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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 30 May 2020

            New report alleges killings, mass detentions in Ethiopia

            By ELIAS MESERET                                                                                                    in October, political parties
            Associated Press                                                                                                    are  disagreeing  on  strate-
            ADDIS    ABABA,    Ethiopia                                                                                         gies for how to avoid a po-
            (AP) — A new report by the                                                                                          tential  constitutional  crisis.
            rights group Amnesty Inter-                                                                                         Amnesty    acknowledged
            national accuses Ethiopia's                                                                                         that  Ethiopian  authorities
            security  forces  of  extraju-                                                                                      have  made  notable  prog-
            dicial killings and mass de-                                                                                        ress in changing the coun-
            tentions even as the coun-                                                                                          try's bleak human rights re-
            try's reformist prime minister                                                                                      cord. But "with elections on
            was  awarded  the  Nobel                                                                                            the horizon, these violations
            Peace Prize.                                                                                                        and abuses could escalate
            The  report  issued  Friday                                                                                         out  of  control  unless  the
            says security forces killed at                                                                                      government  takes  urgent
            least  25  people  in  2019  in                                                                                     measures to ensure security
            the East Guji and West Guji                                                                                         forces  act  within  the  law,"
            zones of the restive Oromia                                                                                         said  Deprose  Muchena,
            region  amid  suspicions  of                                                                                        the group's director for East
            supporting  a  rebel  group,                                                                                        and  Southern  Africa,  add-
            the    Oromo     Liberation                                                                                         ing  that  "authorities  must
            Army,  and  a  once-exiled                                                                                          also recognize that holding
            opposition  group.  And  at                                                                                         diverse  political  views  and
            least  10,000  people  under                                                                                        opinions is legal."
            suspicion  were  detained    In this Sunday, Oct. 2, 2016 file photo, Ethiopian soldiers try to stop protesters in Bishoftu, during a   The  new  report  blames  a
            between January and Sep-     declared state of emergency, in the Oromia region of Ethiopia.        Associated Press  range of actors for the vio-
            tember, with most "subject-                                                                                         lence  during  2019  includ-
            ed to brutal beatings."      called  the  report  "a  one-  be  conducted  "at  the  ap-  Such violence is a concern  ing regional police special
            The  government  of  Prime  sided    snapshot   security  propriate time."             as the country faces a cru-  forces, local administration
            Minister  Abiy  Ahmed,  who  analysis that fails to appro-  Tensions  among  some  of  cial national election, now  officials  and  armed  youth
            was  awarded  the  peace  priately capture the broad-     Ethiopia's  more  than  80  delayed  because  of  the  and  vigilante  groups.  The
            prize  in  December  for  er  political  trajectory  and  ethnic  groups  have  risen,  coronavirus,  that  will  be  a  rights  group  noted  that
            sweeping  political  reforms  security developments."     along  with  some  calls  for  measure of support for the  in  the  new,  wider  politi-
            and  restoring  ties  with  The government statement  more  autonomy,  and  the  country's  changes  since  cal space some politicians
            neighboring  Eritrea  after  rejected  "malicious  claims"  new report also documents  Abiy  took  office  in  early  have been "stirring up eth-
            two  decades  of  hostilities,  of  extrajudicial  killings  and  some  of  the  intercommu-  2018.  With no election date  nic  and  religious  animosi-
            acknowledged  that  "the  the  mass  detentions  but  nal violence in the Oromia  set  and  mandates  for  the  ties,"  sparking  violence  in
            reform process has at times  said  if  rights  violations  oc-  and  Amhara  regions,  the  executive and regional and  five  of  the  country's  nine
            experienced  bumps"  but  curred, an investigation will  country's most populous.      federal  legislatures  ending  regional states.q

            Locust invasion wreaks havoc on

            Pakistan’s crops, orchards

            By ASIM TANVEER and          say originates in Africa and  the insects as some tried to
            MUNIR AHMED                  is  the  most  destructive  of  kill them with sticks.
            Associated Press             the  locust  species,  began  Chaudhry Asghar, an agri-
            MULTAN,  Pakistan  (AP)  —  damaging  crops  in  Paki-    culture officer in the Punjab
            An  invasion  of  locusts  has  stan last month.          provincial  capital  of  Mul-
            spread across Pakistan, of-  But  the  situation  worsened  tan,  said  millions  of  desert
            ficials  said  Friday,  causing  this  week  and  authorities  locusts  had  already  dam-
            damage  to  crops  and  or-  began    dispatching    air-  aged  orchards,  crops  and
            chards and posing a threat  craft  and  spraying  ma-     vegetables.
            to  food  security  in  an  im-  chines filled with pesticides  "We have intensified efforts   Farmers  spray  insecticide  in  a  mango  tree  orchard  in
            poverished  Islamic  nation  mounted  on  vehicles  to  to save our crops from any     Muzaffargarh, Pakistan, Friday, May 29, 2020.
            already struggling to tackle  eliminate the insects, which  further  invasion  of  locusts,"                                    Associated Press
            a  virus  pandemic  that  has  are roughly the length of a  Syed Fahar Imam, national
            caused  more  than  1,300  finger  and  fly  together  by  food  security  minister,  said  The  insects  have  wreaked  western  Baluchistan  prov-
            deaths.                      the millions.                Friday. He said the govern-  havoc on swathes of farm-    ince.  They  also  attacked
            Massive swarms of the des-   Farmers  could  be  seen  ment will buy five more air-    land  in  eastern  Punjab,  crops in the northwest bor-
            ert  locust,  which  experts  wading  through  clouds  of  craft for spraying crops.   southern  Sindh  and  south-  dering Afghanistan. q
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