P. 73

PAPER PRESENTATION              2019

                Discussion            LANGUAGE ELEMENTS IN WRITING
                                                RESEARCH METHODS

                       In writing research methods, simple past tense is commonly used. This is

               because the actions you describe happened in the past before you began writing
               your paper. The following are some examples of past tense use taken from the

               above excerpt of research methods.

                  a) Thirty Korean and Japanese international students participated in this study.

                  b) To recruit the participants, the researcher contacted some prospective
                      participants at the international student orientation seminar at the beginning of

                      each academic semester.

                       Another important element used in writing research methods is passive voice.

               The use of passive is recommended here because the focus is on what was done
               rather than who did it. The following examples highlight passive voice in writing

               research methods.

                   a) This survey study was conducted on fourth-year medical students at the end
                       of their first clerkship.

                   b) A validated questionnaire was adapted from a similar study conducted by

                       Maastricht University.
                   c) One week after the interview, the participants were given a transcript and the

                       option to remove, edit or add to their comments.
                   d) Invitation for students to participate in the study were made through the

                       clinical sciences department.

               Some Expressions used in Research Methods

                No    Element of                               Sample Phrases
                       Research                Quantitative                         Qualitative


               1      Research       1) A non-experimental               1) The analysis was situated
                      Design             survey design was used              within a case study (Yin,

                                         for data collection (Maree          2014) of the experiences of
                                         and Pietersen 2007).                six graduate students and

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