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            The  Gig  Economy  Tax  Center  streamlines   To  report  suspected  human  trafficking,  call     925   925 Passive Activity and At-Risk Rules
         various resources, making it easier for taxpay-  the  DHS  domestic  24-hour  toll-free  number  at
         ers to find information about the tax implications   866-DHS-2-ICE   (866-347-2423)   or     936   936 Home Mortgage Interest
         for the companies that provide the services and   802-872-6199  (non-toll-free  international).  For   Deduction
         the individuals who perform them. It offers tips   help from the NHTRC, call the National Human     946   946 How To Depreciate Property
         and resources on a variety of topics including:  Trafficking Hotline toll free at 888-373-7888 or
           • Filing requirements;            text HELP or INFO to BeFree (233733).  Form (and Instructions)
           • Making quarterly estimated income tax   The  U.S.  Department  of  the  Treasury’s  Fi-
             payments;                       nancial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)     Schedule A (Form 1040)  Schedule A (Form 1040) Itemized
           • Paying self-employment taxes;   has issued a public advisory to financial institu-  Deductions
           • Paying FICA, Medicare, and Additional   tions that contains red flag indicators for poten-    5213   5213 Election To Postpone
             Medicare taxes;                 tial suspicious financial activity associated with   Determination as To Whether the
           • Deductible business expenses; and  human trafficking. If warranted, financial institu-  Presumption Applies That an
           • Special rules for reporting vacation home   tions  should  file  a  Suspicious  Activity  Report   Activity Is Engaged in for Profit
             rentals.                        (FinCEN 112) with FinCEN to report these ac-
            For  more  information,  go  to  the  Gig   tivities. For more information, go to  See  chapter  12  for  information  about  getting
         Economy Tax Center at  Sites/default/files/advisory/FIN-2014-A008.pdf.  publications and forms.
         Photographs of missing children.  The Inter-
         nal Revenue Service is a proud partner with the                         What Can I Deduct?
         National  Center  for  Missing  &  Exploited
         Children®  (NCMEC).  Photographs  of  missing                           To be deductible, a business expense must be
         children selected by the Center may appear in                           both  ordinary  and  necessary.  An  ordinary  ex-
         this publication on pages that would otherwise   1.                     pense is one that is common and accepted in
         be  blank.  You  can  help  bring  these  children                      your industry. A necessary expense is one that
         home by looking at the photographs and calling                          is helpful and appropriate for your trade or busi-
         1-800-THE-LOST  (1-800-843-5678)  (24  hours                            ness.  An  expense  does  not  have  to  be  indis-
         a day, 7 days a week) if you recognize a child.  Deducting              pensable to be considered necessary.
         Preventing  slavery  and  human  trafficking.
         Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slav-  Business                  Even  though  an  expense  may  be  ordinary
         ery, and involves the use of force, fraud, or co-                       and necessary, you may not be allowed to de-
         ercion to exploit human beings for some type of                         duct the expense in the year you paid or incur-
         labor  or  commercial  sex  purpose.  The  United   Expenses            red it. In some cases, you may not be allowed
         States  is  a  source,  transit,  and  destination                      to deduct the expense at all. Therefore, it is im-
         country  for  men,  women,  and  children,  both                        portant to distinguish usual business expenses
         U.S.  citizens  and  foreign  nationals,  who  are                      from expenses that include the following.
         subjected  to  the  injustices  of  slavery  and  hu- Introduction        • The expenses used to figure cost of goods
         man  trafficking,  including  forced  labor,  debt                          sold.
         bondage,  involuntary  servitude,  “mail-order”   This  chapter  covers  the  general  rules  for  de-  • Capital expenses.
         marriages,  and  sex  trafficking.  Trafficking  in   ducting  business  expenses.  Business  expen-  • Personal expenses.
         persons  can  occur  in  both  lawful  and  illicit  in-  ses are the costs of carrying on a trade or busi-
         dustries or markets, including in hotel services,   ness,  and  they  are  usually  deductible  if  the   Cost of Goods Sold
         hospitality, agriculture, manufacturing, janitorial   business is operated to make a profit.
         services,  construction,  health  and  elder  care,                     If your business manufactures products or pur-
         domestic  service,  brothels,  massage  parlors,   Topics               chases  them  for  resale,  you  must  generally
         and street prostitution, among others.  This chapter discusses:         value  inventory  at  the  beginning  and  end  of
            The  President’s  Interagency  Task  Force  to                       each tax year to determine your cost of goods
         Monitor  and  Combat  Trafficking  in  Persons   • What you can deduct  sold. Some of your business expenses may be
         (PITF) brings together federal departments and   • How much you can deduct  included in figuring cost of goods sold. Cost of
         agencies to ensure a whole-of-government ap-  • When you can deduct     goods  sold  is  deducted  from  your  gross  re-
         proach  that  addresses  all  aspects  of  human   • Not-for-profit activities  ceipts to figure your gross profit for the year. If
         trafficking. Online resources for recognizing and                       you  include  an  expense  in  the  cost  of  goods
         reporting trafficking activities, and assisting vic-  Useful Items      sold, you cannot deduct it again as a business
         tims  include  the  Department  of  Homeland  Se-  You may want to see:  expense.
         curity  (DHS)  Blue  Campaign  at
         campaign,  the  Department  of  State  Office  to                          The following are types of expenses that go
         Monitor  and  Combat  Trafficking  in  Persons  at   Publication        into figuring cost of goods sold.,  and  the  National  Human  Traf-    334   334 Tax Guide for Small Business  • The cost of products or raw materials, in-
         ficking   Resource   Center   (NHTRC)   at                                  cluding freight. DHS is responsible     463   463 Travel, Gift, and Car Expenses  • Storage.
         for  investigating  human  trafficking,  arresting     525   525 Taxable and Nontaxable Income  • Direct labor (including contributions to pen-
         traffickers,  and  protecting  victims.  DHS  also                          sion or annuity plans) for workers who pro-
         provides  immigration  relief  to  non-U.S.  citizen     529   529 Miscellaneous Deductions  duce the products.
         victims of human trafficking. DHS uses a victim-    536   536 Net Operating Losses (NOLs) for   • Factory overhead.
         centered  approach  to  combating  human  traf-  Individuals, Estates, and Trusts  Under  the  uniform  capitalization  rules,  you
         ficking, which places equal value on identifying                        must capitalize the direct costs and part of the
         and stabilizing victims and on investigating and     538   538 Accounting Periods and Methods  indirect  costs  for  certain  production  or  resale
         prosecuting traffickers. Victims are crucial to in-    542   542 Corporations  activities.  Indirect  costs  include  rent,  interest,
         vestigations  and  prosecutions;  each  case  and                       taxes, storage, purchasing, processing, repack-
         every  conviction  changes  lives.  DHS  under-    547   547 Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts  aging, handling, and administrative costs.
         stands how difficult it can be for victims to come     583   583 Starting a Business and Keeping
         forward and work with law enforcement due to   Records                     This  rule  does  not  apply  to  small  business
         their trauma. DHS is committed to helping vic-                          taxpayers. You qualify as a small business tax-
         tims feel stable, safe, and secure.      587   587 Business Use of Your Home  payer  if  you  (a)  have  average  annual  gross
                                                                          Chapter 1  Deducting Business Expenses    Page 3
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