Page 56 - Small Business Taxes
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                                             Construction allowances 24             Accounting methods 13
         A                                   Cost of goods sold 27                  Accounting periods 12
         Accounting method:                  Credit:                                Barter 20
            Accrual 14, 31                      Alternative fuel vehicle refueling   Basis 17
            Automatic procedures 16               property 18                       Business bad debt 31
            Cash 13, 31                         Alternative motor vehicle 18        Calendar tax year 12
            Change in 16                        Biodiesel and renewable diesel      Cash discount 26, 28
            Combination 15                        fuels credit 19                   Disposition of property 17
            Special 16                          Biofuel producer credit 19          Drawing account 28
         Accounting periods 12                  Carbon oxide sequestration 19       Fair market value 18
         Accrual method:                        Credit for employer differential    Fiscal tax year 13
            Income - general rule 14              wage payments 19                  Fringe benefit 34
            Income - special rules 14           Credit for increasing research      Local transportation expenses 31
                                                  activities 19
            Of accounting 14                    Disabled access 19                  Necessary expense 30
         Adjusted basis 17                      Distilled spirits 19                Net operating loss 40
         Administrator 25                       Employer credit for family and      Nonbusiness bad debt 31
         Alternative fuel vehicle refueling       medical leave 19                  Ordinary expense 30
            property credit 18                  Employer-provided childcare 19      Principal place of business 38
         Alternative motor vehicle credit 18    Empowerment zone employment         Qualified long-term real
         Appeal rights 45                         credit 19                           property 25
         Appreciation 24                        Energy efficient home credit 19     Qualified real property business
         Assistance (See Tax help)              How to claim 20                       debt 23
         Audits 44                              Indian coal 19                      Rent 36
         Automobile (See Car expenses)          Investment 19                       Restricted property 23
                                                                                    Retail space 25
         B                                      Low sulfur diesel fuel              Self-employment (SE) tax 9
                                                  production 19
         Bad debts 31                           Low-income housing 19               Tax home 31
         Barter income 20                       New markets 19                      Trade discount 27, 28
         Basis of property 17                   Orphan drug 19                      Travel expenses 37
         Biodiesel and renewable diesel         Qualified plug-in electric drive   Depreciation:
            fuels credit 19                       motor vehicle 19                  Deduction 32
         Biofuel producer credit 19             Qualified railroad track            Listed property 33
         Bribes 39                                maintenance credit 19          Depreciation, recapture 24
         Business expenses 30                   Refined coal 19                  Direct seller 25, 26
         Business income 20                     Renewable electricity 19         Disabled access credit 19
         Business use of your home 37           Small employer health insurance   Disposition of property:
                                                  premiums 19                       Business property 16
         C                                      Small employer pension plan         Installment sale 17, 18
         Canceled debt 22                         startup costs 19                  Like-kind exchange 17, 18, 25
         Cancellation of qualified real         Taxes paid on certain employee      Nontaxable exchange 17
            property business debt 23             tips 19                           Sale of a business 17
         Capital gain or loss 18                Work opportunity credit 20       Distilled spirits credit 19
         Car expenses 31, 32                 Credit for employer differential    Dividend income 22
         Carbon oxide sequestration             wage payments 19                 Donation of inventory 28
            credit 19                        Credit for increasing research      Drawing account 28
         Cash discount 26, 28                   activities 19                    Due date of return 8
         Cash method:                        D
            Expenses 14                                                          E
            Income 13                        Damages 24                          e-file 7
         Charitable contributions 39         De Minimis Safe Harbor for          Economic injury 24
                                                Tangible Property 38
         Child employed by parent 40         Debt:                               EFTPS 8
         Claim for refund 45                    Bad 31                           Electronic filing 7
         Collection of tax 45                   Canceled 22                      Employee 6
         Combination method of                                                   Employee benefit programs 34
            accounting 15                       Qualified real property business 23  Employees' pay 33
         Condemned property 18                  Refund offset against 7          Employer identification number
         Consignments 24                     Definitions 3                          (EIN) 6

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