Page 14 - Homecare Homebase: Skilled Nursing Training Manual
P. 14
All Stage 2, 3, 4, and unstageable pressure ulcers need photos as close to SOC as possible.
1. Take wound photos using the camera in the VNSNY issued smart phone.
2. Label all photos with:
1. Patient name
2. Date( month, day and year) the photo will be taken
3. MRN number
4. Location of the wound
***Missing information will make the photo unusable and it will be deleted***
3. Take at least 2 good photos of the wound bed including the periwound.
4. View the pictures in the Photo App
5. Select the best 2 photos of each wound.
If prompted, choose “use actual size”
6. Send via VNSNY email to
Write in the subject line: Entire MR Number, beginning with region and branch
(ie M010000123456), and patient name.
7. Request consult in the coordination notes – note is titled “Wound Consult Request” in the drop down menu
8. Once photos are sent delete them from your phone
Client Calendar
The care week is fixed from Sunday to Saturday.
• This is where you add visits to a patient’s calendar (setting the frequency for the entire plan of care). Plot desired
visits for plan of care based on the patient’s needs.
o Additional RN visit(s) (RN11) as identified at SOC by plotting the visits on the calendar, this will
determine your POC frequency
Choose a single date OR
Click “Start Multiple Select” to choose many dates. If weekly, tap on the day of the week to
select that day each week for the episode.
Then click on “Add/Edit Service Codes”
Add Service Code: Select the correct discipline from the drop down menu (Please see PAGE 25
for further guidance for choosing service codes)
While you are setting up the calendar you can add or delete selected visits.
To Delete: select the day/s, Click “Add/ Edit service code”, tap and hold on visit or service code
header, Tap Delete.