P. 76

PAPER PRESENTATION              2019

                                         El Salvador, Venezuela,             enrolled in the summer

                                         and Ecuador.                        reading clinic, housed at a
                                                                             local urban charter

                                     3) The study sample was                 elementary school. One
                                         made up of male and                 student was in the fifth grade

                                         female teachers who                 during the 2007-2008 school
                                         worked in Primary                   year and the other two were

                                         Education and Secondary             in the fourth grade during the

                                         Education schools and               same time period at the
                                         Universities in the                 same school. All three were

                                         Valencian Community.                referred to the reading clinic
                                     4) Most respondents studied             by their classroom teachers

                                         in Canada (64 %), followed          because of their reading
                                         by Belgium (18.5 %),                difficulties during the 2007-

                                         France (9.5 %) and Algeria          2008 school year

                                         (8 %). They were mostly
                                         undergraduates (55.4 %).

                                         The sample mostly

                                         included Caucasian
                                         students (84.4 %), followed

                                         by students of Arabic (8 %),
                                         African (4.1 %) descent and

                                         others (3.5 %).
               4      Procedures     1) The data in the                  1) An open invitation to

                                         questionnaires in both              student teachers who were in

                                         cases were collected                their final year of study to
                                         mainly by online                    participate in the research

                                         questionnaires. Teachers            was offered. Twelve
                                         were contacted and                  student teachers

                                         offered the chance to               volunteered to be

                                         complete the questionnaire          interviewed, and they were
                                         online or to send a                 informed of their right to

                                         completed printed copy of it.       withdraw from the study at

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