P. 81

PAPER PRESENTATION              2019

                Discussion                DESIGNING SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRES

                       Questionnaire is a research instrument commonly used in a descriptive
               quantitative research, specifically in a survey research. Designing a questionnaire

               seems an easy job. However, the designed questionnaires can sometimes confuse
               the participants because the questions are too long and create ambiguous meanings.

               Even, the items are redundant and out of the research context failing to answer the
               research questions. Choosing types of questions for the questionnaire is vital. If you

               as the researcher wish to have more developed answer, then open-ended questions

               will be applicable. On the other hand, if you wish to have fixed answers, closed-
               ended questions will do.

                  EXAMPLE                       TYPES OF QUESTIONS
                                                 IN QUESTIONNAIRES

                              OPEN-ENDED                                     CLOSED-ENDED

                  YES/NO QUESTIONS                               I think all teachers in the country should
                                                                  receive a £10,000 pay rise (please
                Do you agree with the use of chemical            choose one answer).
                  pesticides in agriculture?                       1) strongly agree
                Is herbal medicine safe?                          2) agree
                Does a discussion help students to                3) do not agree
                  improve their critical thinking?
                Can visual aids impede the students’
                  confidence?                                    I think all teachers in the country should
                                                                  receive a £10,000 pay rise.
                                                                  (Please rate your agreement on the ten-
                                                                  point scale, with 10 being agree
                  W&H QUESTIONS                                   strongly, and 0 being disagree

                How can urban farming contribute to
                  food sustainability?                         Agree strongly 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
                When is your best time to study?              Disagree strongly
                What teaching method do you think is
                  best for teaching Foundation of
                  Agriculture?                                   Please rank the following goals in order
                Why do students tend to procrastinate?           of importance for your school from first
                                                                  to sixth, with 1 indicating most important

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