Page 64 - Small Business Taxes
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         records for 2022 in accordance with this policy.   erwise be treated as currently deductible repair   Deduction  for  qualified  business  income.
         If you elect the de minimis safe harbor in your   costs.                For tax years beginning after 2017, you may be
         tax returns for your 2022 tax year, you can de-                         entitled to take a deduction of up to 20% of your
         duct the cost of each $2,000 computer.  Election  to  capitalize  repair  and  mainte-  qualified  business  income  from  your  qualified
                                             nance costs.   You can elect to capitalize and   trade  or  business,  plus  20%  of  the  aggregate
         Improvements                        depreciate certain amounts paid for repair and   amount of qualified real estate investment trust
                                             maintenance  of  tangible  property,  even  if  they   (REIT) and qualified publicly traded partnership
         Generally, you must capitalize the costs of mak-  do not improve your property. To qualify for this   income. The deduction is subject to various lim-
                                             election, you must treat these amounts as capi-
                                                                                 itations, such as limitations based on the type of
         ing improvements to a business asset if the im-  tal  expenditures  on  your  books  and  records   your  trade  or  business,  your  taxable  income,
         provements result in a betterment to the unit of   used  in  figuring  your  income.  If  you  make  this   the amount of W-2 wages paid with respect to
         property,  restore  the  unit  of  property,  or  adapt   election,  you  must  apply  it  to  all  repair  and   the  qualified  trade  or  business,  and  the  unad-
         the unit of property to a new or different use.  maintenance costs of tangible property that you   justed  basis  of  qualified  property  held  by  your
                                             treat as capital expenditures on your books and   trade or business. You will claim this deduction
            Some  examples  of  improvements  include   records for this tax year. To make the election   on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, not on Schedule C.
         rewiring  or  replumbing  of  a  building,  replacing   to treat repairs and maintenance as capital ex-  Unlike other deductions, this deduction can be
         an entire roof, increasing the production output   penditures,  attach  a  statement  titled  “Section   taken in addition to the standard or itemized de-
         of your equipment, putting an addition on your   1.263(a)-3(n) Election” to your timely filed origi-  ductions. For more information, see the Instruc-
         building,  strengthening  the  foundation  of  a   nal tax return (including extensions) and include   tions for Form 1040.
         building so you can use it for a new purpose, or   your name and address, TIN, and a statement
         replacing  a  major  component  or  substantial   that  you  elect  to  capitalize  repair  and  mainte-  Personal Versus Business
         structural part of a machine.       nance  costs  under  section  1.263(a)-3(n).  You
                                             must  treat  these  amounts  as  improvements  to  Expenses
            However,  you  may  currently  deduct  the   your tangible property and begin to depreciate
         costs of repairs or maintenance that do not im-  these amounts when the improvement is placed   Generally,  you  cannot  deduct  personal,  living,
         prove a unit of property. This generally includes   in service.         or family expenses. However, if you have an ex-
         the costs of routine repairs and maintenance to                         pense for something that is used partly for busi-
         your  property  that  result  from  your  use  of  the   Capital Versus Deductible   ness  and  partly  for  personal  purposes,  divide
         property and that keep your property in an ordi-  Expenses              the  total  cost  between  the  business  and  per-
         nary, efficient operating condition. For example,                       sonal parts. You can deduct the business part.
         deductible repairs include costs such as paint-
         ing  exteriors  or  interiors  of  business  buildings,   To help you distinguish between capital and de-  For example, if you borrow money and use
         repairing  broken  windowpanes,  replacing   ductible expenses, different examples are given   70% of it for business and the other 30% for a
         worn-out minor parts, sealing cracks and leaks,   below.                family vacation, you can generally deduct 70%
         and changing oil or other fluids to maintain busi-                      of the interest as a business expense. The re-
         ness equipment.                     Motor  vehicles.    You  usually  capitalize  the   maining 30% is personal interest and is gener-
                                             cost  of  a  motor  vehicle  you  use  in  your  busi-  ally  not  deductible.  See  chapter  4  for  informa-
         Routine  maintenance  safe  harbor.    If  you   ness. You can recover its cost through annual   tion  on  deducting  interest  and  the  allocation
         determine  that  your  cost  was  for  an  improve-  deductions for depreciation.  rules.
         ment  to  a  building  or  equipment,  you  can  de-  There  are  dollar  limits  on  the  depreciation
         duct  your  cost  under  the  routine  maintenance   you can claim each year on passenger automo-  Business use of your home.  If you use part
         safe  harbor.  Under  the  routine  maintenance   biles  used  in  your  business.  See  Pub.  463  for   of your home for business, you may be able to
         safe harbor, you can deduct the costs of an im-  more information.      deduct  expenses  for  the  business  use  of  your
         provement that meets all of the following crite-  Generally,  repairs  you  make  to  your  busi-  home. These expenses may include mortgage
         ria.                                ness vehicle are currently deductible. However,   interest, insurance, utilities, repairs, and depre-
           • It is paid for recurring activities performed   amounts you pay to improve your business ve-  ciation.
             on tangible property.           hicle are generally capital expenditures and are   To  qualify  to  claim  expenses  for  the  busi-
           • It arises from the use of the property in   recovered through depreciation.  ness use of your home, you must meet both of
             your trade or business.                                             the following tests.
           • It keeps your property in an ordinary, effi-  Roads and driveways.  The cost of building a   1. The business part of your home must be
             cient operating condition.      private road on your business property and the
           • You reasonably expect, at the time the   cost of replacing a gravel driveway with a con-  used exclusively and regularly for your
                                                                                     trade or business.
             property is placed in service, to perform   crete one are capital expenses you may be able
             this activity:                  to depreciate. The cost of maintaining a private   2. The business part of your home must be:
                 – For buildings and building systems,   road on your business property is a deductible   a. Your principal place of business;
                more than once during the 10-year pe-
                riod after you place the building in   Tools.  Unless  the  uniform  capitalization  rules   b. A place where you meet or deal with
                service; or                  apply,  amounts  spent  for  tools  used  in  your   patients, clients, or customers in the
                 – For other property, more than once   business  are  deductible  expenses  if  the  tools   normal course of your trade or busi-
                during the class life of the particular   have  a  life  expectancy  of  less  than  1  year  or   ness; or
                type of property. For class lives, see   they cost $200 or less per item or invoice.  c. A separate structure (not attached to
                Revenue Procedure 88-57, 1987-2                                         your home) used in connection with
                C.B. 674.                    Machinery parts.  Unless the uniform capitali-  your trade or business.
         Costs  incurred  during  an  improvement.   zation  rules  apply,  the  cost  of  replacing   You  generally  do  not  have  to  meet  the  ex-
                                             short-lived parts of a machine to keep it in good
         You must capitalize both the direct and indirect   working  condition,  but  not  to  improve  the  ma-  clusive  use  test  for  the  part  of  your  home  that
         costs of an improvement. Indirect costs include   chine, is a deductible expense.  you regularly use either for the storage of inven-
         repairs and other expenses that directly benefit                        tory or product samples, or as a daycare facility.
         or are incurred by reason of your improvement.   Heating  equipment.  The  cost  of  changing   Your home office qualifies as your principal
         For example, if you improve the electrical sys-  from one heating system to another is a capital   place of business if you meet the following re-
         tem  in  your  building,  you  must  also  capitalize   expense.        quirements.
         the costs of repairing the holes that you made in                         • You use the office exclusively and regu-
         walls to install the new wiring. This rule applies                          larly for administrative or management ac-
         even if this work, performed by itself, would oth-                          tivities of your trade or business.
                                                                          Chapter 1  Deducting Business Expenses    Page 5
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