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A26    U.S. NEWS
                   Wednesday 17 June 2020
            Simple math suggests complex back story at Supreme Court

            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Su-                                                                                            mosexuality or transgender
            preme     Court   watchers                                                                                          status," he wrote.
            were  left  scratching  their                                                                                        Among other related ques-
            heads  when  they  learned                                                                                          tions is, what took so long?
            Justice  Neil  Gorsuch  was                                                                                         More  than  eight  months
            the  author  of  Monday's                                                                                           elapsed between the argu-
            landmark  LGBT  rights  rul-                                                                                        ments and Monday's deci-
            ing,  but  not  because  the                                                                                        sion.  That  can  happen  at
            appointee    of   President                                                                                         the court, but there often is
            Donald  Trump  might  have                                                                                          a story behind the delay.
            been expected to side with                                                                                          A  highly  anticipated  case
            his conservative colleagues                                                                                         on  affirmative  action  in-
            in dissent.                                                                                                         volving the University of Tex-
            Rather,  it  was  a  matter  of                                                                                     as was argued in October
            math.                                                                                                               2011 and not decided until
            Each  of  the  nine  Supreme                                                                                        late the following June. The
            Court justices usually writes                                                                                       7-1  outcome,  in  the  end,
            at  least  one  opinion  for                                                                                        decided very little.
            each  month  the  court                                                                                             Several  years  later,  au-
            hears arguments. Gorsuch's                                                                                          thor Joan Biskupic wrote in
            opinion was his second for                                                                                          "Breaking In," her biography
            October  while  three  of  his                                                                                      of  Justice  Sonia  Sotomay-
            colleagues  wrote  nothing.                                                                                         or,  that  Sotomayor  had
            That  highly  unusual  lineup                                                                                       drafted  a  biting  dissenting
            suggests  something  going   In this Oct. 8, 2019, file photo, people gather outside the Supreme Court in Washington. The Su-  opinion  that  appeared  to
                                         preme  Court’s  Monday  ruling  shielding  LGBT  people  from  employment  discrimination  dealt  a
            on behind the scenes.        blow to religious conservatives — and was penned by a justice they lauded after his nomination   have  changed  some  con-
            Gorsuch  became  the  only   by President Donald Trump.                                                             servative justices' votes and
            justice  other  than  retired                                                                      Associated Press  ended up allowing the uni-
            Justice  Anthony  Kennedy                                                                                           versity to preserve its admis-
            to  author  a  major  high  ence Thomas or Ruth Bader  either because a draft ma-      Lederman wrote.              sions policy.
            court ruling in favor of LGBT  Ginsburg  —  decides  who  jority  opinion  is  unpersua-  Or,  he  added,  maybe  the  The draft opinion eventual-
            rights  when  he  wrote  the  gets  to  write  for  the  court.  sive to a justice, or a dissent  change  happened  in  the  ly saw the light of day two
            decision  declaring  work-   The  justices  work  together  is  compelling  enough  to  juries case.                years later, when the court
            place discrimination on the  to ensure there is a relative-  draw another vote. In rare  Majority   opinions   often  upheld   a   constitutional
            basis  of  sexual  orientation  ly even distribution of labor.  instances, an opinion origi-  have  fairly  lengthy  recita-  amendment  in  Michigan
            or  gender  identity  illegal  It seems unlikely, based on  nally circulated as a dissent  tions of the facts of the case.  that banned the consider-
            under  federal  civil  rights  the  usual  practice,  that  becomes the majority.      Gorsuch's opinion basically  ation of race in public col-
            law. The 52-year-old justice  Gorsuch would have been  Such  a  shift  might  have  devoted  one  paragraph  lege admissions.
            earlier  wrote  the  ruling  re-  assigned   both   majority  happened  here  or  in  the  each to the three fired em-  When  Justice  Harry  Black-
            quiring unanimous jury ver-  opinions  in October, espe-  case  about  unanimous  ju-  ployees  whose  cases  the  mun's    papers    became
            dicts in state criminal cases.  cially  since  Roberts  and  ries,  although  there  is  not  court decided Monday.  public  in  2004,  they  re-
            The  answer  is  obvious  in  Ginsburg were two justices  much evidence to suggest  But  the  justice  offered  an  vealed  that  Kennedy  had
            one  sense.  He  wrote  opin-  who didn't write at all from  it with either one.       explanation  for  the  brev-  switched  his  vote  —  and
            ions  in  both  cases  that  at-  that  month.  Justice  Brett  Georgetown University law  ity. "Few facts are needed  the  outcome  —  twice  in
            tracted  a  majority  of  the  Kavanaugh was the third.   professor Martin Lederman  to  appreciate  the  legal  1992,  in  an  abortion  case
            court. But how he came to  One of those three justices  acknowledged  on  Twitter  question we face. Each of  that  reaffirmed  the  1973
            write them is a mystery.     certainly  was  working  on  that  he  was  speculating  the  three  cases  before  us  Roe v. Wade ruling and in
            After each month of argu-    an  opinion  in  a  case  that  when  he  wrote  that  Gor-  started  the  same  way:  An  a  separate  case  banning
            ments, which the court calls  settled  before  the  court  such  may  have  been  un-  employer fired a long-time  clergy-led prayers at public
            a sitting, Chief Justice John  could issue a decision. But  decided  at  first  and  that  employee  shortly  after  the  school graduations.
            Roberts  assigns  the  opin-  that still leaves two justices  Roberts drafted an opinion  employee  revealed  that  Though  he  started  out  on
            ions for cases in which he is  with nothing.              siding  with  the  employ-   he or she is homosexual or  the  other  side,  Kennedy
            in  the  majority.  Otherwise,  Occasionally, positions shift  ers.  "Gorsuch  didn't  buy  it;  transgender  —  and  alleg-  wound  up  writing  or  co-
            the senior justice in the ma-  after  the  initial  tally  taken  drafted  this  instead,  and  edly  for  no  reason  other  writing the majority opinion
            jority — usually either Clar-  just  after  the  arguments,  the Chief came over to it,"  than  the  employee's  ho-  in both cases.q
            Louisiana widening access to medical marijuana under new law

            By MELINDA DESLATTE          ommend medical marijua-      House  voted  75-16  for  the  glaucoma,  post-traumatic  recommend  cannabis  for
            Associated Press             na for any patient they be-  measure, while the Senate  stress  disorder  and  Parkin-  patients.
            BATON  ROUGE,  La.  (AP)  —  lieve it would help, and re-  agreed in a 28-6 vote.      son's disease.               Only  the  agricultural  cen-
            More  Louisiana  residents  move restrictions on which  Edwards,  a  Democrat,  an-    Bagley's   legislation   ex-  ters  at  Louisiana  State  Uni-
            will  have  access  to  medi-  doctors  can  recommend  nounced Monday evening  pands  that  to  include  any  versity  and  Southern  Uni-
            cal marijuana under a sig-   cannabis.                    that he had signed the bill  condition  that  a  doctor  versity  are  authorized  to
            nificant  expansion  of  the  The  state  House  and  Sen-  into law.                  "considers  debilitating  to  grow cannabis in Louisiana,
            state's  therapeutic  can-   ate  agreed  to  the  bill  —  Under a 2015 law and ad-   an individual patient."      and  only  nine  dispensaries
            nabis  program  that  was  sponsored  by  Republican  ditional  changes  passed  In  addition,  the  new  law  can  provide  it  to  patients.
            signed  into  law  by  Gov.  Rep. Larry Bagley of Stone-  since  then,  Louisiana  al-  will  no  longer  require  doc-  LSU's grower has been sell-
            John Bel Edwards.            wall,  the  chairman  of  the  lowed  cannabis  to  treat  tors  to  register  with  and  ing  products  since  August,
            The  changes  in  the  law,  House  health  committee  a  long  list  of  diseases  and  receive  authorization  from  while  Southern's  grower
            which  take  effect  in  Au-  —-  in  the  regular  session  disorders including cancer,  the  Louisiana  State  Board  hasn't  yet  started  its  sales.
            gust,  allow  doctors  to  rec-  that  ended  June  1.  The  seizure  disorders,  epilepsy,  of  Medical  Examiners  to  q
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