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a30    people & arts
                     Saturday 30 May 2020
            In a N.Y. state of mind, Guetta readies virus relief concert

            By MESFIN FEKADU                                                                       thought that was so cool. I  which  is  what  I'm  trying  to
            AP Music Writer                                                                        could see the kids dancing  do  as  a  DJ."  Guetta,  who
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  When                                                               at home. I could see every-  is  French,  has  had  white-
            hundreds  of  artists  started                                                         body having their own little  hot success in the U.S. and
            singing  from  their  living                                                           parties. I could interact with  around the world with pop-
            rooms  when  the  coronavi-                                                            them. Some people would  ular songs like "When Love
            rus pandemic hit, Grammy-                                                              write messages to me and  Takes Over" with Kelly Row-
            winning DJ-producer David                                                              I would answer them. Like,  land, "I Gotta Feeling" with
            Guetta still wanted to per-                                                            this  is  really  cool!  It  feels  the Black Eyed Peas, "Titani-
            form in front of a live audi-                                                          more  real.  We're  enter-   um" with Sia and other Top
            ence.  So  the  hitmaker  set                                                          tainers, this is what we do.  10  hits.  He  called  dealing
            up  shop  in  front  of  a  205-                                                       It's  not  just  like  playing  at  with  the  virus  "very  scary"
            foot pool at the Icon Brick-                                                           home on the keyboard. I'm  because  he  hasn't  been
            ell in downtown Miami, per-                                                            performing for the people.  able to tour the world and
            forming  for  90  minutes  as                                                          It's amazing to receive en-  perform like he's used to.
            8,000 locals danced along                                                              ergy back."                  "I  don't  think  I'm  going  to
            from their balconies during                                                            The  first  United  At  Home  work  before  2021  so  of
            the feel-good moment last                                                              concert  raised  $750,000,  course  it's  a  problem,"  the
            month.  Now,  he's  launch-                                                            including a $300K contribu-  52-year-old  said.  "I'm  lucky
            ing  his  second  United  At                                                           tion from Guetta. This week's  enough  that  I  have  mon-
            Home  event  at  an  undis-                                                            event will air live at 7 p.m.  ey on the side and I don't
            closed location in New York                                                            EDT — the time of Manhat-    have to worry about if I can
            on  Saturday  to  connect                                                              tan's ritual of clapping and  eat  next  month.  But  some
            with fans and raise money                                                              cheering for a few minutes  of  the  people,  they're  not
            for health care workers and                                                            to honor all essential work-  in  the  same  situation  and
            virus  relief  efforts.  "A  lot  of                                                   ers  —  from  Guetta's  social  that's  why  I'm  trying  to  do
            artists, especially DJs, were                                                          media  pages,  including  something to help."
            doing  performances  from                                                              Facebook,  Twitter,  TikTok,  One  good  thing  to  come
            their  bedrooms.  I  felt  like                                                        Instagram  and  YouTube.  out of the pandemic is free
            that was a little bit frustrat-                                                        Fans can select if they want  time to write and produce
            ing. I really wanted to feel   This Sept. 22, 2017 file photo shows DJ-producer David Guetta   to  donate  to  the  Mayor's  music, he said.
            like I have a crowd," Guet-  performing at the 2017 iHeartRadio Music Festival in Las Vegas.   Fund to Advance New York  "Oh my God you, have no
            ta said in an interview with                                          Associated Press   City, Feeding America, the  idea.  It's  been  one  of  the
            The  Associated  Press  this                                                           World  Health  Organization  most  incredibly  produc-
            week.  "So,  I  had  the  idea  which Guetta could watch  when officers had to break  or  Fondation  Hôpitaux  de  tive  times  I've  had  since
            of doing this in the middle  via Zoom as he performed  up groups on the sidewalks  Paris-Hôpitaux de France.        10  years,"  he  said.  "It  re-
            of towers and people were  his  electronic  dance  hits  far below the concert.        "It's  cool  that  people  can  ally  made  me  think  about
            on the balconies and that  that  have  made  him  a  "To me it's essential," Guetta  choose  where  they  want  the  way  I  live  my  life.  Of
            was absolutely amazing."     chart-topping  touring  jug-  said of connecting directly  to donate, but in any case,  course, taking a plane ev-
            His  first  concert  featured  gernaut in the last decade.  with his fans. "That was the  it's  helping  people  with  ery  day,  constantly  doing
            fans  dancing  away  —  Police  said  they  dispersed  idea  behind  the  show.  I'm  coronavirus  and  those  on  interviews, organizing, hav-
            some  taking  their  shirts  off  crowds violating social dis-  going  to  do  it  in  a  differ-  the front lines. We're doing  ing  meetings,  t  becomes,
            and basking in the moment  tancing  guidelines  during  ent  way  in  New  York  City,  something good. And also,  I  don't  know,  it's  almost
            —  while  others  enjoyed  the  rooftop  performance,  but we were also interact-      we're bringing a little bit of  like the business side takes
            the vibe from their homes,  but  no  arrests  were  made  ing with people on Zoom. I  happiness  in  people's  life  over."q

              ASCAP to honor songwriters, publishers with virtual awards

              By MESFIN FEKADU                                                                                          sic,"  Paul  Williams,  ASCAP's  presi-
              AP Music Writer                                                                                           dent and chairman of the board,
              NEW YORK (AP) — The American                                                                              said in a statement Thursday.
              Society  of  Composers,  Authors                                                                          "We invite music fans everywhere
              and Publishers is going virtual with                                                                      to  join  us  in  toasting  their  music
              its annual awards shows this sum-                                                                         and what their creative work adds
              mer  because  of  the  coronavirus                                                                        to our lives."
              pandemic.                                                                                                 Other  awards  shows  are  skip-
              The  performing  rights  organiza-                                                                        ping  a  traditional  ceremony  this
              tion  announced  Thursday  that  it                                                                       year  because  of  the  coronavi-
              will  hold  three-day  virtual  events                                                                    rus,  including  the  Daytime  Emmy
              — that will stream on ASCAP's so-                                                                         Awards and the BET Awards.
              cial media channels — for its four                                                                        ASCAP will honor some of today's
              awards  shows,  which  focus  on                                                                          top  songwriters  and  publishers
              pop, R&B/rap, Latin and film mu-                                                                          at  its  ASCAP  Virtual  Awards;  win-
              sic.                                                                                                      ners  and  guest  participants  will
              The ASCAP Pop Music Awards will    This April 23, 2018 file photo shows Josh Tillman performing at the 2018 ASCAP   be  announced  later.  Last  year
              be  held  June  17-19;  the  ASCAP   Pop Music Awards in Beverly Hills, Calif.           Associated Press   the organization gave awards to
              Screen Music Awards on June 23-                                                                           Billie Eilish and her brother-collab-
              25; the ASCAP Latin Music Awards  July 15-17.                         excited  to  honor  (artists)  virtually  orator  Finneas,  Benj  Pasek  and
              on  July  7-9;  and  the  ASCAP  "Even though we can't be togeth-     so  that  we  can  all  connect  and  Justin  Paul,  Cardi  B  and  Daddy
              Rhythm  &  Soul  Music  Awards  on  er 'in real life' this time, we are so  share  our  collective  love  of  mu-  Yankee.q
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