Page 77 - PPW (Paper Proposal Writing)
P. 77
be ensured that they are going to
be accompanied by their parents.
To express a plan which has The samples are going to be
been fully planned and is selected from the students of
tend to be done Faculty of Agriculture who are
Be (is/am/are) + going to + V currently writing their
infinitive undergraduate thesis.
To describe something is The samples are going to be
about to happen selected from students admitted
in 2019.
Adapted from:
Activity 1
Practice to use future tense in writing methodology for a research proposal
Read the example and underline the errors found in sentences with future tense. Correct
The research planned to be conducted will been qualitative. It seeks for the significance
of viewing English videos or movies on proficiency. It is going to employing semi-structured
interview to collect the data. There will be an interview guideline designed. The population of
the study will is the students of English classes in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
However, the samples selected must meet the criteria that they also love watching videos or
movies in English. The interview are going to be done offline by directly inviting the selected
participants to have a face-to-face interview. The duration set for the interview will takes more
or less 15-30 minutes each. The study will spent at least 6 months to be completed. The data
collected from the interview are going to be analyzed using thematic analysis.
Fill in the blanks in the methodology section below with the words provided in the box and
change the verb into future tense correctly.
This study is going to be designed as a quasi-experimental research study. This study
(1) ………………….. (apply) convenience sampling from students at a junior college in northern
Taiwan for this method is considered the most practical one. As a requirement, the sample
group (2) ………………….. (be) approved by the Board of Human Research Protection
Paper Proposal Writing 69