Page 61 - Small Business Taxes
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         publication or the How To Get Tax Help section   2020,  and  before  July  1,  2021.  The  employee   16:31 - 2-Feb-2023
         at the end of this publication, go to the IRS In-  retention credit under section 3134 of the Inter-  What's New for 2023
         teractive  Tax  Assistant  page  at  nal Revenue Code, as enacted by the ARP and
         Help/ITA where you can find topics by using the   amended  by  the  Infrastructure  Investment  and   The following item highlights a change in the tax
         search feature or viewing the categories listed.  Jobs Act, was limited to wages paid after June   law for 2023.
                                             30,  2021,  and  before  October  1,  2021,  unless
            Getting tax forms, instructions, and pub-  the employer was a recovery startup business.   Most current standard mileage rate.  For the
         lications.  Go  to  to  download   An employer that was a recovery startup busi-  most  current  standard  mileage  rates,  go  to
         current  and  prior-year  forms,  instructions,  and   ness  could  also  claim  the  employee  retention
         publications.                       credit for wages paid after September 30, 2021,   Rates.
                                                                                    The  following  item  highlights  a  change
            Ordering  tax  forms,  instructions,  and   and before January 1, 2022. For more informa-  regarding this publication.
         publications.  Go  to  to   tion, see chapter 2.
         order  current  forms,  instructions,  and  publica-  Credit for COBRA premium assistance pay-  Final revision.  Pub. 535 will no longer be re-
         tions;  call  800-829-3676  to  order  prior-year   ments is limited to periods of coverage be-  vised  and  published.  The  2022  edition  will  be
         forms  and  instructions.  The  IRS  will  process   ginning  on  or  after  April  1,  2021,  through   the final revision available.
         your  order  for  forms  and  publications  as  soon   periods of coverage beginning on or before
         as possible. Don’t resubmit requests you've al-  September  30,  2021.    Section  9501  of  the
         ready sent us. You can get forms and publica-  ARP provides for COBRA premium assistance   Reminders
         tions faster online.                in  the  form  of  a  full  reduction  in  the  premium
                                             otherwise  payable  by  certain  individuals  and   The  following  reminders  and  other  items  may
                                             their  families  who  elect  COBRA  continuation   help you file your tax return.
         Future Developments                 coverage due to a loss of coverage as the result   IRS e-file (Electronic Filing)
                                             of a reduction in hours or an involuntary termi-
         For  the  latest  information  about  developments   nation of employment (assistance eligible indi-
         related to Pub. 535, such as legislation enacted   viduals).  This  COBRA  premium  assistance  is
         after it was published, go to  available for periods of coverage beginning on
                                             or after April 1, 2021, through periods of cover-
                                             age  beginning  on  or  before  September  30,
         What's New for 2022                 2021. For more information, see chapter 2.  You  can  file  your  tax  returns  electronically
                                             Advance  payment  of  COVID-19  credits  ex-
         The following items highlight some changes in   tended.  You  may  no  longer  request  an  ad-  using an IRS e-file option. The benefits of IRS
                                             vance payment of any credit on Form 7200, Ad-
         the tax law for 2022.               vance  Payment  of  Employer  Credits  Due  to   accuracy,  and  acknowledgment  of  IRS  receipt
         Form  1099-K  reporting  transition  period.   COVID-19.  For  more  information,  see  chap-  of your return. You can use one of the following
         The  transition  period  described  in  Notice   ter 2.                 IRS e-file options.
         2023-10 delays the reporting of transactions in   Research  and  experimental  costs.    Begin-  • Use an authorized IRS e-file provider.
         excess of $600 to transactions that occur after                           • Use a personal computer.
         calendar year 2022. The transition period is in-  ning January 1, 2022, research and experimen-  • Visit a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
                                             tal  expenditures,  generally,  have  to  be  amor-
         tended  to  facilitate  an  orderly  transition  for                        (VITA) or Tax Counseling for the Elderly
         TPSO  tax  compliance,  as  well  as  individual   tized  over  a  5-year  period.  A  business  cannot   (TCE) site.
                                             elect to deduct their total research expenses in
         payee compliance with income tax reporting. A                           For  details  on  these  fast  filing  methods,  see
         participating payee, in the case of a third-party   the  current  year.  For  more  information,  see   your income tax package.
                                             chapter 7.
         network transaction, is any person who accepts
         payment from a third-party settlement organiza-  Amortization of research and experimental   Form 1099-MISC.  File Form 1099-MISC, Mis-
         tion for a business transaction.    expenditures.    Specified  research  or  experi-  cellaneous  Income,  for  each  person  to  whom
                                                                                 you have paid during the year in the course of
         The  COVID-19  related  credit  for  qualified   mental costs paid or incurred in tax years begin-  your  trade  or  business  at  least  $600  in  rents,
         sick  and  family  leave  wages  is  limited  to   ning after 2021 must be capitalized and amor-  prizes  and  awards,  other  income  payments,
         leave  taken  after  March  31,  2020,  and  be-  tized  ratably  over  a  5-year  period  (15-year   medical and health care payments, and crop in-
         fore  October  1,  2021.    Generally,  the  credit   period  for  any  expenditures  related  to  foreign   surance  proceeds.  See  the  Instructions  for
         for  qualified  sick  and  family  leave  wages,  as   research). For more information, see chapter 8.  Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC for more in-
         enacted  under  the  Families  First  Coronavirus   Corporate alternative minimum tax reinsta-  formation  and  additional  reporting  require-
         Response Act (FFCRA) and amended and ex-  ted  in  2023.  P.L.  117-169,  dated  August  16,   ments.
         tended by the COVID-related Tax Relief Act of   2022, amended section 55 to impose a corpo-
         2020, for leave taken after March 31, 2020, and   rate  alternative  minimum  tax.  The  amendment   Form  1099-NEC.  File  Form  1099-NEC,  Non-
         before April 1, 2021, and the credit for qualified   applies  to  tax  years  beginning  after  2022.  For   employee  Compensation,  for  each  person  to
         sick  and  family  leave  wages  under  sections   more information, see chapter 9.  whom  you  have  paid  during  the  year  in  the
         3131, 3132, and 3133 of the Internal Revenue   Excise tax on Black Lung Benefits now per-  course of your trade or business at least $600 in
         Code, as enacted under the American Rescue   manent.  P.L.  117-169  also  amended  section   services (including parts and materials), who is
         Plan Act of 2021 (the ARP), for leave taken after   4121  to  eliminate  the  reduction  in  tax  on  coal   not  your  employee.  See  the  Instructions  for
         March  31,  2021,  and  before  October  1,  2021,   from mines located in the United States sold by   Forms 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC for more in-
         have  expired.  However,  employers  that  pay   the producer. The amendment applies to sales   formation  and  additional  reporting  require-
         qualified  sick  and  family  leave  wages  in  2022   in calendar quarters beginning after August 17,   ments.
         for  leave  taken  after  March  31,  2020,  and  be-  2022. For more information, see chapter 9.  Gig Economy Tax Center.  The IRS Gig Econ-
         fore  October  1,  2021,  are  eligible  to  claim  a                   omy Tax Center on can help people in
         credit for qualified sick and family leave wages   Standard mileage rate.  For tax year 2022, the   this  growing  area  meet  their  tax  obligations
         in 2022. For more information, see chapter 2.  standard mileage rate for the cost of operating   through more streamlined information.
         The  COVID-19  related  employee  retention   your  car,  van,  pickup,  or  panel  truck  for  each   The gig economy is also known as the shar-
         credit  has  expired.  The  employee  retention   mile of business use is:  ing, on-demand, or access economy. It usually
         credit enacted under the Coronavirus Aid, Re-  • 58.5 cents per mile from January 1, 2022,   includes  businesses  that  operate  an  app  or
         lief,  and  Economic  Security  (CARES)  Act  and   through June 30, 2022; and  website  to  connect  people  to  provide  services
         amended  and  extended  by  the  Taxpayer  Cer-  • 62.5 cents per mile from July 1, 2022,   to customers. While there are many types of gig
         tainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020 was   through December 31, 2022.  economy  businesses,  ride-sharing  and  home
         limited to qualified wages paid after March 12,   For more information, see chapter 11.  rentals are two of the most popular.
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