P. 75
both Spanish and English to groups. Questions adapted
include foreign, exchange, from Ramsden (1981) in his
and Brazilian students. seminal research on the
3) Data were collected using learning context were used
a previously validated to explore the issues raised
closed-ended in this article.
questionnaire, which was 2) The semi-structured
made up of thirty questions interview format with open-
spread equally in three ended questions
sections, namely, scientific specifically questioned
HIV/AIDS knowledge, women about leisure and
generic HIV/AIDS physical activity, with the
knowledge and self- majority of them articulating
reported behavioural a difference between the
preferences. two.
4) A five-point Likert-type
response scale (5 =
strongly agree or very
important to 1 = strongly
disagree or unimportant)
was used for this section.
3 Participants 1) A total of 542 participants 1) The participants were
were recruited. Of these, predominantly middle class,
162 reported being yoga Caucasian, and Australian
teachers. born. As such they had
2) A total of 175 responses access to resources for
were received from LTPA, including their
students from 16 capacities to create time and
universities (out space as well as social
approximately 100 at the support from husbands,
time of the survey) in family and friends.
Mexico, Costa Rica, 2) The participants for this
Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, study were three students