Page 75 - Small Business Taxes
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         basis  over  the  term  of  the  loan.  Beginning  in   tests.  For  exceptions  to  the  general  rule,  see   If the funds are for inventory or certain prop-
         2022,  you  can  deduct  $150  each  year  for  10   Pub. 936.          erty used in your business, the fees are indirect
         years.                                 The points reduce the issue price of the loan   costs  and  you  must  generally  capitalize  them
            Constant-yield  method.  If  the  OID  is  not   and result in OID, deductible as explained in the   under the uniform capitalization rules. See Cap-
                                                                                 italization of Interest, later.
         de  minimis,  you  must  use  the  constant-yield   preceding discussion.
         method  to  figure  how  much  you  can  deduct                         Interest  on  income  tax.  Interest  charged  on
         each year. You figure your deduction for the first   Partial  payments  on  a  nontax  debt.  If  you   income tax assessed on your individual income
         year using the following steps.     make partial payments on a debt (other than a   tax  return  is  not  a  business  deduction  even
                                             debt  owed  to  the  IRS),  the  payments  are  ap-
           1. Determine the issue price of the loan.   plied,  in  general,  first  to  interest  and  any  re-  though  the  tax  due  is  related  to  income  from
             Generally, this equals the proceeds of the   mainder  to  principal.  You  can  deduct  only  the   your trade or business. Treat this interest as a
             loan. If you paid points on the loan (as dis-  interest. This rule does not apply when it can be   business deduction only in figuring a net operat-
             cussed later), the issue price is generally   inferred  that  the  borrower  and  lender  under-  ing loss deduction.
             the difference between the proceeds and   stood that a different allocation of the payments   Penalties.  Penalties on underpaid deficien-
             the points.                     would be made.                      cies and underpaid estimated tax are not inter-
           2. Multiply the result in (1) by the yield to ma-                     est.  You  cannot  deduct  them.  Generally,  you
             turity.                         Installment purchase.  If you make an install-  cannot deduct any fines or penalties.
                                             ment  purchase  of  business  property,  the  con-
           3. Subtract any qualified stated interest pay-  tract between you and the seller generally pro-  Interest on loans with respect to life insur-
             ments from the result in (2). This is the   vides for the payment of interest. If no interest   ance  policies.  You  generally  cannot  deduct
             OID you can deduct in the first year.  or  a  low  rate  of  interest  is  charged  under  the   interest on a debt incurred with respect to any
            To figure your deduction in any subsequent   contract,  a  portion  of  the  stated  principal   life  insurance,  annuity,  or  endowment  contract
                                             amount payable under the contract may be re-
         year, follow the steps above, except determine   characterized  as  interest  (unstated  interest).   that covers any individual unless that individual
         the  adjusted  issue  price  in  step  1.  To  get  the   The amount recharacterized as interest reduces   is a key person.
         adjusted issue price, add to the issue price any   your  basis  in  the  property  and  increases  your   If the policy or contract covers a key person,
         OID  previously  deducted.  Then  follow  steps  2   interest  expense.  For  more  information  on  in-  you can deduct the interest on up to $50,000 of
         and 3 above.                        stallment sales and unstated interest, see Pub.   debt for that person. However, the deduction for
            The  yield  to  maturity  is  generally  shown  in   537.            any month cannot be more than the interest fig-
         the  literature  you  receive  from  your  lender.  If                  ured using Moody's Composite Yield on Seas-
         you  do  not  have  this  information,  consult  your                   oned  Corporate  Bonds  (formerly  known  as
         lender  or  tax  advisor.  In  general,  the  yield  to   Interest You Cannot   Moody's   Corporate   Bond   Yield   Aver-
         maturity is the discount rate that, when used in                        age—Monthly  Average  Corporates)  (Moody's
         figuring the present value of all principal and in-  Deduct             rate) for that month.
         terest payments, produces an amount equal to                               Who  is  a  key  person?  A  “key  person”  is
         the principal amount of the loan.   Certain interest payments cannot be deducted.   an officer or 20% owner. However, the number
            Example.  The facts are the same as in the   In  addition,  certain  other  expenses  that  may   of  individuals  you  can  treat  as  key  persons  is
                                             seem to be interest, but are not, cannot be de-
         previous  example,  except  that  you  deduct  the   ducted as interest.  limited to the greater of the following.
         OID on a constant-yield basis over the term of                            • Five individuals.
         the  loan.  The  yield  to  maturity  on  your  loan  is   You  cannot  currently  deduct  interest  that   • The lesser of 5% of the total officers and
                                                                                     employees of the company or 20 individu-
         10.2467%,  compounded  annually.  For  2022,   must  be  capitalized,  and  you  generally  cannot
         you  can  deduct  $93  [($98,500  ×  0.102467)  −   deduct personal interest.  als.
         $10,000].  For  2023,  you  can  deduct  $103                              Exceptions for pre-June 1997 contracts.
         [($98,593 × 0.102467) − $10,000].   Interest  paid  with  funds  borrowed  from   You can generally deduct the interest if the con-
                                             original lender.  If you use the cash method of
            Loan  or  mortgage  ends.  If  your  loan  or   accounting, you cannot deduct interest you pay   tract was issued before June 9, 1997, and the
         mortgage ends, you may be able to deduct any   with  funds  borrowed  from  the  original  lender   covered  individual  is  someone  other  than  an
                                                                                 employee, officer, or someone financially inter-
         remaining OID in the tax year in which the loan   through  a  second  loan,  an  advance,  or  any
         or mortgage ends. A loan or mortgage may end   other  arrangement  similar  to  a  loan.  You  can   ested in your business. If the contract was pur-
                                                                                 chased  before  June  21,  1986,  you  can  gener-
         due  to  a  refinancing,  prepayment,  foreclosure,   deduct  the  interest  expense  once  you  start
         or similar event.                   making payments on the new loan.    ally  deduct  the  interest  no  matter  who  is
                                                                                 covered by the contract.
               If you refinance with the original lender,   When you make a payment on the new loan,
                                                                                    Interest  allocated  to  unborrowed  policy
           !   you  generally  cannot  deduct  the  re-  you first apply the payment to interest and then   cash  value.  Corporations  and  partnerships
                                             to the principal. All amounts you apply to the in-
          CAUTION  maining OID in the year in which the re-
         financing occurs, but you may be able to deduct   terest on the first loan are deductible, along with   generally  cannot  deduct  any  interest  expense
         it  over  the  term  of  the  new  mortgage  or  loan.   any interest you pay on the second loan, sub-  allocable to unborrowed cash values of life in-
         See  Interest  paid  with  funds  borrowed  from   ject to any limits that apply.  surance, annuity, or endowment contracts. This
         original  lender  under  Interest  You  Cannot  De-                     rule  applies  to  contracts  issued  after  June  8,
         duct, later.                        Capitalized interest.  You cannot currently de-  1997, that cover someone other than an officer,
                                             duct interest you are required to capitalize un-  director, employee, or 20% owner. For more in-
                                             der  the  uniform  capitalization  rules.  See  Capi-  formation, see section 264(f).
         Points.  The  term  “points”  is  used  to  describe   talization of Interest, later. In addition, if you buy
         certain  charges  paid,  or  treated  as  paid,  by  a   property and pay interest owed by the seller (for
         borrower to obtain a loan or a mortgage. These   example, by assuming the debt and any interest  Capitalization of Interest
         charges  are  also  called  loan  origination  fees,   accrued  on  the  property),  you  cannot  deduct
         maximum loan charges, discount points, or pre-  the interest. Add this interest to the basis of the
         mium charges. If any of these charges (points)   property.              Under the uniform capitalization rules, you must
                                                                                 generally  capitalize  interest  on  debt  equal  to
         are solely for the use of money, they are inter-
         est.                                Commitment fees or standby charges.  Fees   your  expenditures  to  produce  real  property  or
                                                                                 certain tangible personal property. The property
            Because  points  are  prepaid  interest,  you   you incur to have business funds available on a   must be produced by you for use in your trade
         generally  cannot  deduct  the  full  amount  in  the   standby basis, but not for the actual use of the   or business or for sale to customers. You can-
         year paid. However, you can choose to fully de-  funds, are not deductible as interest payments.   not  capitalize  interest  related  to  property  that
         duct points in the year paid if you meet certain   You  may  be  able  to  deduct  them  as  business   you acquire in any other manner.
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