Page 72 - Small Business Taxes
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            Example  1.    You  paid  $10,000  to  get  a   based  on  your  adjusted  basis  in  the  improve-  Example 2.   You rent space in a facility to
         lease with 20 years remaining on it and two op-  ments at that time.    conduct your business of manufacturing tools. If
         tions  to  renew  for  5  years  each.  Of  this  cost,                 you  are  subject  to  the  uniform  capitalization
         you  paid  $7,000  for  the  original  lease  and   For more information, see the discussion of   rules, you must include the rent you paid to oc-
         $3,000  for  the  renewal  options.  Because   MACRS in chapter 4 of Pub. 946.  cupy the facility in the cost of the tools you pro-
         $7,000  is  less  than  75%  of  the  total  $10,000                    duce.
         cost of the lease (or $7,500), you must amortize   Assignment of a lease.   If a long-term lessee
         the $10,000 over 30 years. That is the remain-  who  makes  permanent  improvements  to  land   More  information.    For  exceptions  and  more
         ing life of your present lease plus the periods for   later  assigns  all  lease  rights  to  you  for  money   information on these rules, see Uniform Capital-
         renewal.                            and you pay the rent required by the lease, the   ization  Rules  in  Pub.  538  and  the  regulations
                                             amount you pay for the assignment is a capital   under section 263A.
            Example 2.   The facts are the same as in   investment. If the rental value of the leased land
         Example 1, except that you paid $8,000 for the   increased  since  the  lease  began,  part  of  your
         original  lease  and  $2,000  for  the  renewal  op-  capital  investment  is  for  that  increase  in  the
         tions. You can amortize the entire $10,000 over   rental value. The rest is for your investment in
         the 20-year remaining life of the original lease.   the permanent improvements.
         The  $8,000  cost  of  getting  the  original  lease   The part that is for the increased rental value
         was  not  less  than  75%  of  the  total  cost  of  the   of the land is a cost of getting a lease, and you   4.
         lease (or $7,500).                  amortize it over the remaining term of the lease.
                                             You can depreciate the part that is for your in-
         Cost of a modification agreement.   You may   vestment  in  the  improvements  over  the  recov-
         have  to  pay  an  additional  “rent”  amount  over   ery period of the property as discussed earlier,   Interest
         part of the lease period to change certain provi-  without regard to the lease term.
         sions  in  your  lease.  You  must  capitalize  these
         payments and amortize them over the remain-
         ing  period  of  the  lease.  You  can’t  deduct  the  Capitalizing     Introduction
         payments  as  additional  rent,  even  if  they  are   Rent Expenses    This  chapter  discusses  the  tax  treatment  of
         described as rent in the agreement.                                     business  interest  expense.  Business  interest

            Example.    You  are  a  calendar  year  tax-  Under the uniform capitalization rules, you must   expense  is  an  amount  charged  for  the  use  of
                                                                                 money you borrowed for business activities.
         payer and sign a 20-year lease to rent part of a   capitalize the direct costs and part of the indi-
         building starting on January 1. However, before   rect costs for certain production or resale activi-
         you occupy it, you decide that you really need   ties. Include these costs in the basis of property   Topics
         less  space.  The  lessor  agrees  to  reduce  your   you  produce  or  acquire  for  resale,  rather  than   This chapter discusses:
         rent from $7,000 to $6,000 per year and to re-  claiming  them  as  a  current  deduction.  You  re-
         lease the excess space from the original lease.   cover the costs through depreciation, amortiza-  • Allocation of interest
         In  exchange,  you  agree  to  pay  an  additional   tion, or cost of goods sold when you use, sell,   • Interest expense limitation
         rent  amount  of  $3,000,  payable  in  60  monthly   or otherwise dispose of the property.  • Interest you can deduct
         installments of $50 each.              Indirect  costs  include  amounts  incurred  for   • Interest you cannot deduct
            You must capitalize the $3,000 and amortize   renting or leasing equipment, facilities, or land.  • Capitalization of interest
         it over the 20-year term of the lease. Your amor-                         • When to deduct interest
         tization  deduction  each  year  will  be  $150   Uniform  capitalization  rules.    You  may  be   • Below-market loans
         ($3,000 ÷ 20). You can’t deduct the $600 (12 ×   subject to the uniform capitalization rules if you
         $50) that you will pay during each of the first 5   do  any  of  the  following,  unless  the  property  is   Useful Items
         years as rent.                      produced for your use other than in a business   You may want to see:
                                             or an activity carried on for profit.
         Commissions, bonuses, and fees.   Commis-
         sions,  bonuses,  fees,  and  other  amounts  you   1. Produce real property or tangible personal   Publication
         pay to get a lease on property you use in your   property.                   537  537 Installment Sales
         business  are  capital  costs.  You  must  amortize   2. Acquire property for resale. However, this
         these costs over the term of the lease.  rule does not apply to personal property if     550  550 Investment Income and Expenses
                                                 your average annual gross receipts are     936  936 Home Mortgage Interest Deduction
         Loss  on  merchandise  and  fixtures.    If  you   $27 million or less.
         sell at a loss merchandise and fixtures that you                          Form (and Instructions)
         bought solely to get a lease, the loss is a cost of   Effective for tax years beginning after 2017,
         getting the lease. You must capitalize the loss   if you are a small business taxpayer (see Cost     Schedule A (Form 1040)  Schedule A (Form 1040) Itemized
         and amortize it over the remaining term of the   of  Goods  Sold  in  chapter  1),  you  are  not  re-  Deductions
         lease.                              quired  to  capitalize  costs  under  section  263A.     Schedule E (Form 1040)  Schedule E (Form 1040) Supplemental
                                             See section 263A(i).                        Income and Loss
         Improvements                        erty if you construct, build, install, manufacture,     Schedule K-1 (Form 1065)  Schedule K-1 (Form 1065) Partner's
                                                Producing  property.    You  produce  prop-
         by Lessee                           develop,  improve,  create,  raise,  or  grow  the   Share of Income,
                                                                                         Deductions, Credits, etc.
                                             property.  Property  produced  for  you  under  a
         If  you  add  buildings  or  make  other  permanent   contract  is  treated  as  produced  by  you  to  the     Schedule K-1 (Form 1120-S)  Schedule K-1 (Form 1120-S)
                                                                                         Shareholder's Share of Income,
         improvements  to  leased  property,  depreciate   extent  you  make  payments  or  otherwise  incur   Deductions, Credits, etc.
         the cost of the improvements using the modified   costs in connection with the property.
         accelerated  cost  recovery  system  (MACRS).                                1098  1098 Mortgage Interest Statement
         Depreciate the property over its appropriate re-  Example  1.    You  rent  construction  equip-
                                                                                         3115 Application for Change in
         covery period. You can’t amortize the cost over   ment to build a storage facility. If you are sub-    3115 Accounting Method
         the remaining term of the lease.    ject to the uniform capitalization rules, you must
                                             capitalize as part of the cost of the building the
                                                                                         4952 Investment Interest Expense
            If  you  don’t  keep  the  improvements  when   rent  you  paid  for  the  equipment.  You  recover     4952 Deduction
         you  end  the  lease,  figure  your  gain  or  loss   your  cost  by  claiming  a  deduction  for
                                             depreciation on the building.            8582  8582 Passive Activity Loss Limitations
                                                                                           Chapter 4  Interest    Page 13
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