Page 75 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 75
A study proposal's methodology section must include all the details required for another
researcher to duplicate your findings. This section's goal is to persuade the funding
organization that the techniques you intend to employ are reliable and that this is the best
way to handle the problem you have selected.
To prove that you have made a wise and well-calculated decision, you must also show
that you are aware of alternate approaches. The methods elements of a research proposal
provide information on how to answer the following questions in your techniques section:
Building a research proposal methodology
Research Design • Qualitative or quantitative?
• Original data collection or primary and secondary source analysis?
• Descriptive, correlational, or experimental research design?
Instrument • What data collection tools will you use
(e.g., surveys, interviews, observational studies, experiments)?
• Why?
Population and • Who or what will you study (e.g., high school students in New York; local
newspaper archives 1976-80)?
• How will you select your subjects (e.g., probability sampling, non-
probability sampling)?
• When and where will you collect your data?
• What procedures/activities will the study involve?
• How much time will you need?
• How will you gain access to your population?
Data Analysis • How will you analyze your data?
• Why?
Adapted from:
Now, arrange the jumbled paragraph below into an organized methodology in a research
proposal. Give number to put them in the correct order.
Paragraph Order
Furthermore, the research procedure is explained in the subsequent
sections along with questions used in the study. The study will be
allocated to take place in the mid of June this year and will last for
approximately 2-3 months considering its complexity.
The mean, standard deviation (SD), and median are the statistical
parameters used for comparison and to draw a valid conclusion. In this
study, mean and median values will be used for analyzing the students'
views on different aspects of the study. Dependency test will be
conducted using Chi-square ( 2) test. The analysis and conclusions will
be made using t and p statistics.
Paper Proposal Writing 67