Page 19 - Homecare Homebase: Skilled Nursing Training Manual
P. 19

HHA Order Discharge

        CLINICIAN ends HHA services earlier than initial POC order
            •  creates physician order and removes reminder of HHA visits from calendar
            •  syncs
            •  calls Contract Admin to end HHA Order
            •  provides Contract Admin the following information:
                   1)  Staff ID
                   2)  HCHB MRN
        CLINICIAN tells Contract Admin to end HHA services for patient.
        CLINICIAN ends call

        DME Process– Ordered through Parachute

            •  Order DME via  Patient name/demographics will flow over from HCHB to Parachute.
            •  Obtain log-in/password via the Helpdesk (212-290-3555, Option 1), if needed.
            1.  When DME/equipment needs to be picked-up, user (office or field) will enter a comment in the DME/equipment
               order in Parachute to indicate that the DME/equipment needs to be picked-up.
            2.  The vendor will initiate the pick-up process when they see this comment in Parachute. (Vendors are expected to
               monitor the communications/comments functions within Parachute.  Vendors are contractually obligated to do
               the pick-up within 24 hours of notification).
            3.  Vendor will add comment in Parachute once the DME/equipment has been picked-up.
            4.  Payment for the returned DME/equipment will terminate on the discharge date that comes from HCHB through
               the interface.

        Process of Assessing and Adding Pathway/Orders for a patient with a

        feeding tube

            •  The PEG tube information is in the GI Section of the Physical Assessment, in Ostomy.  It includes an assessment
               of the site and a free text field for comments regarding nutrition/hydration status.
               o  The order for the PEG feeds are entered via a Pathway, “Need for Gastrostomy/Jejunotomy Feeding Care”
                   the pathway/order will require that you enter the specifics of the feeding (type, amount, mode, frequency,

        Process for Adding Oxygen Orders

            •  Oxygen must be ordered as both a Medication Order and as a Pathway.

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