Page 74 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 74

No            Word                                    Definition
                 1     Research design          A tool used to collect, measure, and analyze data related to a
                                                researcher’s interest
                 2     Qualitative              The entire group targeted a researcher want to draw
                                                conclusions about
                 3     Quantitative             The specific group that a researcher will collect data from
                 4     Population               A measurement involving a descriptive judgment using
                                                concept words instead of numbers
                 5     Sample                   A strategy for answering a research question using empirical
                 6     Instrument               A measurement in numerical values

               After learning the terms above, read an example of a Methodology section of a research
               proposal. Can you name each element in the following example? Discuss with the class.

                         This study employs quantitative approach with cross-sectional design. In this
                  cross-sectional study, the data are going to be collected through a written self-reported   ……………..

                  questionnaire. A validated questionnaire is going to be adapted from a similar study
                 conducted  by  Maastricht  University.  The  original  questionnaire  was  reviewed  and
                  tailored to the local context after discussion among the researchers and the faculty of

                  the Clinical Sciences Department. Responses is going to be collected using a Likert scale
                 where 1 is “Strongly Disagree” and 5 is “Strongly Agree” for all questions except in the

                  academic advising section, in which 1 is “Never” and 4 is “Always.”

                         The adapted questionnaire is going to be distributed to students in their fourth

                 year  in  the  beginning  of  the  clerkship  phase.    The  study  is  going  to  be  done  after
                  students had finished their first 10-week clerkship rotation.

                         The  permission  to  conduct  the  study  will  be  obtained  from  the  College
                  Deanship and Department of Clinical Sciences. The invitation for students to participate
                  in the study will be made through the clinical sciences department (the authors will not
                  be involved in this process), and participation in the study will be voluntary. This study   ……………..

                  will take around one month. Anonymous questionnaires are going to be distributed and
                  collected  by  the  clinical  tutors.  The  data  from  the  questionnaire  will  be  analyzed

                  quantitatively  using  SPSS-20.  Percentages,  means,  and  standard  deviations  will  be   ……………..
                  obtained. Responses for Strongly Agree and Agree will be grouped together, as will be

                  Strongly Disagree and Disagree.
                                                        Adapted from:

                   Details about your study methodology are provided in the methods part of a research

               proposal. It covers both your work plan—the tasks you want to carry out to finish your

               project—and your research design—the technique and methodologies that you intend to

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