P. 65

PAPER PRESENTATION              2019

               conclusion  on  the  basis  of  insufficient  lest  they  jump  to  an  erroneous

               evidence  (Bram  &  Peebles,  2014,  pp.  conclusion  on  the  basis  of  insufficient
               32–33).                                        evidence (pp. 32–33).

               A business firm’s obligation, beyond that  Business should focus on objectives that

               required by the law and economics, is to  are  not  only  legal  and  financially
               pursue long-term goals that are good for  appropriate, but are of long range benefit

               society (Robbins et al, 2003, p.138).          to society (Robbins et al, 2003, p.138).
               Students     frequently    overuse     direct  In doing research papers, students often

               quotation in taking notes, and as a result  quote  too  excessively,  failing  to  keep
               they  overuse  quotations  in  the  final  quoted material down to a desirable level

               (research)  paper.  Probably  only  about  of  about  10%  of  the  paper.  Since  the

               10%  of  your  final  manuscript  should  problem  usually  originates  during  note
               appear  as  directly  quoted  matter.  taking, it is good to minimize the amount

               Therefore,  you  should  strive  to  limit  the  of  the  recorded  word  from  the  source

               amount  of  exact  transcribing  of  source  when  you  are  gathering  your  notes
               materials  while  taking  notes  (Lester,  (Lester, pp.46.47).

               1976, p.46-47).

               Activity                         IDENTIFYING EFFECTIVE

               Identify the effective paraphrasing by giving a check to the correct one, then
               explain the reasons.

               1.  Original source: “As the first meal of the day, breakfast has an important role in
                   supplying  energy  and  nutrients,  which  are  critical  to  working  and  learning

                       Paraphrase 1: Breakfast which is served as the first meal in the morning has

                       an  important  contribution  in  providing  energy  and  nutrients  which  are
                       important for working and learning activities.

                       Paraphrase  2:  Breakfast  contributes  to  the  supply  of  energy  and  nutrients

                       which are important for performing working and learning activities.

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