Page 69 - Small Business Taxes
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         section  274(e)(2)(B)  and  Regulations  section   beverages  are  provided  during  or  at  an  enter-  Employee benefit programs.  Employee ben-
         1.274-9(b)),  special  rules  apply.  See  section   tainment  activity,  and  the  food  and  beverages   efit programs include the following.
         274(e)(2) and Regulations sections 1.274-9 and   are  purchased  separately  from  the  entertain-  • Accident and health plans.
         1.274-10.                           ment, or the cost of the food and beverages is   • Adoption assistance.
                                             stated separately from the cost of the entertain-  • Cafeteria plans.
            Certain  fringe  benefits  are  discussed  next.   ment on one or more bills, invoices, or receipts,   • Dependent care assistance.
         See  Pub.  15-B  for  more  details  on  these  and   you  may  continue  to  deduct  50%  of  the  busi-  • Education assistance.
         other fringe benefits.              ness  meal  expenses.  The  amount  charged  for   • Life insurance coverage.
                                             food or beverages on a bill, invoice, or receipt   • Welfare benefit funds.
         Meals  and  lodging.  Generally,  you  can  de-  must  reflect  the  venue's  usual  selling  cost  for   You  can  generally  deduct  amounts  you
         duct 50% of certain meal expenses and 100%   those items if they were to be purchased sepa-
         of  certain  lodging  expenses  provided  to  your   rately  from  the  entertainment  or  must  approxi-  spend  on  employee  benefit  programs  on  the
                                                                                 applicable line of your tax return. For example,
         employees.  If  the  amounts  are  deductible,  de-  mate the reasonable value of those items. If you
         duct the cost in whatever category the expense   purchase food and beverages together with en-  if  you  provide  dependent  care  by  operating  a
                                                                                 dependent care facility for your employees, de-
         falls.                              tertainment expenses and the cost of the food   duct your costs in whatever categories they fall
            Deduction limit on meals.   You can gen-  and beverages isn't stated separately on the in-  (utilities, salaries, etc.).
         erally deduct only 50% of the cost of furnishing   voice,  the  cost  of  the  food  and  beverages  is
                                             also an entertainment expense and none of the
                                                                                    Life  insurance  coverage.  You  can't  de-
         meals  to  your  employees.  However,  you  can   expenses are deductible. For more information,   duct the cost of life insurance coverage for you,
         deduct  the  full  cost  of  certain  meals;  see  sec-  including details about additional requirements
         tion   274(n)(2)   and   Regulations   section   that must be met for a business meal to be de-  an employee, or any person with a financial in-
                                                                                 terest in your business if you’re directly or indi-
         1.274-12(c) for more information. For example,   ductible,  see  Regulations  sections  1.274-11
         you  can  deduct  the  full  cost  of  the  following   and 1.274-12(a).  rectly the beneficiary of the policy. See Regula-
                                                                                 tions section 1.264-1 for more information.
           • Meals whose value you include in an em-  Section 210 of the Taxpayer Certainty   Welfare  benefit  funds.  A  welfare  benefit
             ployee's wages.                  TIP  and  Disaster  Tax  Relief  Act  of  2020   fund is a funded plan (or a funded arrangement
           • Meals you furnish to your employees as   provides  for  the  temporary  allowance   having the effect of a plan) that provides welfare
             part of the expense of providing recrea-  of a 100% business meal deduction for food or   benefits  to  your  employees,  independent  con-
             tional or social activities, such as holiday   beverages provided by a restaurant and paid or   tractors, or their beneficiaries. Welfare benefits
             parties or annual picnics, when made pri-  incurred  after  December  31,  2020,  and  before   are any benefits other than deferred compensa-
             marily for the benefit of your employees   January 1, 2023. For more information, see No-  tion or transfers of restricted property.
             other than employees who are officers,   tice 2021-25, 2021-17 I.R.B. 1118, available at   Your deduction for contributions to a welfare
             shareholders or other owners who own a;   and   benefit fund is limited to the fund's qualified cost
             10% or greater interest in your business, or   Notice  2021-63,  2021-49  I.R.B.  835,  available   for the tax year. If your contributions to the fund
             other highly compensated employees.  at  are  more  than  its  qualified  cost,  carry  the  ex-
           • Meals you furnish to your employees at the                          cess over to the next tax year.
             work site when you operate a restaurant or   Transportation  (commuting)  benefits.    If   Generally,  the  fund's  “qualified  cost”  is  the
             catering service.               you  provide  your  employees  with  qualified   total  of  the  following  amounts,  reduced  by  the
           • Meals you’re required by federal law to fur-  transportation  benefits,  such  as  transportation   after-tax income of the fund.
             nish to crew members of certain commer-  in a commuter highway vehicle, transit passes,   • The cost you would’ve been able to deduct
             cial vessels (or would be required to fur-  or qualified parking, you may no longer deduct   using the cash method of accounting if you
             nish if the vessels were operated at sea).   these  amounts.  P.L.  115-97  provides  that  no   had paid for the benefits directly.
             This doesn't include meals you furnish on   deduction is allowed for qualified transportation   • The contributions added to a reserve ac-
             vessels primarily providing luxury water   benefits  (whether  provided  directly  by  you,   count that are needed to fund claims incur-
             transportation.                 through  a  bona  fide  reimbursement  arrange-  red but not paid as of the end of the year.
           • Meals you furnish on an oil or gas platform   ment,  or  through  a  compensation  reduction   These claims can be for supplemental un-
             or drilling rig located offshore or in Alaska.   agreement)  incurred  or  paid  after  2017.  Also,   employment benefits, severance pay, or
             This includes meals you furnish at a sup-  no deduction is allowed for any expense incur-  disability, medical, or life insurance bene-
             port camp that is near and integral to an oil   red for providing any transportation, or any pay-  fits.
             or gas drilling rig located in Alaska.  ment  or  reimbursement  to  your  employee,  in   For  more  information,  see  sections  419(c)
               P.L.  115-97,  Tax  Cuts  and  Jobs  Act,   connection with travel between your employee's   and 419A and the related regulations.
           !   changed the rules for the deduction of   residence and place of employment, except as
          CAUTION  food or beverage expenses that are ex-  necessary  for  ensuring  the  safety  of  your  em-  Loans or Advances
         cludable  from  employee  income  as  a  de  mini-  ployee or for qualified bicycle commuting reim-
         mis fringe benefit. For amounts incurred or paid   bursements  as  described  in  section  132(f)(5)  You can generally deduct as wages an advance
         after 2017, the 50% limit on deductions for food   (F). While you may no longer deduct payments
         or  beverage  expenses  also  applies  to  food  or   for  qualified  transportation  benefits,  the  fringe   you  make  to  an  employee  for  services  to  be
                                                                                 performed if you don't expect the employee to
         beverage expenses excludable from employee   benefit  exclusion  rules  still  apply  and  the  pay-
         income  as  a  de  minimis  fringe  benefit.  While   ments,  except  for  qualified  bicycle  commuting   repay  the  advance.  However,  if  the  employee
                                                                                 performs no services, treat the amount you ad-
         your  business  deduction  may  be  limited,  the   reimbursements,  may  be  excluded  from  your
         rules that allow you to exclude certain de mini-  employee's  wages.  Although  the  value  of  a   vanced as a loan; if the employee doesn't repay
                                                                                 the loan, treat it as income to the employee.
         mis  meals  and  meals  on  your  business  prem-  qualified transportation fringe benefit is relevant
         ises  from  your  employee's  wages  still  apply.   in determining the fringe benefit exclusion and   Below-market  interest  rate  loans.    On  cer-
         See Meals in section 2 of Pub. 15-B.  whether the section 274(e)(2) exception for ex-  tain loans you make to an employee or share-
                                             penses  treated  as  compensation  applies,  the
            Food and beverage expense incurred to-  deduction  that  is  disallowed  relates  to  the  ex-  holder, you’re treated as having received inter-
                                                                                 est income and as having paid compensation or
         gether  with  entertainment  expenses.  P.L.   pense  of  providing  a  qualified  transportation   dividends  equal  to  that  interest.  See  Be-
         115-97  changed  the  rules  for  the  deduction  of   fringe, not its value. For more information, see   low-Market Loans in chapter 4.
         business entertainment expenses. For amounts   Regulations  sections  1.274-13  and  1.274-14.
         incurred or paid after 2017, no business deduc-  See Pub. 15-B for more information about quali-
         tion  is  allowed  for  any  item  generally  consid-  fied transportation benefits.
         ered to be entertainment, amusement, or recre-
         ation.  As  discussed  earlier,  you  can  deduct
         50% of the cost of business meals. If food and
         Page 10    Chapter 2  Employees' Pay
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