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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 17 June 2020
            India says 20 soldiers killed in clash with Chinese troops

            SRINAGAR, India (AP) — A                                                                                            try to end the impasse, with
            border  clash  high  in  the                                                                                        no breakthrough.
            Himalayas  between  the                                                                                             Indian  authorities  have  of-
            world's  two  most  populat-                                                                                        ficially maintained near-to-
            ed  countries  has  claimed                                                                                         tal silence on the issues re-
            the  lives  of  20  Indian  sol-                                                                                    lated to the confrontation,
            diers in the first deadly vio-                                                                                      and it was not immediately
            lence since the two nucle-                                                                                          clear how the three Indian
            ar armed neighbors faced                                                                                            soldiers died.
            off  in  a  border  dispute  45                                                                                     But two Indian security offi-
            year ago.                                                                                                           cials familiar with latest de-
            The  Indian  and  Chinese                                                                                           velopments told The Associ-
            troops  fought  each  other                                                                                         ated Press that soldiers from
            with  fists  and  rocks  along                                                                                      the  two  sides  engaged  in
            the  high-altitude  Himalaya                                                                                        fistfights  and  stone-throw-
            terrain in a clash that left 20                                                                                     ing,  which  led  to  the  ca-
            Indian soldiers dead, Indian                                                                                        sualties.  Both  said  that  no
            authorities said Tuesday.                                                                                           shots  were  fired  by  either
            China accused Indian forc-                                                                                          side. The officials spoke on
            es of carrying out "provoc-                                                                                         condition  of  anonymity  in
            ative attacks" on its troops                                                                                        keeping  with  government
            and has not said if any of its                                                                                      regulations.
            soldiers have died.                                                                                                 Indian  Prime  Minister  Nar-
            The  Indian  army  said  in  its   An Indian man burns a photograph of Chinese president Xi Jinping during a protest against China   endra  Modi  did  not  com-
            statement  that  the  two    in Ahmedabad, India, Tuesday, June 16, 2020.                                           ment on the clash in a tele-
            sides  had  "disengaged"                                                                           Associated Press  vised meeting Tuesday with
            from  the  disputed  Galwan                                                                                         state officials.
            area  where  they  clashed  ing which neither side fired  place  in  Ladakh's  Galwan  nese  personnel,  resulting  The  tense  standoff  started
            overnight on Monday.         any  shots,  according  to  Valley  on  Monday  night,  in serious physical conflicts  in  early  May,  when  Indian
            The  army  originally  report-  Indian officials — is the first  "with  casualties  on  both  between  the  two  border  officials  said  that  Chinese
            ed that three Indian soldiers  deadly  confrontation  be-  sides."                     forces," Zhao said.          soldiers crossed the bound-
            had  died,  but  later  said  tween the two Asian giants  Foreign Ministry spokesman  India's  Ministry  of  External  ary  in  Ladakh  at  three  dif-
            17  additional  soldiers  suc-  since 1975.               Zhao Lijian gave no details  Affairs  said  in  a  statement  ferent points, erecting tents
            cumbed to injuries they suf-  Vivek Katju, a retired Indian  of  any  casualties  on  the  that  the  incident  hap-  and  guard  posts  and  ig-
            fered  in  the  sub-zero  tem-  diplomat,  said  the  deadly  Chinese side, but said that  pened "as a result of an at-  noring  verbal  warnings  to
            peratures  where  the  clash  violence  represented  a  China had strongly protest-    tempt by the Chinese side  leave. That triggered shout-
            occurred in the Himalayan  dramatic  departure  from  ed  the  incident  while  still  to  unilaterally  change  the  ing  matches,  stone-throw-
            region of Ladakh.            the  four-decades-old  sta-  being committed to main-     status  quo"  in  the  Galwan  ing  and  fistfights,  much  of
            Thousands  of  soldiers  on  tus  quo  of  troops  from  the  taining  "peace  and  tran-  Valley.                  it  replayed  on  television
            both sides have been fac-    two  countries  facing  off  quility"  along  the  disputed  Thousands  of  soldiers  from  news  channels  and  social
            ing  off  for  over  a  month  without any fatalities.    and heavily militarized bor-  the two countries, backed  media.
            along  a  remote  stretch  of  "The political class and the  der.                      by armored trucks and artil-  China has sought to down-
            the  2,100-mile  Line  of  Ac-  security  class  as  a  whole  "But  what  is  shocking  is  lery,  have  been  facing  off  play   the   confrontation
            tual  Control,  the  border  will have to do very serious  that on June 15, the Indian  just  a  few  hundred  meters  while  saying  the  two  sides
            established following a war  thinking  about  the  road  troops seriously violated the  (yards) apart for more than  were      communicating
            between  India  and  China  ahead," he said.              consensus of the two sides,  a month in the Ladakh re-    through  both  their  front-
            in  1962  that  resulted  in  an  The  Indian  army  said  in  a  crossed the border illegally  gion  near  Tibet.  Army  of-  line  military  units  and  their
            uneasy truce.                statement  earlier  Tuesday  twice and carried out pro-   ficers  and  diplomats  have  respective embassies to re-
            The  clash  Monday  —  dur-  that a "violent faceoff" took  vocative  attacks  on  Chi-  held a series of meetings to  solve issues.q
             Canada, U.S. and Mexico extend border restrictions to July 21.

            By ROB GILLIES               protect  people  on  both  the  U.S.  and  killed  more  truck drivers are still permit-
            Associated Press             sides  of  the  border  as  we  than  115,000,  according  ted  to  cross.  Truck  drivers
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  The  U.S.,  continue  to  fight  COV-   to Johns Hopkins University.  are  critical  as  they  move
            Canada and Mexico have  ID-19," Trudeau said.             It  has  sickened  more  than  food  and  medical  goods
            agreed  to  extend  their  The acting U.S. secretary of  99,000  and  killed  8,175  in  in  both  directions.  Much
            agreements  to  keep  their  homeland  security,  Chad  Canada.                        of  Canada's  food  supply
            shared  borders  closed  to  Wolf,  said  in  a  statement  Americans who are return-  comes from or via the U.S.
            non-essential  travel  to  July  that  the  department  will  ing  to  the  U.S.  and  Cana-  Canada sends 75% of its ex-
            21  during  the  coronavirus  continue  to  limit  nones-  dians  who  are  returning  ports to the U.S. and about
            pandemic                     sential  travel  at  land  ports  to  Canada  are  exempted  18%  of  American  exports
            Canadian  Prime  Minister  of entry with Canada and  from  the  border  closure.  go  to  Canada.  The  U.S.-
            Justin  Trudeau  said  Tues-  Mexico.  Mexico's  Foreign  Immediate family members  Canada  border  is  world's
            day's  agreement  extends  Ministry  also  tweeted  that  of  Canadians  are  also  al-  longest  between  two  na-
            the  closure  by  another  30  the  agreement  had  been  lowed  entry  into  Canada,  tions.                       In  this  photo  taken  May  17,
            days.  The  restrictions  were  extended.                 but must quarantine for 14  Trudeau said he is open to    2020,  de  Rham  family  mem-
                                                                                                                                bers from the U.S. and Canada
            announced  on  March  18  Many  Canadians  fear  a  days.                              a  Canadian  city  hosting   visit at the border between the
            and were extended in April  reopening. The novel coro-    And  essential  cross-border  National  Hockey  League    countries in Peace Arch Park,
            and May.                     navirus  has  sickened  more  workers like healthcare pro-  games if if local health of-  in Blaine, Wash.
            "This  is  a  decision  that  will  than  2  million  people  in  fessionals, airline crews and  ficials agree with it. q       Associated Press
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