P. 77

PAPER PRESENTATION              2019

                                     2) To collect the data, the             any time without negative

                                         questionnaire was                   consequences.
                                         distributed to the              2) The researcher performed

                                         teachers. They received             the interviews using an
                                         the questionnaire from the          interview script, between

                                         researcher in person,               August and October 2015.
                                         while some teachers                 The signed consent form

                                         acquired the questionnaire          was then collected prior to

                                         via email. The administered         the interview session. Each
                                         questionnaire is in Chinese         interview was audio-

                                         to ensure that the questions        recorded, with participants’
                                         could be readily understood         consent, and later

                                         by the teachers and yield           transcribed
                                         accurate responses.

               5      Data           1) The data analysis                1) The process of data

                      Analysis           involved two stages. In             analysis was informed by
                                         the first stage, descriptive        interpretive analysis

                                         statistics were run to              (Creswell, 2009, 2012). The

                                         analyze quantitative data to        process of analysis started
                                         calculate the percentage of         upon initial collection of data

                                         support among the teachers          and involved an ongoing
                                         on the applications of              procedure in which any

                                         different types of GM, GT,          newly collected data was
                                         and ART. In the second              compared with the data

                                         stage, thematic content             already acquired.

                                         analysis was applied to         2) The analysis utilised a
                                         analyze the written                 process of constant

                                         responses among the                 comparison (Corbin &
                                         teachers in the                     Strauss, 2008) to identify key

                                         questionnaire to identify the       concepts and themes.

                                         patterns of their ethical
                                         reasoning on these issues.

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