Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-20200617
P. 31

LOCAL           Wednesday 17 June 2020

            Dutch aid millions will run out in a few months

            millions  of  euros  in  aid  which  the
            Netherlands  gave  the  islands  be-
            cause of the corona crisis are run-
            ning  out  quickly.  On  Aruba,  12
            thousand  individuals  have  asked
            the  Red  Cross  for  help.  On  Sint
            Maarten, the aid organization says
            the trend where people are in need
            of food, has become the norm. This
            article  is  written  by  Sharina  Hen-
            riquez  and  Tim  van  Dijk  from  the
            Caribisch Netwerk.

            The Netherlands donated 16, 5 mil-
            lion  euros  for  emergency  aid  last
            month to all the six islands and the
            Red  Cross  coordinates  its  distribu-
            tion. Aruba got 10 million florins (al-
            most 5 million euros) and can help
            5000  households  with  the  money  that  it  would  not  help  undocu-  donation,  says  chef  de  mission,  183  dollars  per  fortnight.  “People
            till August. But what happens after  mented  individuals  but  that  they  Fanny de Swarte. Small families re-  are really going to need food. As
            that?                               would have to turn to aid organi-   ceive 83 dollars per fortnight to buy  this  trend  has  become  quite  the
                                                zations such as the Red Cross. “No  groceries.  Large  families  consist-  norm”, concludes manager Mitch-
            Help each other                     arrangements  have  been  made  ing of four to six individuals receive  ell Horsford of the Red Cross.q
            “No  one  has  a  crystal  ball  with  with  the  government  about  this.
            which they can predict the future,  But  anyone  who  asks  us  for  help,
            me  neither.  At  this  point  we’re  we’ll  try  to  help.  We  don’t  care
            seeing  an  increase  in  the  aid  re-  where  you  come  from.”  La  Haye
            quests, which we can fulfill for the  does ask the people of the island
            next three months. If we run out of  to ‘help each other’. “There are so
            funds,  we  can  request  more  aid  many people in trouble now. Look
            from  the  governments”,  says  Mi-  around, help your neighbor, check
            chel La Haye, director of Red Cross  to see if they’re doing alright. Help
            Aruba.  The  Red  Cross  isn’t  receiv-  each other where ever possible.”
            ing  any  funds  from  the  Aruban  On Sint Maarten, the Red Cross can
            government  at  the  moment.  The  help  3200  families  for  a  period  of
            government  recently  indicated  three months thanks to the Dutch

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