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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 17 June 2020
            Continued from Front         in  police  departments  na-  os. Without law there is an-
            But Trump, who has faced  tionwide.                       archy  and  without  safety
            criticism  for  failing  to  ac-  Democrats  and  other  crit-  there  is  catastrophe,"  he
            knowledge  systemic  racial  ics  said  Trump's  measure  said.
            bias and has advocated for  doesn't go far enough.        Trump's audience included
            rougher  police  treatment  House  Speaker  Nancy  Pe-    police  officials  and  mem-
            of suspects in the past has  losi  said  it  "falls  sadly  and  bers  of  Congress,  and
            continued  to  emphasize  seriously  short  of  what  is  came after he met private-
            his support for law enforce-  required  to  combat  the  ly  at  the White House  with
            ment. At the signing event,  epidemic of racial injustice  the  families  of  men  and
            he railed against those who  and  police  brutality  that  women  who  have  been
            committed violence during  is  murdering  hundreds  of  killed  in  interactions  with
            the  largely  peaceful  pro-  Black Americans."           police.
            tests and made no mention  "During this moment of na-     "To  all  of  the  hurting  fami-
            of racism, while lambasting  tional  anguish,  we  must  lies, I want you to know that   Attorney General William Barr listens as President Donald Trump
            Democrats  in  an  election  insist  on  bold  change,  not  all  Americans  mourn  by   speaks during an event on police reform, in the Rose Garden of
            year.                        meekly  surrender  to  the  your side," Trump said. "Your   the White House, Tuesday, June 16, 2020, in Washington.
            Trump's  executive  order  bare minimum," she said.       loved  ones  will  not  have                                          Associated Press
            would establish a database  Kristina  Roth  at  Amnesty  died in vain."
            that  tracks  police  officers  International  USA  said  the  The  Rose  Garden  an-  posed changes to policing  ment  to  another  without
            with excessive use of force  order "amounts to a Band-    nouncement  comes  as  procedures  from  the  party  public oversight of their re-
            complaints in their records.  Aid for a bullet wound" at a  Senate  Republicans  are  long  aligned  with  Trump's  cords.
            And  it  would  give  police  time  when  "this  moment  is  preparing  their  own  pack-  "law and order" approach.   The Democrats have a simi-
            departments  a  financial  calling for transformational  age  of  policing  chang-     "Now is the time to seek bold  lar provision.
            incentive  to  adopt  best  change of policing."          es  following  a  rollout  by  and  broad-scale  change,"  Yet  the  Republican  bill
            practices  and  encourage  Florida  Democratic  Rep.  Democrats.  Sen.  Tim  Scott  Senate Democratic leader  does  not  go  as  far  as  the
            co-responder  programs,  in  Val  Demings,  a  former  Or-  of South Carolina, the sole  Chuck  Schumer  of  New  Democrats do on the issue
            which  social  workers  join  lando  police  chief  who  is  African  American  Repub-  York said Monday.           of eliminating qualified im-
            police  when  they  respond  seen  as  a  potential  vice-  lican  in  the  Senate,  has  With  the  political  debate  munity, which would allow
            to nonviolent calls involving  presidential  running  mate  been  crafting  the  GOP  fluid,  it  is  unclear  whether  those  injured  by  law  en-
            mental  health,  addiction  for  Democrat  Joe  Biden,  legislative package, which  the  parties  will  be  able  to  forcement personnel to sue
            and homeless issues.         praised  the  executive  or-  will include new restrictions  find  common  ground.  The  for  damages.  The  White
            Trump said that, as part of  der  as  "on  the  right  track,"  on  police  chokeholds  and  proposals  emerging  from  House  has  said  that  is  a
            the order, the use of choke-  but  she  criticized  Trump  greater use of police body  Democrats  and  Republi-     step too far. As an alterna-
            holds  would  be  banned  for  failing  to  acknowledge  cameras,  among  other  cans  share  many  similar  tive, Scott has suggested a
            "except  if  an  officer's  life  racism in acts of police bru-  provisions.           provisions  but  take  differ-  "decertification" process for
            is  at  risk."  However,  senior  tality and failing to engage  Senate  Majority  Leader  ent  approaches  on  some  officers involved in miscon-
            administration officials said  the  Justice  Department  in  Mitch  McConnell,  R-Ky.,  issues.  Neither  bill  goes  as  duct.
            the  order  would  instead  police reforms.               has called the effort "a seri-  far  as  some  activists  want  One large police union, the
            promote  certification  bod-  Trump, meanwhile, framed  ous proposal to reform law  in their push to "defund the  influential  Fraternal  Order
            ies that train officers in de-  his  plan  as  an  alternative  enforcement."          police"  by  fully  revamping  of  Police,  said  in  a  state-
            escalation techniques and  to  the  "defund  the  po-     While  the  emerging  GOP  departments.                   ment it is working with Con-
            use-of-force     standards  lice"  movement  that  has  package  isn't  as  extensive  Central  to  the  Republican  gress and the White House
            that  prohibit  chokeholds  emerged from the protests  as  sweeping  Democratic  package  would  be  the  on  the  proposals,  having
            "except  in  those  situations  and which he slammed as  proposals, which are head-    creation  of  the  national  provided  "feedback"  on
            where  deadly  force  is  al-  "radical and dangerous."   ed  for  a  House  vote  next  database to improve trans-  the  Democratic  bill  and
            lowed by law." Chokeholds  "Americans know the truth:  week,  it  includes  perhaps  parency so officers cannot  "substantial  input"  on  the
            are already largely banned  Without police there is cha-  the  most  far-reaching  pro-  transfer  from  one  depart-  emerging GOP package.q
             Coal union seeks order protecting miners from coronavirus

             CHARLESTON,  W.Va.  (AP)  and health of tens of thou-                                                             air  is  circulated  over  long
             —  A  union  representing  sands  of  miners  in  "grave                                                          distances.    "Working  in  a
             U.S.  coal  miners  asked  a  danger," the petition said.                                                         mine  is  very  different  from
             court Tuesday to force the  "The  situation  confronting                                                          working in any other work-
             federal   government    to  miners  is  urgent,"  the  pe-                                                        place," Roberts said.
             take unspecified measures  tition  said.  "Miners  have                                                           UMW spokesman Phil Smith
             to  protect  them  from  the  largely  been  designated                                                           said  there  have  been  10
             coronavirus.                 as  'essential'  workers  and                                                        known  cases  of  union
             The petition asked the U.S.  thus  are  currently  work-                                                          members  who  have  con-
             Circuit  Court  of  Appeals  ing  at  mine  sites  across                                                         tracted  the  virus,  with  no
             for  the  District  of  Colum-  the  country.  Further,  as                                                       fatalities.  The  majority  of
             bia for an expedited order  government-imposed stay-                                                              U.S.  coal  is  produced  at
             against the U.S. Mine Safe-  at-home  orders  are  lifted                                                         nonunion mines.
             ty  and  Health  Administra-  and demand for mine-pro-                                                            While  MSHA  continues  to
             tion. It was filed by the Unit-  duced  resources  increas-  In  this  March  11,  2018,  file  photo,  Cecil  Roberts,  president  of   perform   mandatory   in-
             ed  Mine  Workers  and  the  es,  more  miners  will  return   United Mine Workers of America, speaks at the Greene County   spections  and  serious  ac-
             United Steelworkers unions.  to  work  at  pre-pandemic   Fairgrounds in Waynesburg, Pa.                          cident  investigations,  the
             If  MSHA  fails  to  issue  an  levels."                                                          Associated Press  agency  has  suspended
             emergency       temporary  An  MSHA  spokeswoman                                                                  some on-site mine visits and
             standard for infectious dis-  did  not  immediately  re-  tilation regulations are not  said  in  a  statement  that  other  safety  and  fatality
             eases that would be legal-   spond  to  a  request  for  designed  to  prevent  the  social distancing measures  initiatives  under  President
             ly binding on all mine oper-  comment.                   spread  of  a  virus.  UMW  are  meaningless  in  under-  Donald  Trump's  national
             ators, it would put the lives  The petition said mine ven-  President  Cecil  Roberts  ground coal mines, where  emergency declaration.q
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