P. 62
Set the original aside, write a key word or phrase to indicate the subject of
your paraphrase.
Present the more understandable paraphrase than the original passage by
using the different words with the same meaning and function or changing
the words order. If it possible to change the sentence structure (i.e.
passive to active or omit some relative clauses.
Add your own words, phrase or clause before and/or after the original
Check your rendition with the original to make sure that your version
accurately expresses all the essential information in a new form.
Useful verbs when paraphrasing sources:
Function Verbs Example
Neutral in meaning according to, comment, According to Kohl (2018),
describe, note, state, interaction may be defined as a
acknowledge, define, discuss, reciprocal action between at least
point out two people.
Indicating what the assume, consider, recognize, Ariyanti (2016) believed that fear
author’s thinking believe, hypothesize, think of making mistakes may hinder
students’ performance.
Indicating that the confirm, prove, validate, In their study, Brown and Hally
author is proving establish, substantiate, verify (2013) verified that blue light has
something significant impacts on eyes
Indicating what the analyze, estimate, examine, Chaudra (2016) investigated that
author did investigate, study, apply, the rising fuel price frequently
evaluate, find, observe followed by the other commodities
rising prices as well in most of
developing Asian countries.
Indicating that the demonstrate, illustrate, Chen (2017) presented some
author is showing present, explain, indicate, evidences showing that breakfast
something show has significant influence on
children’s brain function.
Indicating the author’s argue, claim, emphasize, Burns (2014) argued that social
position on an issue recommend, suggest, assert, media leads to some losses for
defend, maintain, reject teenagers in this 21 century
support, challenge, doubt, put context.
forward, refute
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