-  over  the  former  British  ter-  ble  sanctions  and  the  loss  message that we no longer
            more  control  over  the  for-  geted  travel  and  financial  ritory,  potential  sanctions  of special perks Hong Kong  welcome talented students
            mer  British  territory.  Trump  sanctions  against  Chinese  against officials involved in  has  received  from  the  and  scholars  from  around
            said   the   administration  officials for actions in Hong  that effort would be a result  United  States.  But  neither  the  globe,”  said  Sarah
            would  begin  eliminating  Kong, according to the of-     of  Secretary  of  State  Mike  Pompeo  nor  other  officials  Spreitzer,  director  of  go-
            the  “full  range”  of  agree-  ficials, who were not autho-  Pompeo’s   determination  were  able  Wednesday  to  vernment  relations  at  the
            ments that had given Hong  rized  to  discuss  the  matter  that  Hong  Kong  can  no  describe  what  action  the  American  Council  on  Edu-
            Kong a relationship with the  publicly and spoke on con-  longer  be  considered  au-  administration  might  take,  cation.
            U.S.  that  mainland  China  dition of anonymity.         tonomous  from  mainland  an  uncertainty  related  to  The U.S. hosted 133,396 gra-
            lacked, including on trade  “We’ll be announcing what  China.  Pompeo  notified  the impact that such sanc-         duate students from China
            and extradition. He said the  we’re doing tomorrow with  Congress  on  Wednesday  tions  would  have  on  U.S.  in  the  2018-19  academic
            State  Department  would  respect  to  China  and  we  that Hong Kong is no longer  companies that operate in  year,  and  they  made  up
            begin  warning  U.S.  citizens  are not happy with China,”  deserving  of  the  preferen-  Hong  Kong  and  the  city’s  36.1%  of  all  international
            of the threat of surveillance  Trump  told  reporters  at  an  tial  trade  and  commercial  position  as  Asia’s  major  fi-  graduate   students,   ac-
            and arrest when visiting the  unrelated  event  Thursday,  status  it  has  enjoyed  from  nancial hub. Trump’s com-  cording  to  the  Institute  of
            city.                        referring  mainly  to  CO-   the U.S. since it reverted to  ments  sparked  a  drop  in  International   Education.
            The president also said the  VID-19. “We are not happy  Chinese rule in 1997. Under  U.S. financial markets.        Overall, there were 369,548
            U.S.  would  be  suspending  with  what’s  happened.  All  a  joint  Sino-British  agree-  Serious consideration of the  students  from  China,  ac-
            entry  of  certain  Chinese  over the world people are  ment  on  the  handover,  visa  revocation  proposal,  counting for 33.7% of inter-
            citizens.  He  didn’t  provide  suffering,  186  countries.  All  Hong  Kong  was  to  be  go-  first  reported  by  The  New  national students who con-
            specifics,  but  officials  said  over  the  world  they’re  suf-  verned differently than the  York  Times,  has  faced  op-  tributed nearly $15 billion to
            this  week  that  the  admi-  fering. We’re not happy.”   mainland  for  50  years  un-  position from U.S. universities  the U.S. economy in 2018.q
            Biden: George Floyd’s death shows ‘open wound’ of US racism

            By WILL WEISSERT             The  presumptive  Demo-      to incite violence."
            Associated Press             cratic  presidential  nomi-  "This is time for real leader-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Joe  nee has built his campaign  ship," he said.
            Biden  said  Friday  that  the  around  a  promise  to  heal  That  was  a  reference  to
            "open  wound"  of  systemic  "the  soul  of  the  nation"  Trump,  who  at  first  con-
            racism was behind the po-    and is suddenly getting his  demned  police  action  in
            lice killing of a handcuffed  chance to try in real time.  Minneapolis.
            black  man  in  Minnesota.  Biden said he spoke to the  But  the  president  later
            Biden  also  accused  Presi-  family  of  George  Floyd,  warned online that protest-
            dent  Donald  Trump,  with-  a  handcuffed  black  man  ers could be shot, prompt-
            out  mentioning  him  by  who  was  killed  in  Minne-    ing Twitter to flag his tweet
            name,  of  inciting  violence  apolis  this  week  after  a  as glorifying violence. Twit-
            with  a  tweet  that  warned  white  police  officer  knelt  ter's  move  further  escalat-
            that  protesters  could  be  on  his  neck.  Floyd's  death  ed  tensions  between  the
            shot.                        touched off violent protests  White  House  and  the  so-
            "We are a country with an  there and elsewhere.           cial media platform, which
            open  wound.  None  of  us  The  former  vice  president  fact-checked  a  tweet  of   In  this  March  10,  2020,  file  photo  Democratic  presidential
            can turn away," Biden said  said  now  was  "no  time  for  his earlier this week.q    candidate former Vice President Joe Biden speaks to members
                                                                                                   of the press at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia.
            in a brief address.          incendiary tweets. No time                                                                         Associated Press
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