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2) Online survey research their instructor, Sarah, during
using Qualtrics (a web- a course focused on teacher
based research research and classroom
tool) was conducted to discourse.
examine accounting 2) Collective case-study
faculty’s perceptions of methodology informed the
Excel technological skills research design for this
used in public accounting study. A collective case
and accounting education. study involves the inclusion
3) This study was conducted of multiple cases associated
through an online survey with a particular issue,
sent to students, via their which allows for comparisons
department chair or to be made (Creswell, 2008).
program director, registered 3) A research in context (the
in tourism programs in real place where teacher s
universities members of and students perform their
CONPETH (Pan-American task) was carried out. In
Confederation of Hotel, this case, an actual
Tourism, and Gastronomy). laboratory class in organic
chemistry at university level
was investigated . A
qualitative approach with
non-participant observers
was used.
2 Research 1) The data collection 1) The focus group method of
instruments instrument used was the data collection was
questionnaire, which was selected as a qualitative
designed expressly for this approach. Semi-structured
purpose and contains eight discussion questions were
sections. mainly used, allowing for a
2) The survey instrument relatively free response and
consisted of an online yet ensuring a degree of
questionnaire, available in comparability between the