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(institutional review board) at that institution. The researcher (3) ………………….. (recruit)
participants from freshmen classes which are considered the youngest having less coping
strategy compared to other classes. However, more consideration must be taken into
They are required to sign a consent form to voluntarily participate in the research
project. As it is going to be a quasi-experimental study, the sample (4) ………………….. (be)
randomly segmented into two groups: experimental and control. The pretest and posttest (5)
………………….. (employ) a five-point Likert-type Life Adaptation Scale (LAS). The LAS was
designed by Chen and Wu in 1987. The LAS includes three parts: physical and mental distress,
positive coping strategies, and negative coping strategies. These two questions (6)
………………….. (use) a 5-point Likert scale in the range of ‘‘much worse,’’ ‘‘worse,’’ ‘‘no
difference,’’ ‘‘better,’’ and ‘‘much better.’’ The higher the score, the better the physical and
mental health condition. Positive coping strategy are going to use a 5-point Likert scale
(‘‘never”, ‘‘seldom’’,
‘‘sometimes,’’ ‘‘often,’’ and ‘‘always’’). The content of the scale, with a total of 28 questions,
(7) ………………….. (refer) to daily life events. Higher scores (8) ………………….. (represent) more
positive resources and more effective coping with diversified life changes. Negative coping
strategy (9) ………………….. (examine) participant responses to life events in a negative way.
Higher scores (10) ………………….. (correlate) with higher levels of emotional distress and lower
life coping abilities. The study (11) ………………….. (take) around 4-5 months as it will have more
phases to complete. The analysis technique (12) ………………….. (utilize) some statistical test
using SPSS 20.
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Useful Starter Phrases for Methodology
Below are some phrases useful to start your explanation in Methodology.
Element Starter phrases
Research Design This research is qualitative …
This research employs quantitative approach …
This methodology has a number of advantages, such as …
The limitations to the study design include …
70 Paper Proposal Writing