Page 76 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 76

The questionnaire will consist 21 items. The questionnaire is going to
                be designed to collect the views of the students from the various higher
                educational  institutions,  one  most  important  stakeholder  of  the
                Educational  Institutions  of  Higher  studies  on  the  teaching-learning
                process  and  standard  operating  protocols  (SOPs)  for  reopening  the
                educational institutions. A Google Form survey questionnaire is going
                to be designed based on five main aspects of the reopening of higher
                educational institutions. All challenges are divided into five groups.
                The participants in this survey will be both male and female from the
                higher educational institutions situated in the various areas of India
                from  different  institutions.  Views  received  from  the  students  from   ……….
                various  institutions  are  analyzed  using  various  statistical  tools.  Chi-
                square test will be used to validate the conclusions.
                This research is planned to be quantitative employing a student survey.    ……….
                                                                  Adapted from:

               1.  Which tenses are used in writing the research methodology?

               2.  In your opinion, why the tenses are used in this section?


                             Language Focus

                                    Future tense to Describe a Research Plan

                       In a research proposal, the research is often still a plan. Particularly,
               in Methodology section, future tense is employed since it describes what
               you will do in the research. Different from the completed research, the
               design, instruments, population, procedures, and data analysis are still in
               plans. Thus, the tenses to describe how our research will be conducted is
               future tense.

                 The function of future tense is to refer to actions or states that begin and end in the future. There
                 are two ways to express future tense that is by using “will” and “be going to”. Though both have no
                                        difference in meaning, they differ in functions.
                             Rule                       Function                      Example
                                                To express a plan which is   The study will employ qualitative
                                                still possible to change (not   approach with interview as the
                        Will+ V infinitive            fully planned)        main data collection technique.
                                                 To express a future fact   Since the treatment group will be
                                                                           toddlers aged 3-5 years old, it can

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