Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200617
P. 28
Wednesday 17 June 2020
African nations seek scrutiny of U.S., others over racism
GENEVA (AP) — The Eu- cy of the matter today."
ropean Union and some "There is nobody who
Western nations appealed doubts that the American
Tuesday for more time to system has a judiciary sys-
discuss a resolution drafted tem that is functional," Se-
for the U.N.'s top human seinyi said. "If it is so good,
rights body that seeks inter- then why is it happening
national scrutiny of system- over and over and over
ic racism against people of again?" she said, alluding
African descent in response to the deaths of George
to the recent killings of Afri- Floyd in Minneapolis and
can Americans by police. other unarmed black peo-
The draft resolution, a copy ple who were killed by po-
of which was obtained by lice officers in the U.S.
The Associated Press, sin- Seseinyi said Western coun-
gles out the United States tries that had expressed
and could become the good intentions needed
centerpiece of a hastily to do more than just "talk
scheduled debate by the shop" and take action this
Human Rights Council in time. The U.S. mission in Ge-
Geneva on Wednesday. neva declined immediate
The text calls for a commis- comment on the resolution.
sion of inquiry — the rights A crowd of demonstrators march to the Capitol Monday, June 15, 2020 in Atlanta. U.S. President Donald Trump
body's most powerful tool Associated Press pulled the United States out
to inspect human rights vio- of the 47-member body
lations — to look into "sys- local government respons- country was consumed anonymity because of the two years ago, accusing it
temic racism" and abuses es to peaceful protests, by the COVID-19 crisis and sensitivity of the matter, told of an anti-Israel bias and of
against "Africans and of including the alleged use that such an "important the AP it was not appropri- accepting members from
people of African descent of excessive force against topic" merited a consensus ate for a democracy with some countries with auto-
in the United States of protesters, bystanders and from the 47-member coun- a "working" judicial system cratic governments that
America and other parts of journalists." cil. like the United States to be are serial rights violators.
the world recently affected At an "informal" meeting The European Union's rep- held to the same level of On Monday, the council
by law enforcement agen- to discuss the initiative pre- resentative, Ida Krogh Mik- scrutiny that countries like agreed unanimously to
cies" especially encounters sented by the Africa Group kelsen, said the bloc's 27 Syria have faced through hold the urgent debate
that resulted in deaths. late Monday, diplomats member nations were "still the commission of inquiry Wednesday afternoon on
Such work would be carried and human rights defend- looking at this, and are re- mechanism. "racially inspired human
out "with a view to bringing ers expressed overwhelm- serving our position." She Botswana's representative rights violations, systemic
perpetrators to justice," the ing support for efforts to also proposed tweaks to to the U.N. in Geneva, Bo- racism, police brutality
text states. The proposed fight racism. the draft. kani Edith Seseinyi, argued and the violence against
commission would "exam- But Peru's envoy appealed One Western diplomat, for support for a resolution peaceful protests" in the
ine the federal, state and for more time, saying her speaking on condition of that "addresses the urgen- wake of Floyd's killing. q
Guyana in crisis due to dispute over election fairness
By BERT WILKINSON the vote in the small South the basis for a declaration parliament becomes presi- to spend on large projects
Associated Press American nation can't be of results from the March 2 dent. because there are no legis-
GEORGETOWN, Guyana described as "credible." election." The governing coalition lators to vote on appropria-
(AP) — Authorities in Guy- But the Organization of The vote was widely seen wants nearly 12,000 votes tions.
ana were under interna- American States issued a as the most important elec- in 47 boxes from eastern Guyana could become
tional pressure on Tuesday statement Monday dismiss- tions since independence coastal villages invalidat- one of the richest nations
to certify an opposition ing his report, adding, "His from Britain in 1966 due to ed, complaining they con- in the hemisphere in a de-
victory in national elec- contention that the entire the discovery of sizable oil tained only votes for the cade due to oil exports.
tions even as the head of election be set aside on this deposits off the shores of PPP and none for any other U.S. supermajor ExxonMobil
the Elections Commission basis alone is astonishing." the English-speaing nation parties, which it said is a and partners began oil pro-
argued that the March 2 It suggested that he has of some 750,000 people. clear case of fraud. Lowen- duction and exports in De-
vote was badly flawed and "displayed partisan behav- Following a recount of field also reported that re- cember. The country has
should be thrown out. ior." some districts, Granger's quired supporting docu- already earned $100 mil-
The commission was meet- It called on the govern- party was almost 160,000 ments such as poll books lion from two shipments of
ing Tuesday to consider the ment of President Davide votes behind the main op- and poll statements were a million barrels of oil each
report by Chief Elections Granger "to begin the pro- position People's Progres- missing. this year.
Officer Keith Lowenfield, cess of transition, which sive Party. The PPP said allegations of Guyanese traditionally
who said hundreds of peo- will allow the legitimately Pro-government commis- fraud were fiction and ac- vote along racial lines, with
ple who were dead or has elected government to sioner Vincent Alexander cused Lowenfield of en- coalition backeds by the
emigrated were recorded take its place." said Tuesday that the lead dorsing "the wild, reckless 34% of the population of
as having voted and that The U.S.-based Carter Cen- is made up of fraudulent and baseless allegations African descent and the
some ballot boxes were ter, which promotes fair votes that if scrubbed from made by coalition." PPP backed by the 38% of
stuffed only with votes for elections, also noted that the tally would see the gov- Guyana's parliament has Guyanese of Indian de-
the main opposition party. observers from the Carib- erning coalition winning by not met for more than a scent.
He said over the week- bean Community found about two seats. year and the country is In is unclear who will govern
end that an audit found that "the recount results are The leader of the party basically running with a the country if the polls are
so many irregularities that acceptable and provide that wins the most seats in caretaker Cabinet, unable annulled.q